eating very little calories and have lost weight



  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I was just asking advice on how to limit the damage.

    That is not at all what you asked for. You asked if you would gain weight back by eating a normal amount again.

    You've found time to exercise and drink 15 glasses of water a day. Find time to eat.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Why do some people have to be so insulting on this site. I appreciate peoples views but sometimes some people are a bit harsh. It is not my intention to carry on eating like this and I would not say that a very busy week which cause skipping meals equals an eating disorder. I was just asking advice on how to limit the damage.

    Because discussing 400 cals diets and "limiting the damage" equals discussing taking drugs and "limiting the damage". Believe me, the people on this site who have eating disorders (and there are a few) don't need triggering posts like this one. Sometimes harsh is needed.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I was just asking advice on how to limit the damage.

    That is not at all what you asked for. You asked if you would gain weight back by eating a normal amount again.

    You've found time to exercise and drink 15 glasses of water a day. Find time to eat.

    Completely agree. Finding time to eat is not as difficult as you make it sound.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I know most people wont agree with this post but I will ask the question anyway. I have always ate around 1000 cals or so and the scales havent moved. The advice I got on here was to eat more. Due to personal circumstance this week has been extremley busy and I have had very little time to eat. I am lucky if I have ate 400 cals per day this week. Anyway I weighed myself and have lost 6 pound from Monday. I am now nervous about eating normal again incase I gain it back.

    Also, how could this have happened if I before everyone was saying I was not eating enough but yet I was eating much more than I was this week.

    I guess I am confused by people who say they have "very little time to eat". It's funny because I can eat a protein bar or drink a protein shake while driving in my car - heck, while sitting at some of the red lights in my town! I can consume a sandwich in less than 15 mins too. I don't buy "I don't have time to eat" - that is a cop out. Plain and simple. If you have time to drink a glass of water - you have time to eat. I can't possibly see what could be SO time consuming as to prevent you from eating - IF you plan ahead accordingly.

    When you up your calories, yes.. you can probably expect to see a gain. Your body is likely starving right now and when it starts to get normal amounts of food again - it will likely gain weight. However, once you've been consuming normal amount of food for awhile, you will likely see the weight drop back off.

    I know that everyone's body needs a different amount of calories to function well on - but I just don't see how 400 calories a day can be healthy... at all. You can't possibly meet all your nutritional needs with only 400 calories a day.
  • psarah
    psarah Posts: 84
    You will end up losing muscle instead of need to eat in order to fuel your body..try also working out in different ways.. You're starving your body at 1000 cal so your body is holding on..
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Why do some people have to be so insulting on this site. I appreciate peoples views but sometimes some people are a bit harsh. It is not my intention to carry on eating like this and I would not say that a very busy week which cause skipping meals equals an eating disorder. I was just asking advice on how to limit the damage.

    I'm sorry if your feelings were hurt and you feel insulted. I understand how physiologically painful it is to be heavy (or to just think you are heavy). I've been heavy most of my life and it sucks. I understand how someone can want to lose weight so badly that they're willing to sacrifice almost anything to achieve results. HOWEVER, if it were me and I were eating only 400 calories a day and exercising and I thought this was okay and if I was afraid to start eating again for fear of gaining weight? I hope someone would have the courage to tell me the truth no matter how much it hurt my feelings. You need to eat. If you are really afraid of eating, then you have a problem and you need help.

    Good luck.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I was in the same situation. My body had no energy althought I lost drastic weight in a week or so.. That happen in march of the year.. I gained weight but I wont eat too little. I still have a very hard time reaching 1200 since I am always busy but it's not drastic where I eat only 400.. Try to reach for 1200. My MFP friends are monitoring and helping me to stay consistent with eating more. I have definitely improved
  • MikeDailyIntake
    think about this, healthy Omega fats that are found in fish, nuts, olive oil actually help you burn fat faster. 1 serving of nuts has roughly 200 calories and 15-20g of HEALTHY Omega fats. try to get atleast 1 serving of these per day.

    Try to stick to roasted with low salt or no salt, not those sugary ones.
  • NinjaTurtleDude
    First off I'm sorry for some negative comments,like the eating disorder. One, anyway my advice is the cals. Recommended by mfp. And don't fret if you gain, as long you do the program right everything. Will be OK
  • DiamondInTheDirt
    DiamondInTheDirt Posts: 117 Member
    I read your profile and it seems like youre one of those people who has hit a plateau because youre trying to get the last 15-10 lbs of. Those last lbs are HARD to get off. Undereating will not help you in any way. Keep eating 1200 calories or above...but change up your exercise. You couldve hit a plateau with a workout that you are doing. You will need to get the intensity up etc. Also its good to put muscle in your body as it burns fat. Maybe dont focus on the scale as much but focus on getting toned/shrinking without loosing weight. You need to eat enough. I dont care what anyone says but you will not feel well eating only 400 calories per day...1200 calories upwards! Weight training and high intesity interval training boosts metabolism! Also if youve been eating 1000 calories, your metabolism mightve slowed down. So just Eating a good amount of calories...and workout. Dont ever go below 1200 calories. If you dont care about the health implications of going below this amount, atleast care about the fact that you will gain weight back if you go below 1200 calories, and then start eating normal again. Hope this helps :) xx
  • jameslucy
    jameslucy Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks for all ur advice everyone. I will focus on everything u have suggested.
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    I know most people wont agree with this post but I will ask the question anyway. I have always ate around 1000 cals or so and the scales havent moved. The advice I got on here was to eat more. Due to personal circumstance this week has been extremley busy and I have had very little time to eat. I am lucky if I have ate 400 cals per day this week. Anyway I weighed myself and have lost 6 pound from Monday. I am now nervous about eating normal again incase I gain it back.

    Also, how could this have happened if I before everyone was saying I was not eating enough but yet I was eating much more than I was this week.

    Do you really want to live the rest of your life eating 400 calories a day? That's why.
  • Marianna194
    Marianna194 Posts: 145 Member
    It's water weight. It will come back.
  • ADobs
    ADobs Posts: 160 Member
    I find the excuse of not having time to eat pretty lame. Even if it's just an apple, banana, granola bar, fruit salad, whatever, there's lots of food options out there that you can eat on the go. Also, when you do start eating normally, you will gain it back, and I can speak from personal experience. You lost so much in a short period of time becuase you ate dramatically less and shocked your body. Simple.

    As for limiting damage, what I did was gradually increased my calories, i.e. 200 calories for 2 weeks, then another 200 for the next 2 weeks, etc.
  • ziggylove
    Because discussing 400 cals diets and "limiting the damage" equals discussing taking drugs and "limiting the damage". Believe me, the people on this site who have eating disorders (and there are a few) don't need triggering posts like this one. Sometimes harsh is needed.

    Well said.