Naruya Member


  • I've been playing Beat Saber for the past couple of days and I'm hooked. It's like guitar hero with lightsabers. If you're at it for a while, especially on the harder difficulties, you really work up a sweat! Last night my Apple Watch told me I burned 370 calories in a 45 minute session. That's pretty damn good since I had…
  • I've also used autosleep and it's nice. The Apple Watch however isn't made to track sleeping. Not that it can't, but just that the battery life is horrible and it's too much of a hassle to charge it at the right time if I can't charge it at night. Might be better with newer models, but I still have the first one and it…
  • Is Star Ocean any good? It dropped pretty quickly in price so that makes me a bit wary. I'm burned out on RPGs atm after Horizon, Persona and Mass Effect but it'll come back soon enough and I'll need a new game! Playing Uncharted 4 now and wondering why the hell it took me a full year to play this game, it's a masterpiece.
  • My job is anything but active (desk job) but I do move around a lot with just my daily routine. I bike to work (70-75 mins total) and walk my dog for at least 1 hour a day. So after dinner, I was usually so worn out I had no energy for my strength workout I ended up dropping it from my routine. I've since picked it up…
  • You could weigh the entire thing and then weigh the container again when you've finished eating to know how much weight you actually ate.
  • Lots of food entries don't have the correct amount of sodium entered, if any at all. I highly doubt you're not getting enough sodium because most food has it. Lacking potassium might be possible, though in my experience that is also not entered in the food entries in most cases. Eating lots of veggies will help you get…
  • No, your body won't burn fat first, muscle is fair game if you don't get enough food in your system. I lost nearly 10kg in 3 months but more than 1kg of that was muscle mass. It sucks, but it couldn't be avoided because I lost the weight too quickly. You're better off starting weight training now if at all possible,…
  • Yes but like I said, MFP uses NEAT which INCLUDES some steps already. In my experience this is around 5k steps before I should get credit (1800 - 1550 = 250) so that would mean that 7000-5000 steps = 2000 steps. 300 cals for 2k steps is too much, even at 240 lbs.
  • As everyone said, MFP is designed for you to eat back your exercise calories. However, your regular daily activity is already included in the MFP average. From experience, sedentary expects you to take around 5000 steps before you start getting credit for extra calories. That's where the problem with Fitbit imo comes in:…
  • Yea, and that's how it SHOULD be. MFP uses NEAT which means that even set to Sedentary it assumes you at least move around your house a little bit during the day, getting 5000 steps isn't that much. If my BMR is 1550 and MFP says my NEAT is 1800 I'd need to be moving a little bit to earn those extra 250 cals. That's what…
  • What exactly isn't working for you? It works perfectly fine for me and I've lost the weight I would've expected the past 3 months based on all the stats, so the adjustment of the Apple Watch combined with the exercises it adds are spot on. Yes, MFP and the Apple Watch use different methods to calculate things, but that's…
  • Yes, I do! I have a negative adjustment from my Apple Watch a lot when I'm not walking my dog because the exercises I do are mostly non-step based and I'm otherwise pretty sedentary because of my office job. These exercises are added as activities to MFP with the calorie count that my Apple Watch has calculated. Without…
  • I've analysed all the numbers from the past 3 months and crossed it with how much weight I lost, and it seems to be pretty spot on for me. I've lost the amount of weight I should've lost with the calories I've eaten vs calories burned based on my Apple Watch and accurate tracking of my food. When I used the Fitbit Charge 2…
  • I also sit all day. The only movement I get it to get myself some tea or go to the bathroom, both of which are really close to my seat. I had to find my solution outside of work: I changed my bus commute to a bike commute, I walk about 20 minutes during my lunch break and I take out my dog before and/or after work for a…
  • Big nerd here! I absolutely love gaming, mostly on Playstation now. I play a lot of different games but I enjoy playing RPGs like The Witcher, Skyrim, Final Fantasy the most. I recently finished Horizon Zero Dawn, so much love for that game <3 I also have a Playstation VR and while it still has a lot of room for…
  • It's not a bug, it's that MFP uses a different number than the Apple Watch. The active calories on your Apple Watch are purely active calories, added to your BMR for a total number of calories burned that day. MFP has your TDEE set based on your activity level, which includes some normal activity like walking around and…
  • I just finished Horizon Zero Dawn, such an awesome game. I'm now playing through Uncharted 4 while waiting for the release of Mass Effect Andromeda.
  • I also have a desk job without any excuses to get up besides getting a drink or going to the bathroom, which is only a few steps away. I also have my own web design/development business which means more sitting behind the computer in my own time. So I decided to get my exercise in with my commute: I bike to work now. I…
  • Hi guys, always good to meet other Fives! I completed the 5k app early 2016 and got started with the main app & ran the spring virtual race. Then I got a really nasty concussion which lasted months so naturally I couldn't run anymore. Due to other priorities I haven't started running again but I really want to. So this…
  • Yea, I don't enter manually in MFP, I just meant that those are the exercises I do use the Workout feature on the Watch for. Sorry for the confusion :)
  • I still play! Not as much as I used to when it just came out but I'm still hatching plenty of eggs! Also team Mystic, whoop!
  • Hah I do that with my brother with our PS4s, it's awesome!
  • Agreed, but have you taken a look at the heart rate for two of the exercises that differ a lot. It matters a lot in calories if your average BPM for a 15 minute session is 130 or if it's 150. Can you put the stats of the 2 exercises here, maybe? Include time, BPM and calories burned so I can take a look at it :)
  • Horizon Zero Dawn! <3 It's even more awesome than I had hoped, I seriously can't put it down. Paired with my new 4k TV and PS4 Pro I've never seen a console game this beautiful.
  • Sorry for the late reply! I'm on MFP daily but I don't always check the forum so if you have any questions you can always just send me a private message instead! Whether you log exercise or not is up to you. You have the option to let the Apple Watch post it for you if you turn it on in Health. It'll look at the exercise…
  • I have this happen too if I don't eat enough (low blood sugar), so I'm guessing you're not eating enough and it's now catching up to you. Be careful it doesn't happen again, I got a nasty concussion taking me out for several months because of one of these episodes. When in doubt, visit a doctor.
  • Hi there! I'll try and answer your questions: - It honestly doesn't matter to which setting you set your activity level on MFP because if you connect your Apple Watch to MFP, the watch adjusts your calories for you. It would be best however to either set it to the lowest setting (it's what I did) or a setting that best…
  • I have an Apple Watch and got the Fitbit Charge 2 on release. While I really liked it in the beginning, I'm already back to using my Apple Watch full time, really disappointed in the Fitbit. As far as exercise tracking using heart rate went, it was fairly accurate, same as the Apple Watch. Like the watch it of course uses…
  • Honestly, I'm not entirely sure as I've not tested it, but I think the AW mostly relies in your heart rate for calorie burn. So that would mean that selecting Stair Stepper or Other would make no difference. The reason you can't burn that much during an Outdoor Walk or Elliptical is because those activities are way less…
  • Yea, day one for sure. I just got a brand new 4K TV supporting HDR and a PS Pro so it's gonna be amazing. Can't wait!