CaladriaNapea Member


  • Your weight constantly fluctuates due to sodium, time of the month, stress, etc. That pound jump isn't an increase in fat, it's water weight of some sort. I track my weight, as it helps me to track these fluctuations, and I will quite often go up by a pound or more, stay there for a couple days, and then lose that and…
  • I definitely subscribe to this philosophy. Strenuous exercise tends to make me extremely hungry, and it is also much more difficult to make a 500 calorie deficit with exercise then it is with food. Also, with food, I feel like I can be more exact about the deficit I am creating--when I used just exercise to lose weight in…
  • I've been thinking about this issue since I'm going to be spending a month away from home over Christmas time (two weeks with the in-laws, two weeks with my family). I'm bringing my bathroom scale to both places, since I know neither family has one that functions and weighing in daily really serves as a huge motivator for…
  • I work from home. The first thing I had to do once I really buckled down to losing weight was clean out the crap. My fridge is much less full now. :wink: I don't really prep my meals, but I do have a plan for what I eat most every day, and it doesn't vary too much apart from dinner. Breakfast is oatmeal, an egg, and…
  • What is your calorie intake? If you are hungry all the time then it sounds like you are not eating enough. If you are exercising on top of that then no wonder you hate it! You might want to ease back on the weight loss, maybe scale back by a half pound. Also, try to find some exercise you enjoy. For me it's walking; if you…
  • It's totally understandable to feel down after gaining so much weight recently! Realize that Prozac and starting college (cheers for the freshman fifteen!) are both perfectly natural reasons for gaining weight. I would really recommend that you start regularly tracking everything you eat. Weigh solid foods and measure…
  • I just got there today!
  • I eat a half cup (cooked) of steel cut oats for breakfast every morning. I add a quarter cup of skim milk and 12 grams of PB2 to give it more of a protein punch.
  • Remember that you aren't just changing a diet, you're changing your lifestyle. This takes time. You will make mistakes--but that doesn't mean that the good decisions you made last week are invalidated. Take a deep breath, listen to the excellent pieces of advice above, and focus on making good decisions today and tomorrow.
  • During my first go-round trying to lose weight, I did many of these things (trying to eat healthier, drinking more water, exercise, calorie counting, etc.) but I think the central reason it didn't "stick" was because I approached it as a diet, not a lifestyle or mindset. I couldn't wait until I was no longer at 1200…
  • Hi, Dan! Thanks for answering everyone's questions--the information is much appreciated! I come from a family background that's pretty dysfunctional in regard to eating, body image, and weight. Most everyone in my family is overweight or obese, but everyone still talks about how the thinner you can get the better you are.…
  • I'm not sure about the MFP app, but if you go to on a computer, click "reports," and change the date range to whenever you'd like to look at, you can mouse over the timeline and it will say whatever date and weight you were at in the part you mouse over. Here's a screencap of what I'm talking about:
  • Someone who sees you for who you are and loves you for it. My husband never really saw my weight, he saw me, and loved me for me. Now that I am losing weight, it's nearly irrelevant to him. He is proud of me doing something hard and being healthy, and he is supportive of me trying to be healthy, but his view of me hasn't…
  • During my first go round with losing weight I weighed in weekly. It was horrible. If I lost weight that week, I felt awesome. If I didn't lose weight that week, I was miserable all week until the next weigh in. Then, when I hit a serious plateau and nothing seemed to move for weeks, I just gave up. This time around I weigh…
  • Congrats on deciding to start your weight loss journey! Thankfully, it is a fairly simple and cheap process because your body is doing most of the work. :wink: 1. MFP is definitely a great option, as it's free, and really does help, because . . . 2. Weight loss is dependent on expending more calories than you use. This is…
  • As black as my soul! :tongue: In all seriousness, I have drunk it black since I was a kid (I know, I know, that's probably why I'm only 5'8.5 instead of 5'9). I have developed a delicious affection for Death Wish coffee beans. Those really are black, none of this Kroger blonde-colored stuff.
  • I've just been losing weight again for a couple of weeks, and have lost about seven pounds so far, but already the gals are shrinking. My bras are starting to feel slightly cavernous. :/
  • Congratulations on losing 95 pounds and reaching your goal--that is truly awesome! The thing to remember here is what you accomplished: you already did something huge. Something that a ton of people I know don't even consider because it intimidates them too much. And what did you do? You whupped those ninety five pounds…
  • Hi, Shannon! First of all,congrats on being cleared to go back to the gym! That's really awesome! Also, it's really great that you and your husband are doing Paleo. Way to go with replacing bad choices with good ones! My husband (who sounds similar to yours metabolically) has always been super skinny, I'm pretty sure he…
  • I sent a request. :)
  • I struggle quite a bit with feeling ashamed of food. This is one of the biggest things I feel like I have to conquer--I will hide what I am eating from my hubby and others, and beat myself up internally to the extent that it will make me give up. All to say, I think I may know a little bit about where you are coming from,…
  • Hi, Elizabeth! My SO is in the Army, so I know a bit about what the fitness there is like. I think that losing weight for the military is probably like losing weight for many other reasons--it takes determination and hard work. Track your calories, weight your food, do all that good stuff. One thing that is different,…
  • Congratulations, that is truly awesome!
  • Welcome, Lauren! Here are a couple tips I found through this community and elsewhere that have helped me out: 1. Weight loss tends to be a pretty slow process (I don't know how much you are trying to lose, if it's only five to ten pounds, maybe not so much. I'm more in the ballpark of eighty, so yeah . . .). Just remember…
  • Congrats on losing weight! As for updates, you need to keep updating your weight on MFP (if you are on the app then click the plus button then "weight." If you are on the browser website then on the home page just click the little scale icon with a plus button on it). On MFP as you update your weight then the system will…
  • I'm originally from New Jersey, but over the last two years I have lived in Houston, Austin, and now El Paso. I feel like I have gotten a pretty broad view of a very broad state! :)
  • During my first weight loss attempt, back in college, I weighed myself once a week. For the first couple months it went pretty well; I generally lost some weight during each week and I was okay with it. However, once I hit a plateau, my weight started fluctuating pretty heavily on a week-to-week basis; I would lose two…