JMcGee2018 Member


  • I second using Libra or Happy Scale. Weighing only once a week or month runs the risk of just happening to weigh yourself on a particularly high da, which might make you think that you have plateaued or are trending up, whereas a daily weigh-in with a trending line lets you look at the big picture on a daily/weekly basis…
  • I use the MapMyRun/MapMyWalk (doesn't matter which) because it adjusts my calories burned depending on speed. The biggest problems with these apps is that they double count your calories burned by counting your regular "just existing" calories as well as the calories from exercise, so I take that into account by knowing…
  • What diet and exercise routine and how long ago was this?
  • There should be a way to change it over, but if not you can always use Google to figure out what the conversion is.
  • This exactly. Your FitBit is meant to measure steps. Boxing is way outside of what it can accurately measure.
  • Cost IS cheaper in socialized countries. Taxes go up, but the middle man (insurance companies) is cut out, which reduces costs, and the government as a whole is able to bargain for lower drug costs from pharmaceutical companies.…
  • You could probably Google it and see if that drug is available in whatever socialized country you're thinking of. If it's available (or a similar drug is available) it will most likely be free. My friend with MS who lives in Germany and is on their socialized plan has her medications and therapies paid for in full. Most of…
  • How long did it work for you, though? Are you still at 74kg and want to lose from that, or did you gain it back. A lot of these comments will help you make sustainable changes so that you can maintain your lower weight rather than gain it all back once you don't have the wedding as a motivator.
  • You get too full on 1400? Then how did you gain the weight in the first place? Women can usually eat down to 1200 with no ill effects, which would set you up to lose more than a pound a week. Some people advise not eating below your BMR, but I'm not sure if there is any science supporting that. Stay above 1200 and you'll…
  • Depends on the intervals. Walk/run intervals would probably help OP a lot.
  • Those aren't neurons, those are the TOXINZ. Eat clean and start every day with a shot of apple cider vinegar and you won't see them anymore.
  • You weren't in starvation mode, but eating less than 1200 a day, especially when your body is still recovering from the stress of creating a new human and then pushing that new human out, is really dangerous. Also, I love boiled eggs, but anything called the "boiled egg diet" cannot be good for you or satisfying at all.…
  • Your friend probably doesn't eat that every day, and an 800 calorie deficit isn't crazy. People on here are losing 2 pounds a week on a 1000 calorie deficit just fine. That said, being hungry is a struggle. I would try playing around with your macros, food volume, and meal timing. IF might be an option for you, or, on the…
  • I would use the recipe builder to calculate the calories for the entire marinade, then deduct however much you end up dumping from the calorie total. The remaining calories then account for the marinade that got absorbed or is used for basting, and that's what I would log since those are the calories that you are consuming.
  • To be fair to the "don't eat too late" people, a lot of people gain weight due to those late night snacks consumed as they sit and watch TV. If they stop eating at 6 or 7, they aren't eating hundreds of calories in chips and ice cream and wondering how they're gaining weight even though they only had a salad for dinner.…
  • I'm getting married in less than a year, if that counts (February 23, 2019). I currently weigh 160.4 and would like to get down to 135 and then reevaluate (I'm only 5'4" but haven't been under 145 since I was 14). I just want the option to try on all the wedding dresses and not be limited by my weight.
  • Weight fluctuates naturally due to water retention and food accumulation in your digestive system. A salty or carb-heavy meal one day can cause your weight to increase as you retain more water over the next few days, and a delayed bowel movement can keep your weight up until you pass it out of your body, but both of those…
  • I'd suggest using a scale for your peanut butter too once you get it. Peanut butter is a black hole of calories, and weight is always more accurate than volume.
  • Sitting at my desk has me in a pretty solid fat burning zone. If I was sleeping I'd be burning an even higher percentage of fat, though, so looks like I better take a nap when I get home instead of doing cardio at the gym tonight!
  • Do you truly believe that American healthcare is (or was before the ACA) better than most European healthcare systems are? Countries with socialized healthcare experience high levels of "government interference," yet have much lower cost per capita (paid by tax dollars, not out of pocket) and also have great outcomes.…
  • It could be argued that it DOES harm others if schools are not funded, infrastructure is not maintained, etc.. I live in a state that regularly experiences a budget surplus, which means that a lot of my taxes actually go to support states like Louisiana and Mississippi, who regularly run a steep deficit. A part of me wants…
  • I think Rob was just saying that "deplete" isn't the right word in this context.
  • But did she lose that water weight?
  • I typically don't argue against aggressive goals on these boards because I'm approaching my weight loss aggressively myself, but what everyone else has said on here is right. Losing that much weight in a month without being quite obese to start off with is very unhealthy. I would aim for max 1 lb/week weight loss at this…
  • How did you come up with 1300/day? What rate of loss did you ask MFP to give you? It might be too aggressive given that you only have 10 pounds to lose and that's why it's so low. I use IF to help me stick to my deficit, but that isn't for everyone.
  • The WW program for teens isn't going to lead to anorexia any more than watching a sad movie will lead someone to clinical depression. Both anorexia and clinical depression are mental disorders, and it's not like teens are unaware of weights/sizes/body types and are suddenly being "exposed" to them for the first time…
  • Or, conversely, rewards for being healthy. Pay the full amount if you're overweight/obese, get a 10% discount if you're at a healthy weight. This coming from someone who is overweight and willing to pay (literally) for my poor eating decisions in the past, which I am actively working to change.
  • Justice Democrat's candidate Amy Vilela's adult daughter died because a hospital wouldn't examine/treat her for a DVT because she didn't have insurance. They only have to treat emergency cases, not long term illnesses. Esophageal cancer causing you to choke? They'll intubate you so you can breathe, but they won't give you…
  • Also, there are often poor communities where a large part of the population there needs support. If it's not drawing from a larger area with more affluent communities, where does the money come from? I'm not religious, but there's that bible story about that woman giving her only two gems or whatever as a donation, and…
  • It's a smack in the face unless the items they want to buy with your cash are things like toilet paper, laundry detergent, and diapers. Some people abuse the system to go buy things like alcohol, cigarettes, etc., but some use that money to buy other essentials that EBT won't pay for.