jameslucy Member


  • Yea im planning to have a healthy meal in the evinings
  • I know that isbthe most sensibke thing to do but my will power at the min is so bad. I have a weeks trial of this thing so i will use it then hopefully that will have gave me a kick start.
  • I know that isbthe most sensibke thing to do but my will power at the min is so bad. I have a weeks trial of this thing so i will use it then hopefully that will have gave me a kick start.
  • oh no nightmare if it is gonna take that long. hopefully it wont be as long to lose the weight again
  • Well he has moved in next door with her as she was also my neighbour so i have decided that when i walk out of my house everyday i want to look good and not let them think they have won. i want to show him that i can get on with my life. i plan to get back to the gym (mind you i have not much time as i have also opened…
  • yea it has been hard. i just tirned to comfort eating loads of chocolate to get through n now i am paying the price by having to start this weight loss journey all over again,
  • I no fad diets are no good but I have just lost all my motivation and cant get back on track. I have gained 7lbs in a few weeks and I would love to have this back off for my 40th birthday celabrations at end of march.
  • Yea I dont actually know where the name came from. Couldnt imagine marines surviving on so little food. My frind has tried it and lost 14lbs in under 2 weeks. I just dont know as there is a lot of eggs on it. JUst dont think i could stomach so many eggs as u can only eat them plain.
  • Thanks 4 the advice.
  • Thank you everyone for your advice. Does anyone ever believe it is too late.
  • I have suggested that but he doesnt want to go on a date yet. He says maybe in a while. I think I know in my heart its over. Its just accepting it and learning to stop torturing myself cause its my fault the marriage got to were it is now. Im just frightened of living a life full of regrets.
  • I think it is to late. I have told him how I feel but he cant understand why I am showing him now, he thinks it is because I dont want to be on my own.
  • Yea we have 2 kids aged 9 & 4. The oldest is taking it quite bad. There is no-one else involved we have just drifted apart over the last few years with busy work schedules, kids and other stuff. I admit i just started taking him for granted and not puttung any effort into the marriage. I think he basically gave up trying…
  • Thank you everyone for ur kind words. It means a lot.
  • Oh think I will try it myself. Thank u.
  • I cant always get out as I have 2 young kids and my husband works long hours.
  • Thats what I aiming to do but I am worried that it will take months to get those 7lbs off like it did before.
  • I would also love to join this challenge. Name: Norma CW: 146 GW: 132 - 135 Within 90 days I would like to get as at least 10 pounds of, tone up my tummy and build up my running. I am also aiming to eat cleaner by cutting out my sweets & choc. Not really sure what to do now. Good luck everyone.
  • So just to clarify then. I should totally cut out the fruit as well for a while to letting the cravings pass.
  • Ok my plan is to try and go cold turkey then. I have added sugar into my diary settings as suggested. I dont think I will be able to keep to under 15 grams as advises by stayxtrue as I had berries and apple for berakfast and it already took me way over the 15g. Infact I have planned my menu for the whole day and I am over…
  • Thanks for all ur advice everyone. I will focus on everything u have suggested.
  • Why do some people have to be so insulting on this site. I appreciate peoples views but sometimes some people are a bit harsh. It is not my intention to carry on eating like this and I would not say that a very busy week which cause skipping meals equals an eating disorder. I was just asking advice on how to limit the…
  • I did not set out this week to eat so little it was just a hectic week. I agree with all your posts and agree that if I start eating normal I wiil gain. Should I build the cals up gradually and do more exercise to try and stop gaining loads.
  • Basiclly I just stuck with it and increased my exercise a little bit. It seems to have worked. I nearly gave up on many occasions cause I was so fed up. onIy have about 10lbs to lose so hopefully I will get there.
  • I joined slimmimg world two weeks ago and followed the plan exactly and gained pound and half first week and stayed the same the next week. Dont know whats happening. Hope I do better tomorrow night.
  • is net cals shown in the food diary as cals remaining at end of day. should that be either 1320 or 820. If some one could set out for me MOn thru to Sun and how many cals I should eat each day basing it on the fact that I will burn bout 500 on exercise MOn - Fri otherside I think Im gonna have to forget about the zig…
  • I apologise for being so stupid. Does that mean I eat 1320 for 3 days and 820 for four days and do I eat the more cals the days I excercise.
  • Sorry Im being really dumb. Is net cals including my exercsie cals or not.
  • Can I just ask a quick question about the 30ds. I completely level 1 & 2 without a break about 8 days ago. Due to other commitments I wasnt able to start level 3 as soon as i finshed level 3 and now am finding it hard to ger motivated. Anyway I am def gonna start again but should I go back to level 1 again or just continue…