Dayle1984 Member


  • mine is open if you'd like to take a peek!
  • Just checked and I am usually around 300 breakfast, 400 lunch, 400 dinner, and the rest is snacks... so pretty balanced!
  • My diary is open if you'd like to add me. But fair warning I eat almost the same thing every day, with the exception of dinner, so it may get boring quick! :)
  • my diary is available if you'd like to add me.
  • I didn't read all of the replies, but I agree that you need a food scale, and also I think if you're hungry 30mins after eating, more protein, fiber, fats.
  • I'd suggest giving a Crossfit gym a try.
  • yeah, I'd say your muscles needed the break. I was away camping earlier this summer for 5 days, so while I did shorter, body weight and interval/running workouts, I didn't lift like I usually do, and the day I got back tot he gym I PR'd my back squat by 15lbs.
  • coconut oil is also a good one.
  • Breakfast every day, 1 whole egg with 1/4 egg whites omelet. I also eat a hard boiled egg every day with lunch!
  • I haven't read this yet, but I was about it.
  • Definitely! For me, I find the main thing is buying an actual head of lettuce and washing/drying (spinning) it really well. Bagged lettuce goes brown/bad within a couple days I find! I do this with the lettuce, put it in 5 containers, and I chop carrots, cucumber, red pepper, green onion, and celery. I just put the veg on…
  • For protein bars, personally I don't find them filling/satisfying enough that I tend to only eat them when I'm on the run or have no other option. To meet my daily protein goal however, I will have a protein shake/smoothie most days, in addition to eating meat at 3 meals and eggs at 2 meals. For my protein shake, I do: 1…
  • Interesting question. I have had this discussion with my mom, she does WW, and on that program I believe all veggies and most fruits are "free" ... I agree with what most others said though, I think you want logging to be as detailed and accurate as possible, so it's probably best to track everything. If you are doing…
  • According to Les Mills, the average is something like 700 calories per class. I would conservatively put 400-500 I guess?
  • #squatsforlife Definitely not over-rated.
  • I do Crossfit, so there is not a lot of crunches, planks, sit-ups, etc... The core work we do, that seems to work, is predominately in various exercises done hanging from the bar. Knee raises, toes to bar, pull-ups, etc...
  • Hmm... hard to suggest without more info, but what I would do... if it's that you don't have energy in the evening to work out, can you do it in the morning or at lunch? if you don't have the energy to spend an hour in the gym can you do a 10 or 15 minute workout instead? make sure you like said exercise, if you don't find…
  • Personally, I find it frustrating that I can't use "my foods" in my recipes. I have spent the time to enter a lot of stuff properly, for example, fruits, and vegetables, but if I want to combine them into a recipe I have to use the database entries... maybe my personal one is in there somewhere.... but impossible to find.
  • I have an omelet made with one egg and 1/4 of egg whites. I add a bit of red pepper and onion, and put a bit of cheese on top. I have it with turkey bacon or back bacon, or some other form of meat.
  • I definitely eat eggs for breakfast almost every day... If I wanted to skip the eggs at some point I would probably add a protein shake and/or nuts/needs.
  • I don't strictly count it, but I drink 2000-2500ml (67-84oz.) per day on average, and in addition to that I also drink 4-5 teas which are around 400ml each.
  • I have the premium subscription... I mainly got it because I wanted to be able to set my macro goals by gram, and also to be able to see my macro breakdown by meal quickly and easily... I think it's worth it.
  • I'm the same as most others have said -- I haven't specifically given up things, but I have stopped eating the junk on a frequent/daily basis. I used to eat a ton of chips, cookies, donuts, and ice cream... now I am doing ice cream about once a week and trying to avoid the rest. On the weekend I made healthier homemade…
  • I lived on my own for many years and I didn't find cooking simple/healthy meals all that challenging. If you cook 2-3 chicken breasts, which you may cook for a dinner for two anyway, then you have dinner, lunch and dinner the next day. Or even dinner for the next two days. I literally put fresh chicken breasts on a baking…
  • Another options is taking the time to enter most of what you eat frequently into "my foods" so you know it's accurate and then just add from there. I eat the same things most days so this didn't take me too long.
  • I use Isoflex Chocolate ... I like it. I've tried many and found most of them gross.
  • my dinners are usually around the 300-400cal mark for example: 120g chicken breast (I season mine with Cajun spice and bake in the oven) 100g broccoli 1/2 cup (cooked) brown rice or 100g potatoes 1/2 tablespoon of butter (on potatoes) or 1 tablespoon soya sauce on rice
  • feel free to add me, I update my diary daily in detail if you'd like to check it out.
  • I steam broccoli often for dinners. I love salad, usually with red leaf lettuce or romaine, onion, celery, peppers, carrots, and cucumber. I eat fresh raw veggies for lunch every day usually carrots, cucumber, and peppers. I put diced peppers and onions in my omelet. I put peppers and onions in with potatoes when they are…
  • As someone else mentioned it is sweetened artificially (low/no cal) and probably has a load of other chemicals and fake things in it. While I agree that everything is fine in moderation, including jello, I would kindly suggest a lunch of "real" food, lean meat, veggies, etc... All the best!