Fairlife protein + cold brew, you're gonna love it!
It take about 12-18 months for a ganglion cyst to go away. Wear a brace if it's bothering you. Other than that, surgery, but even that is no guarantee.
I've been away too long, looking for new friends as the old ones are gone. Anyone can add me!
You can both add me if you like. I'm revamping my diet and exercise plans, just not where I thought I'd be by now. Time to get serious!
I can't believe it's June! I haven't come close to where I thought I'd be. So I'm buckling down and revamping my diet and exercise plans. Feel free to add me~
Starting Weight 206.6 Current Weight 197.2 April Goal 192.0 Ultimate Goal 140 Weigh in days on Monday, so 4.03: 197.2 no loss, but no gain either! 4.10: 4.17: 4.24: 5.01: Total loss for April:
Starting my 3d month with this group! Starting Weight 206.6 Current Weight 197.2 April Goal 192.0 Ultimate Goal 140 Weigh in days on Monday, so 4.03: 4.10: 4.17: 4.24: 5.01: Total loss for April:
Starting Weight 206.6 Current Weight 202.2 March Goal 196.0 Ultimate Goal 140 Weigh in days on Monday, so 3.06: 199.2 3.13: 199.2 3.20: forgot to weigh in 3.27: 197.2 Total loss for March:: 5 lbs Didn't hit my goal, but still happy with with the results. Looking forward to the April thread!
Starting Weight 206.6 Current Weight 202.2 March Goal 196.0 Ultimate Goal 140 Weigh in days on Monday, so 3.06: 199.2 3.13: 199.2 3.20: 3.27: Total loss for March:: Oh poop! no loss this week, gonna keep at it!
Starting Weight 206.6 Current Weight 202.2 March Goal 196.0 Ultimate Goal 140 Weigh in days on Monday, so 3.06: 199.2 3.13: 3.20: 3.27: Total loss for March:: Starting to cycle calories, and so far, it's a win!
Glad to be doing this again, it helps me to remain accountable and not quit! Starting Weight 206.6 Current Weight 202.2 March Goal 196.0 Ultimate Goal 140 Weigh in days on Monday, so 3.06: 3.13: 3.20: 3.27: Total loss for March::
Starting Weight 206.6 Current Weight 206.6 February Goal 200.0 Ultimate Goal 140 Weigh in days on Monday, so Feb 6: 205.0 (-1.6) Feb 13: 203.2 (-1.8) Feb 20: 202.2 (-1.0) Feb 27: 202.2 (-0) Total loss for Feb:: 4.4 so close! I'm in for next month, this has been a big help to keep me on track!
Starting Weight 206.6 Current Weight 206.6 February Goal 200.0 Ultimate Goal 140 Weigh in days on Monday, so Feb 6: 205.0 (-1.6) Feb 13: 203.2 (-1.8) Feb 20: 202.2 (-1.0) Feb 27: Total loss for Feb::
Starting Weight 206.6 Current Weight 206.6 February Goal 200.0 Ultimate Goal 140 Weigh in days on Monday, so Feb 6: 205.0 (-1.6) Feb 13: 203.2 (-1.8) Feb 20 Feb 27: Total loss for Feb:: Maybe I'll go over my goal for this month!
I'm new to this group, hoping it keeps me on track! Starting Weight 206.6 Current Weight 206.6 February Goal 200.0 Ultimate Goal 140 Weigh in days on Monday, so Feb 6: 205.0 (-1.6) Feb 13: Feb 20 Feb 27: Total loss for Feb:: I didn't really track food, but I was mindful of what I ate, only had 2 glasses of wine (Superbowl)…
I'm new to this group, hoping it keeps me on track! Starting Weight 206.6 Current Weight 206.6 February Goal 200.0 Ultimate Goal 140 Weigh in days on Monday, so Feb 6: Feb 13: Feb 20 Feb 27: Total loss for Feb::
Get in between school at thrift shops. I usually find cute stuff!
The pants tell the story, picture 1: snug, look at the tightness of the elastic band , hugs the butt, and pocket is stretched out .picture 2: roomy! check out the pocket , elastic band, and how it fits, you're a looser, baby! Keep at it!!!
Thanks @heybales. I've switched off the Fitbit app on MFP, and will continue to increase my calories each week by 100 to get up to TDEE. That might take up to 10-12 weeks, can't wait to see what happens!
@heybales OK, so I don't need to worry about netting above BMR as long as I keep increasing weekly till I hit TDEE? Then when should BMR come into play? Thanks
Sending a FR, mine's open.
@TerezaToledo I down loaded the quick start guide, thanks for the link and FR. @heybales I knew about protein being converted to glucose (carb) through metabolic pathways, so I went with fats (coconut oil, olive oil, grass fed butter, MCT oil, full fat grass fed dairy, and nuts). I've increased my carbs to 15%, which…
Thanks saranharm. I'm currently at 5-10% for carbs, and jumping up to 40% all at once could have me retain fluid like crazy. I had generalized edema which made my joints incredibly stiff and achy, before the drop in carbs. I just don't know how quickly I can go up without having the same problems. And thanks for the FR!
I'll be 60 this year, and no issue with dropping pounds. The secret? OK, I'll share it with you: I'm realistic. I know I didn't gain all this weight (it took years of uncontrolled eating/drinking). I calculated my BMR and TDEE, and do TDEE-15% and I'm dropping 1-2 pounds a week. This has to be recalculated after every 10…
You make it what it is. Time to change your mentality or you'll never change your shape permanently.
If you see someone you want to be friends with, tap on their name in blue then do it again. You can then send msn or FR. sending you Fr...
Pretty much. I'm here for a redo (my story is much like yours), and to figure out the balance once I get to my goal size. Send me FR if you like~
I'm back after deleting my account over 2 years ago (gained it all back). Sending FR~
Hi Sandra! I think we have about the same amount of weight to get rid of. Sending FR!
Yep, I got down to my goal weight/size, deactivated my account, gained, and starting over! Add me if you like!