Anyone who is consuming 3,000 to 4,000 calories?



  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Could you open up your diary so we can see what you have in there?
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I am eating over 3000.... BUT... I am bulking, and breastfeeding, and very active, and 4" taller than you.

    You are not logging so maybe you think you are eating a lot, or eating a lot one day and not much the next. Or you are more active than you think.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    I might just be having a "dumb" day or something, but is this serious????

    I hope not but with this site; you never know.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited October 2016
    sardelsa wrote: »
    I am eating over 3000.... BUT... I am bulking, and breastfeeding, and very active, and 4" taller than you.

    You are not logging so maybe you think you are eating a lot, or eating a lot one day and not much the next. Or you are more active than you think.

    A lot of people who think they eat a lot and can't gain do what is bolded. Eat a large amount in one sitting, eat very little for the rest of the day and maybe the next. I used to do this through much of college. I would have very small meals most of the week but on specific days when the cafeteria had foods I liked a lot, I would load up because it was an all-you-can-eat buffet. My school had a great Sunday brunch with carving stations, waffle stations, etc. I would eat the equivalent of a giant holiday feast each Sunday and one or two very large meals (or maybe a tube of cookie dough) later in the week but other than that it was mostly salad and Cap'n Crunch for me. My friends would always comment on how much I would eat and not gain weight.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    edited October 2016
    " I have been logging the last few weeks on here"

    So you are trying to evaluate your progress based on two weeks. I think there is your problem. Due to changes in water retention any weight gain you had from calories could have been masked in random water weight fluctuations over that period of time.

    if you are legit eating 3000-4000 calories a day consistantly as a semi-active 5'3'' woman there is basically no way you aren't going to gain weight over time.

    I maintain at about 3000 calories as a fairly active 6' tall man....I would gain weight if I ate 3000-4000 per day.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I don't think so.
  • Intentional_Me
    Intentional_Me Posts: 336 Member
    edited October 2016
    I used to be a regular 3k, 4k cal eater...which is why I'm here with you cool people ;)

    Also 5'3 and sorry but no way you're eating that unless you have a serious medical condition.
  • Cbestinme
    Cbestinme Posts: 397 Member
    Lol, we think the OP was playing a prank
  • Paschen81
    Paschen81 Posts: 150 Member
    I'm the opposite... I can't fathom eating 2000 calories let alone 2x that! On a day when I greatly overeat my max intake is 1700. I wish my metabolism was as active as yours.... I'm 6'1 and if I eat more than 1200 average daily I'm gaining weight :/ yall amaze me (in a good way).
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,222 Member
    I agree with the others who think this is a troll :smile:
  • Cbestinme
    Cbestinme Posts: 397 Member
    I'm with Oliverneedsyou,....over eating brought me here to cool people.

    Paschen the OP went silent, we don't know whether this was intended as a joke....
  • fillo_sot
    fillo_sot Posts: 23 Member
    edited October 2016
    I think there is a little in all that's been mentioned. I may be on my way to gaining. Only really 'tracked' for like a month so maybe if i keep going i won't be able to sustain.

    As for logging, I try and put everything on there, but it's hard, if i have like a large fruit of any kind, e.g. orange, i say LARGE ORANGE; the calories varies soo much on each entry on MFP. I don't know how much that exact orange is in terms of calories so maybe it's an overestimate when i chose say the highest calories entry here. Or home made dishes, I add 20 different ingredients to a dish... rice/veg/pasta etc adding them is not the issue, getting the right calories may be an issue. So there may be a slight overestimation.

    As for the 'eating disorder'. There are a time i was desperately unhappy, so occupied myself with watching a lot of weight related programmes, not sure why but i did and occasionally do. Weather it's about being too fat (home bound individuals) or too thin i would watch it, often eating as well. Over time that got me a little obsessed with food. This was about 5/6 years ago. I no longer eat like that, now i eat better, but have times when I overeat (knowing I'm full but still going). It's getting better over time. Also I'm a ALL or nothing kind of person (personality type) . So if i ever diet, i go all the way (restriction) or nothing however being such a 'perfectionalist' if I eat like a sweet or something i had not planned to, i fall, really bad. So have given up diet for some time.

    Apart from the occasional large feast i don't purge or take weird laxatives or go that extra step. I eat too much and regret it like everyone else. That it.

    Ps. The photo is not of me, in case you are wondering, she is what I aspire to be, slim toned but alive and SHEKSHI!! :p
  • meeshymoosh
    meeshymoosh Posts: 23 Member
    A food scale will help tremendously. You can buy a digital one from Amazon for under $20. This helped me figure out how the heck to log the large oranges and the meals I make. Otherwise, you could be simply picking the highest calories when you're actually eating much less (or more). You could be slowly gaining weight but unaware because you're young and pretty active. That will change the closer you get to 30 :wink:

    It takes two seconds to weigh, write it down, and log it into MFP. The recipe part of MFP is super helpful and pretty fun to make meals you've had all your life and see how many calories it is. The only struggle I have is dividing that into serving sizes when I'm not the only one eating the food - I haven't figured out weighing the whole finished product yet.

    Take it a day at a time and take the time to plan it out. It helps me to log in everything the day before (like, when I'm sitting in bed planning the next day). I've packed my lunch before bed and have written down the weights of each food item, so I can log each item it and see what I'm working with for breakfast and dinner. That way I can see things like: if I packed many snacks or a bigger lunch, I can be aware that if I eat that 350 cal egg sandwich from Starbucks for breakfast I'm going to be left with 400~ calories for dinner so I'll need to plan for that (which is a bummer because I like dinner to be my biggest meal).

    Once you've logged many of the same food items that you eat on the regular (like my Belvita breakfast bars, mini baby bell cheeses, other repetitive snacks like grams of grapes), you can even log for things you haven't weighed yet to get yourself a big picture of the next day, then make corrections as you DO weigh those grapes out, etc.

  • fillo_sot
    fillo_sot Posts: 23 Member
    A food scale will help tremendously. You can buy a digital one from Amazon for under $20. This helped me figure out how the heck to log the large oranges and the meals I make. Otherwise, you could be simply picking the highest calories when you're actually eating much less (or more). You could be slowly gaining weight but unaware because you're young and pretty active. That will change the closer you get to 30 :wink:

    It takes two seconds to weigh, write it down, and log it into MFP. The recipe part of MFP is super helpful and pretty fun to make meals you've had all your life and see how many calories it is. The only struggle I have is dividing that into serving sizes when I'm not the only one eating the food - I haven't figured out weighing the whole finished product yet.

    Take it a day at a time and take the time to plan it out. It helps me to log in everything the day before (like, when I'm sitting in bed planning the next day). I've packed my lunch before bed and have written down the weights of each food item, so I can log each item it and see what I'm working with for breakfast and dinner. That way I can see things like: if I packed many snacks or a bigger lunch, I can be aware that if I eat that 350 cal egg sandwich from Starbucks for breakfast I'm going to be left with 400~ calories for dinner so I'll need to plan for that (which is a bummer because I like dinner to be my biggest meal).

    Once you've logged many of the same food items that you eat on the regular (like my Belvita breakfast bars, mini baby bell cheeses, other repetitive snacks like grams of grapes), you can even log for things you haven't weighed yet to get yourself a big picture of the next day, then make corrections as you DO weigh those grapes out, etc.

    Thank you for the suggestion. I am starting to get serious. Even IF i maintained at that (do now think dependencies on actual calorie counts) I wouldn't want to be that, I want to be slimmer, feel better... and go to the gym more by choice.

    I appreciate your advice, thank you for taking your time.
  • Cbestinme
    Cbestinme Posts: 397 Member
    OP great that you're back and taking the exercise. Maybe aim to be the best you (not someone else's body) that way you never feel disappointed, because really, you can only be you. Your body is a temple. Fill your body with things that nourish your body, same for your mind and soul. You can do this.

    There are many support groups here. If you have eating disorders or tendency you can find support. If you have body image issues support for that as well. You're not alone as we all struggle with something or many things. See the above posts for your food measurement and logging.

    It sounds hard at first but once you start then look back you may be surprised it wasn't that bad. Maybe try to start thinking of food as something to eat that gives you energy. If you are eating out of boredom maybe try to be mindful about when you eat, while finding other outlets for borefom.

    Fyi, I ask myself am I hungry? Then I ask myself whether what is in front of me will give me the nutrients my body needs (my body needs lots of protein, fats and fiber, plus other things, but those are my main focus). Sometimes the food in front of me may not give me those nutrients but it serves another purpose. I am learning to be mindful about that.
  • fillo_sot
    fillo_sot Posts: 23 Member
    1chana23 wrote: »
    OP great that you're back and taking the exercise. Maybe aim to be the best you (not someone else's body) that way you never feel disappointed, because really, you can only be you. Your body is a temple. Fill your body with things that nourish your body, same for your mind and soul. You can do this.

    There are many support groups here. If you have eating disorders or tendency you can find support. If you have body image issues support for that as well. You're not alone as we all struggle with something or many things. See the above posts for your food measurement and logging.

    It sounds hard at first but once you start then look back you may be surprised it wasn't that bad. Maybe try to start thinking of food as something to eat that gives you energy. If you are eating out of boredom maybe try to be mindful about when you eat, while finding other outlets for borefom.

    Fyi, I ask myself am I hungry? Then I ask myself whether what is in front of me will give me the nutrients my body needs (my body needs lots of protein, fats and fiber, plus other things, but those are my main focus). Sometimes the food in front of me may not give me those nutrients but it serves another purpose. I am learning to be mindful about that.

    LOVE your response, it's soo positive. It is true, I have recently been inspired by the founders of 5:2 (interpret fasting) which already increases longevity and their main focus is NUTRITION over calories. So take all the nutrition you can without the heavy calories, appears effective as once can look younger and if practised well you could be quite fit in the later years.

    My body has irritable bowel syndrome / lactose intolerant and various other mild and no so mild issues. The years of bad habits have left my immune system weak... Sometimes bad things happen for a good reason, to wake you up and get you on a better path :)

    Thank you for the support!
  • Cbestinme
    Cbestinme Posts: 397 Member
    You're welcome, glad to be of help. anytime you want to reach out please do. I've been helped so much here on mfp it's amazing!
  • daniip_la
    daniip_la Posts: 678 Member
    I'm more than double your weight, 6' tall, reasonably active, and I barely maintain on 3000kcal/day on my active days. I think you have to be wildly overestimating your calories burned.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    fillo_sot wrote: »
    I am 5ft 3 (JUST), I have been logging the last few weeks on here... on occasion not logged anything in due to the sheer quantity of food consumed.
    I wanted to lose weight when coming on here but have since maintained. I weight about 58kgs/127lbs. This does not seems to shift, I did work out for like 2 weeks, 5 days a week and felt not different when it came to clothes fitting etc. Even so I'm amazing at how much i eat and still maintain. Maybe im slowly gaining without realising... ?!?!

    What I want to know is if there is anyone who is consuming 3,000 to 4,000 calories doing moderate on occasion very little exercise and is able to maintain weight rather than add .

    You NEED to see a doctor! I'm a little shorter than you at 5'1", but heavier at 185lb and most days would need to eat around 2750 to maintain with a very active lifestyle (21000+ steps). There are a couple of days a week where maintenance would be even higher, but on those days I take two high intensity classes, plus weight train plus run, log 30000+ steps and burn 4000+ Calories. There's no way you're burning the same without an even higher activity level unless you either have a medical condition or are a medical miracle.
  • fillo_sot
    fillo_sot Posts: 23 Member
    firef1y72 wrote: »
    fillo_sot wrote: »
    I am 5ft 3 (JUST), I have been logging the last few weeks on here... on occasion not logged anything in due to the sheer quantity of food consumed.
    I wanted to lose weight when coming on here but have since maintained. I weight about 58kgs/127lbs. This does not seems to shift, I did work out for like 2 weeks, 5 days a week and felt not different when it came to clothes fitting etc. Even so I'm amazing at how much i eat and still maintain. Maybe im slowly gaining without realising... ?!?!

    What I want to know is if there is anyone who is consuming 3,000 to 4,000 calories doing moderate on occasion very little exercise and is able to maintain weight rather than add .

    You NEED to see a doctor! I'm a little shorter than you at 5'1", but heavier at 185lb and most days would need to eat around 2750 to maintain with a very active lifestyle (21000+ steps). There are a couple of days a week where maintenance would be even higher, but on those days I take two high intensity classes, plus weight train plus run, log 30000+ steps and burn 4000+ Calories. There's no way you're burning the same without an even higher activity level unless you either have a medical condition or are a medical miracle.

    Haha hardly a miracle, well it may be just that my lack of food scale meaning i may be overestimating at time. While i have a friend who misses out food, I would write EVERYTHING down but maybe selecting the largest calories that i can find on here- as i dont know the exact weight of things.

    Someone did mention a 'worm' or something... I have IBS irritable bowel syndrome which i have not payed any attention to, so it has gotten worse the last 10 adult years, imagine the damage, i wouldn't be surprised if there is anything as such inside.

    Thanks for your comment. All the best on your journey!