I hate consistent physical activity with a passion. I just hate it.

Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
edited November 2016 in Motivation and Support
I was exercising with xbox and I had to restart because it didnt save my progress....and Im seriously in tears at the idea of doing it again. I hate exercise now. I used to enjoy it...somehow. Now? It's so awful. It's boring. It's repetitive. It's horrendous. I love to dance but it's forced so I can't enjoy it. Ugh. Every day the same thing over and over. It's driving me nuts and making me cranky. and Im hungry but if I eat more I dont lose as quick as I want and I quit all together. -_- I still have at least 6-10 months of suffering left.


  • CaladriaNapea
    CaladriaNapea Posts: 140 Member
    What is your calorie intake? If you are hungry all the time then it sounds like you are not eating enough. If you are exercising on top of that then no wonder you hate it!

    You might want to ease back on the weight loss, maybe scale back by a half pound. Also, try to find some exercise you enjoy. For me it's walking; if you enjoy dancing then maybe sign up for a dancing class. :)
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    edited November 2016
    If you hate it, don't do it. Lol. Also, what's up with the 6 to 10 month time frame?

    Because I dont know how long before I get to a weight where I will feel comfortable exercising a little less often lol Im 210 right now. Ive lost 16lbs since October 11th... I hate it but I know I need to do it or I will be flubbery. Im here for motivation darn it lol tell me to get off my *kitten* and stop whining. Lol. I am exercising and during SOMETIMES its fun but ugh I am in SOOO Much pain!!! I have 8 screws a plate and a wire in my ankle and while I exercise it upsets me how I cant do what I could before and it depresses me... I think thats why I hate it :( and my back gets so sore because I cant always use proper form during Zumba because of my ankle.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    What is your calorie intake? If you are hungry all the time then it sounds like you are not eating enough. If you are exercising on top of that then no wonder you hate it!

    You might want to ease back on the weight loss, maybe scale back by a half pound. Also, try to find some exercise you enjoy. For me it's walking; if you enjoy dancing then maybe sign up for a dancing class. :)

    I am always hungry in general. I can eat an 18" pizza and still be hungry. I have no alarm in my head that says "hey, you're full. Stop eating" lol but My calorie intake is low right now. Its not that Im not eating enough its that I want to eat junk food. I miss fast food!!! I want grease and I want it now...ugh lol and if I eat it I wont hit my goal because Im insatiable when it comes to food. Im also in a biggest loser challenge until December 18th so Im netting 1200 right now to try to win lol. Ive lost 11lbs in 21 days so far. I love dancing :( I am dancing. But I dont love it because of my ankle injury :'( it was one of my favorite things before I got hurt but I didnt walk for 5 months and it makes me so upset Im not as good as I used to be and I cant enjoy it as much because of the pain...
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,036 Member
    Verity1111 wrote: »
    I was exercising with xbox and I had to restart because it didnt save my progress....and Im seriously in tears at the idea of doing it again. I hate exercise now. I used to enjoy it...somehow. Now? It's so awful. It's boring. It's repetitive. It's horrendous. I love to dance but it's forced so I can't enjoy it. Ugh. Every day the same thing over and over. It's driving me nuts and making me cranky. and Im hungry but if I eat more I dont lose as quick as I want and I quit all together. -_- I still have at least 6-10 months of suffering left.

    I'm puzzled ...

    1) You did some exercise but because something (xbox?) didn't record it, you feel like you have to do it again to make it valid??? You did the exercise, right? So ... you're done. Who cares if a thing didn't record it?

    2) It's repetitive? Forced? Same thing over and over? Why? Why don't you do something else? It's up to you ... your choice.

    Here is Wikipedia's List of Sports ... some may not have much calorie burning value (I think card playing is somewhere on that list), so you can ignore those ones, but start trying the rest. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sports

    Pick something that sounds interesting and try it.

    Tonight ... basketball. Get a basketball from Walmart, go to your local school, and start shooting hoops in their outdoor court.

    This weekend ... cycling,

    Next weekend ... hiking.

    The following weekend ... kayaking.

    Or are you into winter? Maybe it'll be snowshoeing, skiing, and skating.

    Have fun with it!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    No need to do an exercise that causes pain. Swimming or water aerobics or water Zumba should be easier on your ankles.
  • flagrantavidity
    flagrantavidity Posts: 218 Member
    What machka9 said. Plus, xbox games are more boring and repetitive than exercising. Gamers press the same buttons on the remote over and over a billion times for flashing lights on the tv, by the end of the year they moved on from that game, five years later they moved on from that console. Exercising is a challenge, if you exercise for a year, you have something physical to show for your efforts, at the end of five years you set yourself up for a healthy lifestyle.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Verity1111 wrote: »
    I was exercising with xbox and I had to restart because it didnt save my progress....and Im seriously in tears at the idea of doing it again. I hate exercise now. I used to enjoy it...somehow. Now? It's so awful. It's boring. It's repetitive. It's horrendous. I love to dance but it's forced so I can't enjoy it. Ugh. Every day the same thing over and over. It's driving me nuts and making me cranky. and Im hungry but if I eat more I dont lose as quick as I want and I quit all together. -_- I still have at least 6-10 months of suffering left.

    I'm puzzled ...

    1) You did some exercise but because something (xbox?) didn't record it, you feel like you have to do it again to make it valid??? You did the exercise, right? So ... you're done. Who cares if a thing didn't record it?

    2) It's repetitive? Forced? Same thing over and over? Why? Why don't you do something else? It's up to you ... your choice.

    Here is Wikipedia's List of Sports ... some may not have much calorie burning value (I think card playing is somewhere on that list), so you can ignore those ones, but start trying the rest. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sports

    Pick something that sounds interesting and try it.

    Tonight ... basketball. Get a basketball from Walmart, go to your local school, and start shooting hoops in their outdoor court.

    This weekend ... cycling,

    Next weekend ... hiking.

    The following weekend ... kayaking.

    Or are you into winter? Maybe it'll be snowshoeing, skiing, and skating.

    Have fun with it!

    I have 3 kids so I cant get out. 2 are disabled. I can pretty much only exercise at home and when I do only certain things because of my injury. Not valid because I dont know how long it was lol
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    What machka9 said. Plus, xbox games are more boring and repetitive than exercising. Gamers press the same buttons on the remote over and over a billion times for flashing lights on the tv, by the end of the year they moved on from that game, five years later they moved on from that console. Exercising is a challenge, if you exercise for a year, you have something physical to show for your efforts, at the end of five years you set yourself up for a healthy lifestyle.

    Xbox kinect. No buttons. I enjoyed the game before but all exercise is awful now. I quit using the gym and switched to this because the gym was driving me nuts too and hurt so bad on my bad ankle. Plus I dont have a way to get out now (no babysitter)
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    No need to do an exercise that causes pain. Swimming or water aerobics or water Zumba should be easier on your ankles.

    I would love love love to do that! I love swimming. I just cant get out much right now because of the kids :/ But thank you for telling me about Water Zumba!
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    You can be consistent without exercising every single day! There are these free workout videos online I'd suggest looking into. If you go to fitnessblender.com you can search for low impact workouts, and you can also search by length and level of difficulty and other things too. You might find something you like - or at least something that doesn't hurt!
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    You can be consistent without exercising every single day! There are these free workout videos online I'd suggest looking into. If you go to fitnessblender.com you can search for low impact workouts, and you can also search by length and level of difficulty and other things too. You might find something you like - or at least something that doesn't hurt!

    Thank you! Yes it sucks because I used to LOVE exercising 2 hrs a day even when I was pregnant :( I miss being able to dance and enjoy it without pain. I used to do Jillian Michael's 30 day shred too but Im sure that will be too much for me right now.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,339 Member
    edited November 2016
    You'll never suddenly start to love exercising, if you have that kind of mindset. I'd suggest backing off the workouts for a couple of days to "regroup". Time to find a few activities that you enjoy, that move your body. It doesn't need to be intense, killer burns every day; walk a few times a day, short spurts...put in your earbuds, grab your baby and play something you really like while you're walking. You could also give yourself a challenge every day. For example, you could challenge yourself to stand up and do one minute of jumping jacks every hour today, on the hour (if possible). Tomorrow your challenge could be to do the stairs in your house, up and down, once an hour...the thing is to move your body, as often as possible. You don't need to do the workout of a bodybuilder or runner.

    If you're hungry all the time, it's probably a fair bet you're not eating enough. Sounds counterproductive, but if you're not fueling your body properly first, how can you expect any workouts to feel good?
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    If you don't like it, don't do it?
    There must be something you WOULD enjoy though? even something as simple as walking?
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Try some fitnessblender workouts (YouTube), go for a walk or hike, do some yoga... sounds like you're just bored with that program and need a change.

  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    If you don't like it, don't do it?
    There must be something you WOULD enjoy though? even something as simple as walking?

    Really not. I loved dancing but I cant do it and enjoy it without pain now. I loved swimming but I cant get out right now and even if I could I dont feel comfortable in a bathing suit in front of people. I hate playing sports. I can't walk unless I take 3 kids so not exactly relaxing... Even as a kid I hated gym lol I loved the gym before but again with my ankle its making it hard. Im just going to have to suffer through I guess.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Try some fitnessblender workouts (YouTube), go for a walk or hike, do some yoga... sounds like you're just bored with that program and need a change.

    A hike with my leg would be near impossible. Yoga sounds possible... I used to do yoga. Thank you for the idea. Yoga doesnt burn much though does it? I would still need cardio. But yoga is good for stretching and it's relaxing.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited November 2016
    Ok so...if you hate it that much then leave it until you can go swiming again - pay no heed to others around you, just go and forget about them.

    We don't have to exercise to lose weight anyway, but it is good for our heart health in the long run if we make the effort to do something, even as little as 15 mins a day - try a youtube workout thats suitable for you - Jessica Smith has a host of short and long workouts. You might think you hate the idea of doing something but keep on trying it, every day, do something and in about a months time you'll realise it actually isn't as bad as you think :smile:

    I used to hate to workout, but 4 years ago I made the effort to change how I felt about that, and the habit has now stuck - we all can change :smile: