meeshymoosh Member


  • Hello! I think it's good to remember that we were probably all in the place that OP is at some point: impatient, discouraged, seeing so many people with results around us that we want. I think we can encourage and correct someone with empathy and gentleness, instead of calling something stupid when they truly might be…
  • Everyone here has said something very productive, which is mostly concerned caution and their own personal anecdotes or experience. You asked for people who have trained and have done something similar to chime in, and they have. Productive comments =/= Positive comments I'm sorry you feel deflated by the responses. I…
  • When we have children our bodies go through a lot of different changes: hormones, especially. It could be possible that you are still "hungover" from these changes, including Postpartum Depression, general mild to moderate depression, or even just Seasonal Affected Disorder. The trouble is, people feel sad or get in…
  • I love Vega! I'll have to try the Vega All-In-One mixed with oatmeal. I was thinking about mixing it with my greek yogurt to get in all those extra greens and probiotics, now I've got to. <3 To answer the question, I try to eat hearty, filling meals that will keep me full for as long as possible. Chili, curries, stews,…
  • I'm starting to use JetFit and I really like it so far!
  • Thank you! I just had to share. Oh my gosh, I've never had anything like this and I am SOLD. Slow cookers scare me to leave alone ever since one shorted out after cracking (got too hot??) while I was at work one day and came home to it smoking. Bought a new one and only use it overnight or on the weekends, but it's big and…
  • I have a Paragard, too! I cannot have hormones, so it's the best BC choice for me. While it's not as nice as the Mirena when it comes to a few things1) you keep your period 2) cramps can be made worse 3) bleed more, I know that the risk of things like blood clotting and strokes are not raised.
  • Oooooh, I love this!!!
  • As a newer member to the forums, this whole exchange has been very pleasant to read! Sometimes I lurk and am completely baffled by both posters and commenters' attitudes. Good job everyone! xD
  • ^^ Yes. If you're weighing on tile, the grooves can provide an uneven surface. Or on carpet. Or on a bowing wood floor. :)
  • So just so people remember, this is OP's original comment. I think we've really chased some rabbits here xD OP - Freeze the rest for treats, thank your husband for caring and giving you a gift, communicate it's not that you're ungrateful, but you're just concerned about self control, and suggest flowers or a healthy dinner…
  • Oatmeal is SO trendy. Overnight oatmeal, crockpot oatmeal, oatmeal jars, oatmeal crumble, billions and billions of pictures of spilling over messy oatmeal crammed into mason jars with fruits and nuts across my facebook feed, pinterest, buzzfeed, you name it. I want to like it, I really do! I've tried the overnight, the…
  • Hmm. While, yes, anyone can CALL themselves one, to BE one does require many years of school and practice. Much like anyone can be a "counselor" but it takes many years and residency-like practice to be a licensed, clinical counselor. To be a nutritionist, you must: * Earn a bachelor's degree in clinical nutrition, food…
  • I definitely know that feeling. Things that you never thought about became accomplishments (standing in shower, standing at counter while cooking, brushing teeth without exhaustion). OP - even if your injuries were not as extensive, they are still injuries and it was still trauma. Not saying go crazy and "treat yoself",…
  • Also - I do want to add that swelling isn't always something we can SEE. It can be more internal, like in your pelvis or abdomen/liver, or it can be dramatic (like hands, feet, legs, face, etc). Not to scare you, but if you are having noticeable swelling and weight gain in new places plus muscle aching, site hot to touch,…
  • I had a very traumatic medical emergency complete with several surgeries years ago at age 21 - severe blood clotting of nearly half of me and a few other undetected major issues. When I first went into the hospital, I was 160 lbs, very athletic, and at 5'8. This was my weight with the minor swelling of blood clotting. When…
  • My mom sends me cookies each birthday from an AMAZING bakery in my home town: one for each year. This year she sent me 26 delicious, thick, chewy, chocolate chip cookies. Years prior I could probably eat 4-5 in a sitting for several days and feel miserable, but obligated to eat them before they went bad. This year? I ate…
  • A food scale will help tremendously. You can buy a digital one from Amazon for under $20. This helped me figure out how the heck to log the large oranges and the meals I make. Otherwise, you could be simply picking the highest calories when you're actually eating much less (or more). You could be slowly gaining weight but…
  • This view is completely offensive for many reasons. I'm sure the women who have "saved themselves" for marriage (like me) with a serious partner to stick with him, only to have their partner cheat on them appreciate that. Or the women who remarried in her 40's and have had to endure horrible effects from surviving cancer,…
  • Apparently there's two schools of thought being argued here, but we're missing the point: People can eat "clean" and lose weight and be happy and feel great and satisfied. People can eat "whatever" and lose weight and be happy and feel great and satisfied. The basics are to log your food accurately, stay hydrated, pick a…