Doing keto diet as a vegetarian, words of wisdom?

I've been a low carb vegetarian for 5 years with a total weight loss of 95 lbs, need to lose 25-35 more lbs and looking for advice since I've stalled out here for the last 6 months.


  • littlechiaseed
    littlechiaseed Posts: 489 Member
    Eat more carbs, healthy carbs and just count your calls and stick to your macros.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Not keto nor vegetarian, but damn, this sounds difficult.

    Is it possible?
  • minniemoo1972
    minniemoo1972 Posts: 295 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Not keto nor vegetarian, but damn, this sounds difficult.

    Is it possible?

    Yes. ...but very dairy/nut heavy i would guess. Not one I'd even attempt.
  • haugentimo
    haugentimo Posts: 33 Member
    I have been keto for months now. IMO opinion if you are not ovolactoVegetarian (which is not really vegetarian), haha good luck.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Not keto nor vegetarian, but damn, this sounds difficult.

    Is it possible?

    I'd think vegetarian wise would be easy but I doubt it could be done vegan. Vegetarians can have eggs, cottage cheese, yoghurts etc.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    susanpozzo wrote: »
    I've been a low carb vegetarian for 5 years with a total weight loss of 95 lbs, need to lose 25-35 more lbs and looking for advice since I've stalled out here for the last 6 months.

    If you have stalled for that length of time you need to cut your calories further.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    more exercise, less food! I'm not a vegetarian but I eat like one most of the time so it's eggs, cream, butter, yogurt, veggies, nuts and seeds mostly for me.
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    Are you able to eat things such as butter, eggs, dairy? Avocados are a good option.

    You could have a spinach salad, with cucumbers, hard boiled eggs, avocado, a cream dressing such as ranch, and some cheese. That would be a vegetarian keto option.

    Nuts for snacks (portioned, of course) or cheese sticks.

    Usually vegetarian ketoers have a higher carb count than someone who eats meat - but it definitely can be done.

    Zucchini stir fry with olive oil, bell peppers, mushrooms, and some onion/garlic.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Keto is a fad diet, that can be dangerous. Eat lots of vegetables and move more. That will work way better then any fad diet.
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    edited August 2016
    without knowing any other details, you're not losing because you hit a plateau and are eating at maintenance for your current weight. so, you need to eat fewer calories in order to keep losing. this is the same for everyone no matter what type of food they eat.
  • MarkusDarwath
    MarkusDarwath Posts: 393 Member
    A keto diet without actual meat is going to be mostly eggs and spinach.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Not keto nor vegetarian, but damn, this sounds difficult.

    Is it possible?

    I'd think vegetarian wise would be easy but I doubt it could be done vegan. Vegetarians can have eggs, cottage cheese, yoghurts etc.

    I know of a (very small) group of vegan keto people on reddit. (r/veganketo). But the diet is pretty monotonous because there isn't much variety. Unless I had a specific health reason to follow it, I don't think I could ever handle it.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    A keto diet without actual meat is going to be mostly eggs and spinach.

  • BillMcKay1
    BillMcKay1 Posts: 315 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Not keto nor vegetarian, but damn, this sounds difficult.

    Is it possible?

    I'd think vegetarian wise would be easy but I doubt it could be done vegan. Vegetarians can have eggs, cottage cheese, yoghurts etc.

    I know of a (very small) group of vegan keto people on reddit. (r/veganketo). But the diet is pretty monotonous because there isn't much variety. Unless I had a specific health reason to follow it, I don't think I could ever handle it.

    Toss in some crossfit and you have buzzword bingo. Imagine the conversations, I'm a keto vegan who does crossfit 5x a week...
  • FarewellBlues
    FarewellBlues Posts: 66 Member
    I'm doing keto currently (I have about 10 lbs of fat left I'd like to lose and body recomp is so much easier for me on keto), and while I'm not actually vegetarian, I do eat vegetarian about 90% of the time. Vegetarian keto is easy: the diet is high FAT, so just throw more oil (olive, coconut, etc) on all the vegetables. I do eat eggs but mostly in things like flax bread, etc. Anyways not really the point of the post.

    If you've found yourself stalling, I'd say try any of the three following things:

    (1) Reduce your calories (but try to keep the macro ratios the same). On your smaller self you may just be supplying your body with all the energy it needs through food. One caveat. "Calories-in-calories-out" is correct in theory (I'm a physicist, I know thermodynamics). But, particularly the "calories out" part of the equation is really difficult to determine. Your body has all sorts of metabolic and regulatory processes that compensate for a variable calorie input, so you might find that tweaking your calories doesn't really do much. (Also there's obviously a limit to how low you can/should go with calories).

    (2) Bump up your exercise. There's already a lot of information about low-carb diets and exercise around the internet, just google it. Personally, I've had the best results with longer low-intensity exercise (like lots of hikes, there are hills in my area), usually right when I wake up. I do some high-intensity interval-type training and weights also, this has two effects: I get a lot hungrier and am likely to overcompensate, and also I can eat more carbs and still stay in ketosis. If you're doing just low-carb and not necessarily ketosis then I'd say just go with whatever exercise you like best.

    (3) Try doing IF (intermittant fasting) - just eat the same amount of calories you normally would in a smaller time window. (16 hours fasting/8 hours eating is a popular starting point). People will scream CICO. Yeah, sure, that's a good first-order approximation, but it fails to account for different time-dependent regulatory processes (as noted above), and hence deviations from the mean behavior it presupposes. You know if we relied on average behavior to describe physical systems we would never get neat things like phase transitions (think water freezing or a metal developing spontaneous magnetization at low temperatures). The amount of energy your body needs is the solution to a set of coupled, time-dependent, non-linear differential equations. These are hard (if not impossible) to solve in any exact fashion. So I'm saying I don't know exactly by what mechanisms IF works, but it exploits some neat things your body does in a fasted state, adds in some time-dependence to the equation, and is probably a second-order correction on CICO. Give it a try if other things fail.

    Good luck!
  • chelsea7162
    chelsea7162 Posts: 97 Member
    While I'm not doing keto as a vegetarian, I'm trying to increase my fat intake as a vegan. If you can stick to some staple foods you should be fine. I'll only be discussing vegan options bcs I don't eat eggs or dairy, but I hope I can help. Since its net carbs that you count, eat lots of leafy greens. Add avocados to your meals if you can afford them. You can also try bulletproof coffee, which is coconut oil and coffee blended together often with a pinch of stevia and some type of low carb creamer if wanted. Peanut butter is really good if you can find the sugar free variety. Vegan keto is even possible, but very hard for someone like me who would have to depend on protein powders.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    Keto is a fad diet, that can be dangerous. Eat lots of vegetables and move more. That will work way better then any fad diet.

    Unless you have actual proof of your claims, please keep your opinions to yourself. Been on keto for nearly three years now. Not dead yet. Healthy now than I ever was eating a high carb and low fat diet, and it's the only WOE that has helped me maintain a healthy weight. It's not the be-all-end-all of weight loss, but it's one of many ways one can achieve their goals. I wouldn't call that a fad.
  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    susanpozzo wrote: »
    I've been a low carb vegetarian for 5 years with a total weight loss of 95 lbs, need to lose 25-35 more lbs and looking for advice since I've stalled out here for the last 6 months.

    Check out there is a section there for vegan keto eating
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Not keto nor vegetarian, but damn, this sounds difficult.

    Is it possible?

    It is possible. You just replace the meats with things like tofu or soy products. I did a small stint with vegetarian keto. Basically just used tofu/tofurkey in place of meats and doubled up on eggs. I was able to still have tuna, so that helped a bit, as well as spam. Would I ever do it again? Nah. I loves my chicken far too much!
  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    Keto is a fad diet, that can be dangerous. Eat lots of vegetables and move more. That will work way better then any fad diet.

    started low carb high fat or keto in January. I have been able to lower my calories and not be hungry. I have lost 86 pounds and have not exercised.