fitness level really gone

Due to personal circumstances i havent been at my gym for months now. i started yesterday and after 1 min running on the treadmill i was busted. i couldnt believe it. i was just so tired and my legs hurt so bad. i then went to lift some weights and couldnt lift anywere near what i had been lifting. due to work commitments now i will probabaly only be able to make it twice a week. will it take forever to get that fitness level back up and get back into shape .


  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    take baby steps...sounds like a total start you have done it in the past and know that the rewards will be there...patience...the level will rise above and beyond
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    After months not working out most of your fitness adaptations are gone. As a rule of thumb, it takes about twice as long as the time you took off to regain your prior level of fitness. If you can only work out twice a week, it may take much longer.
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    I'm in the same boat. After a 2 month hiatus due to insanity at work + 6 days a week of multiple kids' activities, I'm just getting back. I'm not at the start position I was 30lbs ago, but I've had to scale back alot, particularly on the amount I'm lifting. It will come back in time, just keep at it!
  • jameslucy
    jameslucy Posts: 85 Member
    oh no nightmare if it is gonna take that long. hopefully it wont be as long to lose the weight again
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    I think the views you have had so far are a little pessimistic. There is such a thing as muscle memory and it won't take long before you are where you were; just don't push it too quickly until you are back up there again. Let it happen.
  • lozadee
    lozadee Posts: 89 Member
    I had a similar issue due to illness and trying to push myself back into the gym too hard too fast which in turn set me back further, now I took my time and built it up I'm not too far from where I was - partly because I now know what I am capable of so its encouraging to push myself a bit more than first time.

    It might take time to get it back, but at least you'l have the improvement...the alternative is do nothing and watch the weight fly back thank you very much :-p