scolaris Member


  • I had a bad bout last fall. I kept walking, but no running or dance :-( I wore ONLY a stability running shoe outfitted with superfeet orthotics for an entire semester of substitute teaching. I stretched and iced religiously. When it finally passed after 4-5 months I tossed all my pancake flat fashion shoes, even if they…
  • Blow your own mind here: there is no 'wagon.' Get out of the idea that you are on or off any sort of magical wagon, boat, scooter, rocket ship, broomstick, or skittle pooping unicorn entirely. Sure you can have 'streaks.' I'll throw you a bone. So you broke your last streak. How long will your next one last? Make it even…
  • Fortunately for me my weight loss coincided with my husband going from being a career NPS guy in ranger uniforms to spending 4 months in DC wearing suits everyday at NPS headquarters for his detail as a legislative aide. It cost us $1700 to buy him two full tailored suits, dress shoes, a sport jacket, a weeks worth of…
  • (This is the dirty little secret of wardrobe minimalists: we don't do as much actual shopping but we spend A LOT of time thinking about & planning our shopping! Hahaha)
  • But ohmygosh finding cute, well made but still affordable belts is an obsession of mine! Like finding needles in a haystack!!
  • It is much easier in the SAHM years if you get to enjoy a few of those... Harder to look professional for full time job commitments in ill fitting tailored wear. I'm lucky because subbing allows me to dress kind of 'artsy/weekend' and not need suits or button fronts unless I want them.
  • Consignment is great! And thrifting is fun if your time allows. I don't have time unfortunately. I do average my replacement costs. I recently scored 3 short sleeve knits at old navy & Kmart for $8, $8, and $14... that allowed me to splurge on a beautifully embroidered knit to from sundance because the average per piece…
  • I've gone from a 12 to a 6 or 8 (28 or 29) in jeans over the last 7 or 8 months. I was lucky to get hand me downs along the way from a friend who is also losing weight. I've only bought a few 6's and all in the last 5-6 weeks. In tops I went from L to M & just replaced tops thru normal attrition. I'm a school sub so after…
  • Also, when I was fat I spent a lot of my time working long hours on two small businesses, cooking almost all of my family's food entirely from scratch, and working to make my home particularly lovely. I wasn't lazy, but I was sedentary! Now I prioritize myself much higher!
  • People like binary absolutes. It makes them feel safe... In reality, there are lots of grays to discern. What strikes me among some of the most overweight people who have quizzed me about my approach to weight loss since I began last August is how much misinformation they are operating under. They lead with things like 'Oh…
  • Yeah I certainly wouldn't dignify what they are doing with a heartfelt letter and a bunch of visual exhibits. Bwaa ha ha. Nope!
  • Cut the apron strings in your own mind. It's not your problem what anyone thinks. I'd look into not moving back home again if I were you.
  • This can work fine. It really depends on the person. Try it and see what happens; edit your behavior of necessary.
  • Turning 40 was a hard transition for me; hang tough it will lighten up! The real always kicks whoopass on the ideal, so start small and do what you can. Think of it as a large knitting pattern and add a stitch when what you are already doing feels easier. A slightly frayed month of overall consistency will get you further…
  • NOTHING is worse than self righteous soap box posturing. You're not the fat sheriff of anybody else. Kill 'em with kindness and courtesy in your tiny new jeans!!
  • Don't! 'Never complain, never explain.' Wisest words ever in terms of weight loss. I just smile and say 'oh no thanks. That doesn't appeal right now. Maybe next time.'
  • My plan is to get just inside the BMI tent & get a body comp scan done. You really can't pick an ideal weight without an accurate body fat analysis. And that changes over time. I got married almost 30 years ago at 126 lbs but a measurement based test recently pegged me at about 118-120 lbs of lean body mass. Considering I…
  • I eat probably 80/20 and vega one is a delicious part of my convenient 20%... I work two jobs so I'm up early all 7 mornings. A protein rich shake is a treat. I make a mocha shake with freshly ground coffee, ice cubes, 4 oz frozen pumpkin purée, 4 oz frozen banana chunks, one whole roasted beet cut in squares, about 12…
    in Vega One Comment by scolaris May 2016
  • I use my active minutes as a gauge too! And, I was walking 10k+/- as a fat person! :-(
  • Yes, don't over react. People act like not falling off routine is important but it's actually seamlessly getting back on routine that really matters! On a busy week that included finals & a family members birthday I would consider setting myself to maintenance and then resuming my normal deficit when the dust settled. In…
  • I'm going to bookmark this one specifically for all the brides-to-be who show up here breathlessly hoping to lose 30 lbs in 6 weeks or some such thing... I usually tell them 'spanx'. Now I can offer 'PHOTOSHOP + spanx' LOL
  • I did drive to my neighborhood school for subbing today I'm ashamed to admit! LOL But I feel pretty good overall. My previous high number was 36k or so, but on a rugged hike day. This was pretty easy on the feet. My husband said it felt kind of like he felt post marathons. Getting back to the OP: I think of walking as my…
  • That article has so much wrong with it! First: Biggest Loser is a very flawed show. People are whisked off to their special 'fantasy island' style fat ranch where they are cajoled all day into extreme work out & dietary strategies which teach them exactly diddly squat about managing their own real life situations.…
  • I need to reread.... you're extrapolating too much here I believe. Other legitimate studies show the metabolism heals with time. And VLCDs are for chumps. As are many bands. People don't deal with their real issues & are doomed to fail at maintenance.
  • @Christine_72 it took me all day! I didn't run any timekeeper on my phone because I knew it would chew up the battery. And we took our time stopping for food, etc. At the end of the day Fitbit said 514 active minutes which is about 8.5 hours. We started in SF at Chrissy field, went up thru Russian Hill & Pacific Heights,…
  • That's coming haitch... Hahaha
  • Today I walked 53289 steps (22 miles).... shocking! I did it for my 53rd birthday. I may not be ABLE to walk tomorrow LOL
  • I have to go longer to lose. 100k a week is about average. Stress relief + deficit enhancement.