Back again

Hello. i was on this site way back in april but after my marriage broke up and i found out my husband was having an affair with my best friend my eating and exercise has went of the rails. I weighed myself this morning for the first in along time and have gained 21 lbs. im so annoyed at myself so its time to pick myself up and get back on track so here i am again. wish me luck that i can get motivated n back in the right frame of mind.


  • hello50s
    Sorry to hear - must have been such a stressful time for you- glad you are back!! Take care of yourself.
  • jameslucy
    jameslucy Posts: 85 Member
    yea it has been hard. i just tirned to comfort eating loads of chocolate to get through n now i am paying the price by having to start this weight loss journey all over again,
  • Polparrot
    Polparrot Posts: 54 Member
  • senojlyrehc
    Sounds like a extremely hard time and very understandable, normal response under the circumstances! A fresh start is certainly in the makings, since you've survived one of the hardest things ever, what are your plans to regain the ground you have lost? and how can us in the community help?

    Big hug for such a brave lady!! x
  • jameslucy
    jameslucy Posts: 85 Member
    Well he has moved in next door with her as she was also my neighbour so i have decided that when i walk out of my house everyday i want to look good and not let them think they have won. i want to show him that i can get on with my life. i plan to get back to the gym (mind you i have not much time as i have also opened another business). its just good to know that when i struggle n want to give up i can come on here and there will be someone who can motivate me and share words of support.
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    sorry to hear like that give fellas like me a bad name...this must take an incredible amount of strength to go through this...I cannot begin to imagine...but I do hope it all works out and you get back on track ...karma will get em