Not losing weight


I am turning to the community for some help. My name is Brent, I'm 24 years old and sit at 5'9" and 245lbs.

I began my journey in early September at 261lbs. At the beginning of my journey I quickly dropped my weight down to 245lbs by August 9th. However, I broke my diet and gained some of the weight back.

I've been back on my diet since early October and have since seen little to no weight change in this time frame where I am stagnant in my weight with no weight loss since August 9. My diet is a calorie restricted diet consisting of 1,200-1,600 calories per day.

I do not eat breakfast and each day for lunch I eat two cups of Raisin Bran (280 calories) of Shredded Wheat (380 calories). On rare occasions I will get a grilled snack wrap from McDonalds to hold me over until dinner. My dinners vary but will never break 1,600 calories.

Any help or suggestions on what to change to start shedding weight again?


  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Can you set your food diary to public/open?

    This will allow people to view your logging habits which may be relevant.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Your dates in the second paragraph have to be off. You said that you started in September and then lost weight by August 9th, which is a month before you started.

    Regardless, you are eating more than 1200-1600 calories per day. There is no way that a person maintains 245 pounds on 1600 calories per day unless s/he has extreme water retention issues or another medical issue such as a tumor that is growing at the same rate at which fat loss is happening.

    Your calorie counting is not accurate. I just googled "raisin bran nutrition" and it looks like Kellogg's Raisin Bran is 185 calories for 59 grams, which is approximately a cup. You are eating 2 cups, which would be at least 370 calories instead of your stated 280, and likely weighs more than 118 grams since many labels' weight measurements exceeded their stated volume measurements.

    Get a digital kitchen scale and start weighing your solids. Measure liquids with a measuring cup or spoon or, if you know their gram weights, weigh them. Log your food using solid nutrition info, such as that which matches a label held in hand or that which matches the USDA Nutrient Database.

    Best of luck to you!
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    You are 245lbs and claim to eat 1200-1600 calories a day and not lose weight.

    You are eating more than you think! As a male, 1500 calories should be an absolute minimum. At your weight I would think that you could eat a lot more. Set up MFP with your weight, weight loss goal and eat the calories it advises you.

    Also you use cups, do not do this. Use a scale to weigh everything accurately.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    add breakfast. Eat your raisin bran for breakfast and your shredded wheat for lunch.
  • skellymama1
    skellymama1 Posts: 83 Member
    I echo the other posters and add why not eat real food that will satisfy you more and be nutrionally better?
    You could have eggs, mushroom, spinach on 1 slice brown toast for the same value as the bran. And that's just breakfast! Protein and salad for lunch. Protein like fish, chicken or turkey, stirfry veggies for dinner. You need to shop for real food, meal plan, weigh your foods and get organised. Stay within your calorie goal and the weight will come off.
    Good luck.
  • DaniCanadian
    DaniCanadian Posts: 261 Member
    I suggest using a digital food scale and weigh anything you eat. Cups and spoons aren't accurate for solids (even most condiments).
    I also think you should cut out the cereal and go for more nutritious and filling foods. I do peanut butter and whole wheat toast at breakfast, an egg or some kind of lean meat sandwich with a salad for lunch and generally something homemade for supper (tonight is crock pot roast with veggies, last night was baked stuffed peppers).