Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • leonora711
    leonora711 Posts: 29 Member
    leonora711 wrote: »

    JFT 15.07.2015
    1. Stay under my calorie limit for the day (1500 + half exercise calories) :)
    2. Go for my run (Couch25k W2D3) :)
    3. Look for a job :)
    4. Make onigiri. :( (Moved to today)
    5. Laundry :)
    6. Cut up and freeze some fruit :( (Decided I don't actually need to)

    JFT 16.07.2015
    1. Stay under my calorie limit for the day (1500 + half exercise calories)
    2. Make onigiri
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    feistyjojo wrote: »
    Thursday's goals:
    - meditate
    - choose to avoid eating ANY biscuits at my sister's
    - sensible lunch choice at the pub
    - stop when I'm full at dinner

    1. No. Will do as I go to sleep... and it's not the same
    2. 2. Nearly. Avoided until late on when had 2.
    3. Didn't do pub lunch in the end... Instead healthy salad at home then 3.5 mile walk
    4. Yes. Had more wine than planned tho. Mind you.... haven't had dinner with my sis (enen at home) for months!!!
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    Friday's goals
    - choose NO biscuits/sweet stuff at conference in morning. Then allow myself to enjoy afternoon bbq treats as a reward
    - eat mindfully at lunch
  • gina10thomp
    gina10thomp Posts: 3 Member

    JFT 7/15
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,523 Member
    just for today I will use this for 15 minutes every 2 hours at my desk at work (we have to share it), the boss bought it for us so we are not idle all day at our desks...


    (I don't know how to post pictures..can someone help me?)

    In the reply box at the bottom of the page there are some icons on the top right hand side. Do you see the little camera? Click on that and it says Choose file. Click on that and it should take you to your photos. Choose your photo and Click done and it should be in your post. Hope I put in all the steps.
  • rebeccaEsmith
    rebeccaEsmith Posts: 1,136 Member
    Just for today 17.07
    1. No Drinking tonight to wash away my week
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,778 Member
    JFT 16/07
    1. Pre-plan, stick to the plan. If it works, don't change it lol :)
    2. 30 minutes of gentle yoga stretches :)
    3. 60 + minutes on chores :)
    4. Sort out the rest of my packing :)
    5. Work on photo archives :/ no time to do this
    6. Long Walk in the local park, weather permitting :( torrential rain. Had to walk at home to get my 10,000 steps

    @vicky1947mfp Step by step, to reach your goal; brick by brick build your dream.
    It's great to see all the positive attitudes here. :grin::heart:

    May the light of contentment shine on your soul. [/quote]

    JFT 17/07
    1. Pre-plan menus, stick to plan
    2. Packing for tomorrow
    3. 40 Tai Chi
    4. Consultation in Belfast with my surgeon after lunch to schedule hip op

    Live, learn, love.

  • markmacare
    markmacare Posts: 198 Member
    Just for today 17-07
    1. Workout
    2. Meditate
    3. Finalize contract for house

    1. Workout :smiley:
    2. Cycle to work :smiley:
    3. Review contract for new house :smiley:
    4. Have talk with mortgage broker :smiley:
  • aleph_0
    aleph_0 Posts: 30 Member
    This is a great idea, I hope you don't mind if I jump in!

    JFT 17/07
    * Go for a run
    * Make a sensible choice at the food market later
    * Long list of chores ;)
    * Do my part of the packing
    * Get some time in to relax and read or play video games - it's my day off work after all!
  • michelle1173
    michelle1173 Posts: 158 Member
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water. :smiley:
    2. Be productive and finish to-do list :smiley:
    3. Limit computer/phone activity that is not productive. (no addictive games!) :smiley:
    4. Try to sleep by 12:30 :smiley:


    5. Awake by 7 AM and get out of bed by 7:30 AM. :smiley:
    6 Post goals by 8 AM. :smiley:

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water.
    2. Be productive and finish to-do list
    3. Limit computer/phone activity that is not productive. (no addictive games!)
    4. Make health food choices. Research food and fitness ideas.
    5. Try to sleep by 12:30


    5. Awake by 6 AM and get out of bed by 6:15 AM. Go to Zumba.
    6 Post goals by 8 AM.
  • CMW0929
    CMW0929 Posts: 2 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,
    I think this is such a wonderful day...I was just telling myself to take one day at a time. I am 5'0 138lbs and would like to get under 130.

    Here are my goals just for today..
    1.Go to bed by 9:30pm
    2.Eat more veggies throughout the day
    2.Eat only fruit, veggies or light healthy snack after 8pm.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. Ugggg...should be 15,000 steps, but my feet hurt :( was feeling sick and decided to take a rest day
    2. Lift weights :(
    3. under 100G carbs :)


    Kind of a crazy day...not exactly sure what I am going to be able to do today.
    1. 12,000 steps
    2. lift weights
    3. under 100G carbs
  • leonora711
    leonora711 Posts: 29 Member
    leonora711 wrote: »

    JFT 16.07.2015
    1. Stay under my calorie limit for the day (1500 + half exercise calories) :)
    2. Make onigiri :)

    JFT 17.07.2015
    1. Stay under my calorie limit for the day (1500 + half exercise calories)
    2. Couch25k W3D1
    3. Make string cheese
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    edited July 2015
    I thought I did this earlier today, but do not find it. So here goes:

    Thurs 7/16/15
    <3 1. I will eat only my planned food - no late night snacking.
    >:) 2. Walk out side if my leg can handle it. Was in my chair all day with heating pad on leg
    <3 3. Kitchen closes at 9:00 for me.
    <3 4. Stay on plan when we eat at a restaurant

    Fri 7/17/15
    1. I will eat only my planned food - no late night snacking.
    2. Walk outside when my leg can handle it.
    3. Kitchen closes at 9:00 for me.
  • jenean52
    jenean52 Posts: 80 Member
    30 min cycling
    Stay within calorie allotment
    Eat 2 serving of vegetables
    Drink 8 glasses of water
  • michelle1173
    michelle1173 Posts: 158 Member

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water.
    2. Be productive and finish to-do list
    3. Limit computer/phone activity that is not productive. (no addictive games!)
    4. Make health food choices. Research food and fitness ideas.
    5. Try to sleep by 12:30. (Almost)


    5. Awake by 6 AM and get out of bed by 6:15 AM. Go to Zumba.
    6 Post goals by 8 AM.

    I completed most of my goals. I was closer with #5.

    1. Be patient and silly
    2. Don't eat if I'm not hungry
    3. Do something active
    4. Try to sleep by 1 am

    Get up 7:30. Out of bed by 8 am
    Post goals by 10 am.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member

    JFT Thursday 7/16
    1) Find out why iPod Shuffle won't stop shuffling. lol
    2) Chiropracter
    3) Get all my water in - aiming at 10 glasses today

    Apple replaced the Shuffle for me, and I did everything else.

    JFT Saturday 7/18
    1) A single plan: I'm at the beach and planning to enjoy the weekend
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Good morning on this beautiful Saturday. B)

    My leg did not let me walk. And, it is all ready hurting now, so unless things change I am not walking. :'(

    Fri 7/17/15
    <3 1. I will eat only my planned food - no late night snacking.
    >:) 2. Walk outside when my leg can handle it.
    <3 3. Kitchen closes at 9:00 for me.

    Sat 7/18/15
    1. I will eat only my planned food - no late night snacking.
    2. Walk outside when my leg can handle it.
    3. Kitchen closes at 9:00 for me.

  • happy2bchubby
    happy2bchubby Posts: 1 Member

    I am going to believe in myself, that I can change for good.
    I am going to exercise because it makes me feel better
    I am going to control myself, and not let food control me.

    I don't need to eat junk! I don't want to eat junk! I may have wanted it in the past, but not anymore.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    I really love scrolling up and seeing other people's daily goals. Maybe one of these days I'll randomly copy whoever is directly above me!

    But for today:
    1. Meditate
    2. 30 minutes of yoga stretching for back pain
    3. Keep sugar under 30g
    4. Log everything