what wrong with me

I have been stuck at the same weight for months and finally in the last two weeks I have lost 7lbs. I am so delighted. YOu would think that would have gave me more motivation but instead its had the opposite effect. It was my sons birthday yesterday and all I ate was cake and sweets. I actually did not eat any proper food. I have done the same thing today again nearly exceopt I had breakfast and a tiny bit of dinner but apart from that it has been chocolate. I need to stop this now or all my hard work will be for nothing.


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Yes it is a mental thing, we need to adjust our thinking in order to stick to it. You need to fight those urges or make your self have to do workouts if you go food crazy. Maybe try to think of it as a life or death thing, if you eat that fat it is going to clog your veins, that sugar is giving you diabetes, also do the weight loss for for children too, so that you can play with them now and live longer to see your grand children. Failure is not an option for you. Get to your goal, it is the most amazing feeling of accomplishment. Dont get to your goal and you will be living like this for the rest of your life unless you give up for good, then it just gets even worse.
  • buffalogal1979
    buffalogal1979 Posts: 236 Member
    Just out of curiosity - what did you do to break the plateau? Did you just stick with it? And how did you do THAT when the scale wasn't moving? I struggle with that so much. I get so discouraged when the scale doesn't move.
    Congrats though!! You should be so proud that you hung in there! One or two days isn't going to totally de-rail you, just back away from the birthday cake and get back at it! :laugh:
    Great job!
  • everydaypam
    everydaypam Posts: 93 Member
    I was told once that if you have been on a restricted calorie regimine for a couple of months and you have a day where you eat way more calories than you should it can shock your system into over drive and cause you to break through a plateau. Not sure if there is any validity behind that statement but I have seen it happen before to myself after getting frustrated and therefore making bad choices and it sounds like you just did to. Though you are right that if you keep up that eating it will go the other way :tongue:

    I am sure that if you get back on track this week you'll do great! Good luck.
  • jameslucy
    jameslucy Posts: 85 Member
    Basiclly I just stuck with it and increased my exercise a little bit. It seems to have worked. I nearly gave up on many occasions cause I was so fed up. onIy have about 10lbs to lose so hopefully I will get there.
  • kneeki
    kneeki Posts: 347 Member
    Don't let it keep you down. You just need to make this stick: "I'm doing this for myself; to look better, feel better, and be healthy. I will not give up!"