chelsea7162 Member


  • If traditional methods are not working, you NEED to see a doctor. This forum is not a replacement for proper medical advice and registered dieticians. Seek out a registered dietician and get blood work done to eliminate any hormonal issues. You noted that you have low T, have you tried hormone therapy to up your levels?…
  • Like others have stated, juice cleanses are not really that good for you. If you're insitant on doing some type of cleanse for whatever reason, it would be better to drink smoothies. At least with smoothies you get fibre and you can add protein powders (I like Orgain vanilla with frozen fruit chunks and almond milk).
  • Macros aren't really that important, as long as you're getting 1g protein per kilo of body weight. I right now really like having around 30% of my calories to be protein and then I fill it in the remains with good carbs and fats with a focus on fats. Don't be afraid to figure out what works for you. For example I prefer…
  • Check out a strength training program called strong curves and get a decent gym membership. I'm suggesting this because weighted barbell squats and deadlifts can actually strengthen the whole core. This is a very good free program for newbies in the gym and is lower body focused so you can gain some nice muscular legs as…
  • Does anyone have any lchf vegan suggestions? I used to do keto but I eat vegan for personal reasons now, and I'd like to reduce my carb intake further again (I try to have under net 100g a day, preferably under 60g).
  • I found these bars at Costco, but they're called Simply protein bars and they're fantastic. I don't know if you can get them outside of Canada though.
  • I haven't personally tried them, but myprotein has some vegan protein blends. I personally use Vega, Orgain, and whatever new vegan protein powder I can find. I don't really snack, so I can't say what a good high protein snack is as I'll normally just eat a protein bar from Clif (Clif builder) or whatever brand I currently…
  • Have you considered taking a supplement? I can very easily reach my calcium goals with things like fortified nut milks (lower in calories than regular milk and doesn't break me out), as well as calcium set tofu. Also maybe try adding in a leafy green salad with your supper or lunch?
  • Avocados work very well in salads, I like to slice up half an avocado and add it to a kale salad with a small amount of my favourite dressing, as well as some other veggies and sprouts. The trick is to find flavours you actually like and build off that.
  • Track the daily amount of calories you're consuming. Make sure you're actually eating more calories than you burn. If you're eating an excess of calories and still not gaining, you can bring in the log of caloric intake to a dietician and work from there.
  • I only have experience with vegan protein powders, but I hope this can still help. I prefer Orgain vanilla protein powder added to fruit smoothies and with unsweetened cashew milk for the liquid. Vega sport is very good for keeping you feeling satisfied for a long time, but I'm not a huge fan of the taste (at first it was…
  • Everyone says squats, but I found sumo deadlift and hip thrusts do way more for the booty than squats. Strong curves is probably the best program for you, but if you don't want to follow a program I'd suggest hitting up the squat rack and learning to love the deadlift (and also making sure you perfect the form)
  • While I'm not doing keto as a vegetarian, I'm trying to increase my fat intake as a vegan. If you can stick to some staple foods you should be fine. I'll only be discussing vegan options bcs I don't eat eggs or dairy, but I hope I can help. Since its net carbs that you count, eat lots of leafy greens. Add avocados to your…
  • As long as you're getting one gram of protein per pound of lean muscle mass, and .5g fat per pound of body weight you're fine. Mix whatever macros work for you
  • Often you're not hungry and you're just bored, so do things to keep your mind off food. Try adding things like lemon to your water or drinking regular tea. I'm assuming you're doing a fasting cycle where you eat all your calories for the day at once? I forgot the proper name for this but you should be able to google…
  • Try lowering your calories to 1400 and sticking to it. This way if you aren't fully accurately logging you'll probably be around what you want your calories to be at.
  • I premake lasagna for 3-4 days in advance. Instead of noodles you can use a gluten free lasagna noodle. I have a very veggie heavy meal and no meat or dairy in mine, instead using a soy based meat alternative (tvp rehydrated with veggie broth cooked with onions) and a mushroom cashew milk sauce. Surprisingly it reheats…
  • You only really need 1g of protein per kg of bodyweight, but I go around 1.6g per kilo. I second Orgain, it's very tasty!
  • Stick to around 25% protein at the end of the day, with fat and carbs where you find they work best.
  • Soy milk is the best non dairy protein milk as far a protein. I like the Silk unsweetened the best. Maybe Vega or Orgain protein shakes might be appealing? I love Orgain vanilla protein powder and it's dairy free as well as available at Costco. It's pretty easy to get in enough protein if you look around and see what's…
  • Vegan here! I think my diary is open but right now I'm doing some partial meal prep for a few days. I'm not the best at nutrition but I'm trying to get it under control. My advice is eat as many green vegetables as you can. Also grilled mushrooms go good with everything. Beans and rice? Now it's beans and rice and grilled…
  • You can kind of change your body shape with heavy lifting. Want more curves? Heavy deadlifts and squats and maybe some weighted lunges. You'll want to still lift upper body heavy as well. Heavy = as much as you can for around 8-10 or 5 reps. I started off with the strong lifts program and now do that for all my main three…
  • I love beans but don't eat them enough. I eat them weekly, especially lentils! I love my legumes
  • My go to planner is a carb, a vegetable or two, and a protein. My carb is normally quinoa cooked with spices or sprouted wild rice cooked with some saffron and low sodium vegetable broth. Lentils also work instead of rice or quinoa, as well as a bean salad (mixed cooked beans, a touch of agave nectar, a drizzle of olive or…
  • You're a healthy body weight, keeping in mind that you are very short. I suggest exercising more and you can easily look smaller. Muscle weighs more than fat, so if you're the same weight but "muscular" (lifting heavy and doing light cardio 2-3 times a week). I suggest learn to lift and you'll get toned, even with very…
  • I only have plant based protein ideas to offer but I also live somewhere that has expensive meat. If I'm cooking a large meal I'll use Gardein meatless crumbles, tastes just like meat without as much fat and is often on sale, very good for tacos and takes spices perfectly. Beans are very cheap, basically any legume has…
  • I don't eat fish anymore but when I did I loved salmon sashimi, it was my favourite meat.
  • I eat a high carb diet because it works for me. I have tried the keto diet in the past and while it works, I never got over the "keto flu", even with lots of potassium and sodium in my diet. Since going vegan keto isn't an option (I don't want to live off of vega protein powder and coconut oil), but cutting out processed…
  • I don't eat meat but I love Setian jerky. It's got the right texture and really soaks up flavour.
  • Add more milk or water to it.