rennickm1986 Member


  • Fluid oz does not equal weight oz.... However 16 oz of water does equal close to a pound so ya..stop weighing yourself neurotically
  • The vast majority of vegetarians I've met are overweight and very unhealthy. They're just more smug about what they eat is all. "Oh, you're gonna eat that? That's soo bad for you." *proceeds to eat a pound of processed pasta and candy bars*. Morally, they're often like the hybrid driver that preaches how awesome they are…
  • I generally do not so much for the calories but so I can track what nutritious foods I've eaten
  • Weight loss is long term. Look at your weekly average as opposed to trying to make up 600 calories in one day. Personally I set my daily allowance lower knowing that I'm gonna go over on weekends
  • Ah yes. The Cartman Defense. I'm big boned. I've self-diagnosed a thyroid issue, men just lose weight more easily. It's genetic. Everyone wants an excuse to make themselves feel special.
  • Generally you won't gain muscle while losing weight unless you're very overweight or taking "supplements". People past the beginner phase do cut and bulk cycles to gain muscle then cut cycles to trim fat while losing as little muscle as they can (some is inevitable)
  • These type of things are suggested to be taken 30 minutes before a workout and within 30m of finishing a workout. The benefits of these has not fully been proven if you ask me
  • My drug of choice has become Monsters. There are sugar free ones but they taste like crap. 220 calories of pure sugary deliciousness
  • The only thing it will do is fill you up with water and possibly make you less hungry from the limited caffeine it has (and it has no calories). So inadvertently could it make you lose weight from eating less? Sure.
  • Depends on your actual fitness goals. To serious and educated fitness people, PF is a long-running joke. To very casual gym-goers or the type of guys who do curls in the squat rack it's fine. It also depends on the type of workouts. If it's your only access to cardiovascular equipment it's not terrible.
  • If what you post is accurate, your husband needs to come to the realization that he's a d*ck. It could be ego and selfishness that he thinks he works so hard he doesn't have to help and he doesn't think or care about your feelings, it could be machismo that he doesn't think men do that stuff (judging by the anger I'd guess…
  • The longer you weigh food the better your guestimates will be. You'll know what 4 oz of steak looks like or a an oz of chips. I'd be conservative with my guesses though
  • There is no empirical evidence that it works any better than 6 meals a day or 3 meals a day. It's the same thing rearranged. It comes down to what works for you. For some it's better because they have trouble not eating too much or feeling full. Try it for a week if you like it use it if not dont. The first day or so will…
  • Ad was said squats and more squats. Lunges. Deadlifts and the rest help as well
  • From that discription your husband is a worthless dbag. When exactly does he expect you to exercise if you're doing everything? If he wants you to lose weight he needs to start doing some of the stuff that takes up your time so you have time to work out. Have more self-respect.
  • Let's look at this logically. You're dieting and losing weight for...your health. You just said you are going through major surgery, which I assume will strongly benefit your health. Do whatever will support that surgery and your recovery, especially as your body goes into overdrive to heal. Eating at maintenance or above…
  • Stop having crap food in the house. If it isn't there, you can't munch on it passing the kitchen. It will come down to convenience. What's easier? The celery in the fridge or the chips at the store?
  • In all earnestness, I'm betting the negative comments came from women since, from my experience, women are the most vicious people to women. The negative comments usually come from women who hate that you look better than them or men that hate that they couldn't date you. Assuming you are a heterosexual woman, let me speak…
  • Short Answer: MFP just did a good blog on this to answer your quesrion.
  • Unless you are a competitive eater it's mostly water weight. Women tend to have much more fluctuating weights due to water retention and their feminine cycle.
  • Knowing lbm would indicate you could know body fat from an online calculator which you can't, only get a vague hypothetical guess.
  • 3500 calories = 1 lb. Thus every 3500 above maintenance would be a lb. Unless you're drinking the most calorie-dense piña colatas known to mankind, you'll be fine.
  • I clearly acknoedged that men and women have different averages which in itself is obvious. He was asking if he was obese and I told him he is well within normal and 25% is within a normal and safe range. Many athletes fall within the 10-20 range. Going that low to 4% can indeed cause problems. Body fat has nothing to do…
  • The weight on the package is before. Just weigh it after cooking and assume that weight is double it's raw amount
  • Think of it as kind of like the car oil of your body. It helps facilitate getting parts moving. That's a very simplified analogy. I just started drinking water more and it has improved not only my mood but energy level. I know the struggle as I've traditionally not drank much water myself. It doesn't taste great, it's a…
  • Ignore anything telling you about a formula because they don't know what they're talking about. There are specific scales that create a pulse to gather information to determine bf that are somewhat accurate. The best method I know of requires a special tank you get in that sports physiology research places (like a local U)…
  • If your trainer told you that his chart says your obese, quite frankly he's an idiot and uneducated for not knowing he gave you bad information. Or he's trying to get more sessions out of you. You are 28.4 bmi which is overweight but not obese. 25% body fat (1/4 of your weight) sounds like a lot but it really isnt. It's…
  • If you can't have a drink without going into a major booze fest you need to do some research on alcoholism.
  • With adequate carbohydrates you shoukd be able to get to 1200 easily i.e. breads, pastas, potatoes