100_PROOF_ Member


  • Are you trying to lose weight? If so, all you need to do is create a Calorie deficit.. calories in / calories out. There's no need for special diets for weight loss( unless you have a medical condition and your doctor advised you to do so) All you need to do is create a Calorie deficit.
  • The calories burned will be different for everyone depending on age, sex, weight. The calories given in the database for most exercises here seem to be grossly overestimated anyway for me when compared to my activity tracker and personal data. Some suggest only eating a fraction of the calories given for exercise from mfp…
  • Congratulations on the babies and welcome!
  • I'm sorry this is happening. Please contact the school ( if the bully is from the school) and tell them what is happening. This should not be tolerated.
  • I've worked quite a few jobs where my appearance was the job. Wearing Spanx wouldn't have been an odd request for these jobs at all. I interviewed just last month for a job where my sole purpose of being there would've been to look cute and smile. Offering Spanx would've been normal there. There's really no way to say…
  • This is an important lesson to learn for lasting success. I think you are well on your way to lasting success OP as it seems like you are doing the mental work along with the physical. Many don't realize that there's a deeper side to weight loss that runs deeper than just being thinner. It looks like you figured it out…
  • It's really impossible for me to draw any conclusion without knowing what you do for a living but I also understand why you wouldn't want to disclose that type of info online. I know some show girls and they are required to wear undergarments and are permitted to wear Spanx or shapewear if they wish as it's considered an…
  • It happens. Last week the scale was up 6 lbs for me. Water retention, hormones, not drinking enough water and all can make the scale go up and it's normal. Trust the process. If you know that you are at a deficit then keep on trucking and it'll take care of itself.
  • For weight loss you don't need a special diet. Weight loss comes from a Calorie deficit. Eat at a deficit and you'll lose weight. Eat at a surplus and you'll gain weight. Calories in calories out. There's no need to go low carb, keto, vegan or whatever else just to lose weight.
  • Same with me. Proactive also helped tremendously. I use it every day and no more acne.
  • Welcome back
  • Do you sleep with them like that on the bed? Maybe donate some of them so you have sufficient room for sleeping?
  • Same. I can't think of one time that I've ever even noticed how much weight someone was loading or what lifts they were doing that day. I don't pay anyone any attention and they don't bother me. Nobody stares at me or harasses me in any way. Most people are there to do their own thing and aren't worried about what others…
  • Welcome
  • Sometimes it helps to look at why this happened so you can learn from it and move past it. Example- are your calories set too low? Have you deprived yourself of foods that you love? Have you been restricting too much? This way you can pinpoint where you went wrong and try to correct the issue before it happens again. Other…
  • I'm really sorry. It sound like you are having a rough time. I wish there was a way you could form a support network like getting a counselor, therapist or even a trusted religious leader if you are into that type of thing. I'm really sorry you are going through this.
  • Please provide link to 300 calories for a whole box of donuts,I will purchase a case ! Fwiw I don't want a mini box with little bits, I'm looking for real donuts like Krispy Kreme or Dunkin donuts. I would seriously buy a truck load!
  • It comes down to calories. If you eat at a deficit- lose weight Eat at a surplus- gain weight Skipping a meal won't guarantee weight loss. Worry about your overall calories for the day. I could skip breakfast and lunch but then eat 4000 calories at dinner and then I'd gain because I would be at a surplus. I could skip all…
  • 2 days over is still better than 7 days over! Remember that nobody is perfect . It seems like you are in a rough place right now and I hope you are able to pull yourself out of it because you are NOT garbage and you are worth it. I hope you can see that one day
  • I think you should do whatever you feel is best but please remember that both require a lifestyle change. In most cases the surgeon will suggest that you try to change your lifestyle. It's not necessarily easy. Either way will require work and dedication. It comes down to how bad do you really want it? If you want it bad…
  • When I first joined here I noticed a lot of people logging cleaning, breastfeeding, walking the mailbox, pushing a grocery buggy as exercise. I even asked if that was what we were supposed to be doing here because I couldn't understand why that stuff wasn't already included in daily activities. ( It was, I just didn't know…
  • My sole purpose for starting was to look good naked. That has been my driving force this whole time. Of course I'm very concerned about my overall health too but my vanity definitely takes the Cake!
  • Op please know that everyone here thinks you look very good and don't need to change anything for anyone. Do what makes you happy. You are beautiful.
  • It's okay if you can't make it to the gym, there's still plenty of strength training you can do at home. YouTube has plenty of videos for at home strength training ideas. Do you have access to any weights? Maybe look into purchasing some to use in your house. Even if it's just some kettlebells . I really think you could…
  • Op - where do you live? And who are these people that are bullying you? Have you told them that they must stop commenting on your body and that it hurts your feelings? I'm wondering if they are actually jealous because you look very normal to me.
  • I'm the same height and @141 lbs right now. I think you look nice and shouldn't listen to what everyone else says. I think you have a good body and are beautiful. I would look into a strength training program though. Do you have access to a gym?
  • Listen I'm open to suggestions here too. With Halloween right around the corner and all, we might as well go for it!
  • I call it a Halloween tax. It prepares the kids for adulthood. When they grow up and work, they have to give a share of their pay to taxes. When they are kids,I take Halloween candy just like a tax. I think it's a life learning lesson. The tax rate in my home is currently 7% .
  • I beg to differ!!! I'm considered the loosest goose in the North East. I wear white after labor day and also wear red lipstick during work hours. I believe that she should not wear the white pants unless she's walking a perfumed beagle and wearing a D&G trench coat.
  • Is there a population of 100 yr old low carbers somewhere that I'm not aware of ?