rachel512 Member


  • 1/2 cup of oatmeal with a scoop of protein and egg whites!
  • Cardio helps burn fat around the core. I suggest doing cardio 6-7 days a week for 45 min sessions and incorporate weight training 3 times a week during one of which you focus on back and chest exercises. Lat pull downs, seated rows, chest press on a stability ball, and chest flyes might help. 3 sets of 12-15 reps if you…
  • Me too! It will be nice to have something to shoot for!
  • I am in the same position! First year in special ed..it is the most exhausting job in the world! Im sure of it! Lol, but it is great...I actually started running in the morning to wake myself up, get my workout over with, and it helps me have more patience with the kids too. It is a major adjustment if youre not a morning…
  • lat pulldowns and rows
  • i think thats a terrible and dangerous idea..500 calories a day will wreak havoc on your body. Sorry to be so blunt but its true
  • Thats great! Congrats! As far as the calorie discrepancy, I would low-ball the calorie burn on the elliptical to about 450-500 p/hour because those machines are notorious for over estimating the burn...just for future reference! Good luck on your journey!
  • It is a cybex arch trainer and it is absolutely amazing. By far my favorite cardio next to running! Give it a shot and pump up the incline for a great burn
  • Dont give up! You need to be reeled back in because you're drifting away from your dream/goal of dropping a few pounds. What is this "I can't do that anymore..?" Why can't you work out or keep your calories low anymore? All you need is some motivation, so think about yourself in a hot promdress, and I know that there is no…
    in 10 lbs:( Comment by rachel512 March 2010
  • HERSHEYS SUGAR FREE SPECIAL DARK! Yum! Cures my serious chocolate craving and tastes exactly like the real deal!
  • No way! Spinning is a blast! It will kick your butt the first few times but I think you'll love it, especially if there's a good instructor. You wont fall off the bike, you're either clipped in or the baskets for your feet are nice and tight. Your rump may be a little sore...but you'll get over it quickly and I think…
  • bacardi and diet coke has 66 calories and no carbs! keep em comin!
  • Thanks...I saw the other thread and it was for the F4 so I was just wondering if the F6 was the same..maybe that seems obvious, but I just wanted to check before I broke my new hundred dollar toy! So if anyone else knows from experience, bring on the replies! Thanks!
  • Haha! Too funny, I actually am a waitress at Bertucci's and I am constantly pushing for them to post something. Truth is, there's probably more calories than 800...I'd say its close to 1,000 for the whole meal...the antipasto is my absolute favorite and it looks deceptively healthy, but it's not. Whatever you do, try to…
  • I love this machine! Great abductor/adductor workout! Plus I dont know about you but those thighs never seem to slim down for me! This machine has helped and its pretty tough. The technical name is the "Technogym Cardio Wave" Hope this helps!!
    in the wave Comment by rachel512 June 2009
  • bacardi superior and diet is always a good choice. Mich Ultra has these fruity beers now, they kinda taste like seltzer which I like because I'm not a huge beer fan. I'd steer clear with anything that has more than one kind of liquor because that usually means twice the calories! Or I'm a big fan of a "skinny…
  • Well I'm taking donations
  • Ok down 1.5lbs since last week weigh in day. Not the 2.5 I had hoped but still ok with me! AND I RAN TODAY! Woo Hoo! Havent done that since the 5th grade! Felt great and I hope to keep it up! Good luck diet tribers!
  • edamame! in the pods, throw em in the microwave and a pinch of salt, they're bomb...protein and fiber too!
  • I have tried em all! Muscle Milk Light is by far the tastiest, either that or Whey Gourmet but both are expensive. As far as Body Fortress, the protein and calorie content is really ideal, along with the price. However, the taste is nothing compared to that of the more expensive products. But hey, were in a recession, may…
  • hey girl! here for ya! It's a long, tough road but props to you for just logging everthing everyday and making the effort to drop those stubborn lbs! I've got about 30 to drop myself, so we need to stick together through this! My weigh in day is Monday so lets try to keep eachother motivated! Good luck!
  • Hi there, I feel like a sorry excuse of a History student, having just gotten my Masters in it...this is a toughie! I'll give it a shot though. I believe that free labor in the antebellum era concerns the northern labor system, as opposed to the system of slavery in the South. During the antebellum era (1830's-1840's), the…
  • Thats great for your friend, but I've heard that Lipozene is only for those who are severely overweight/obese, and while a quick fix sounds great, I'm not sure I would trust it. Also, that "fiber" stuff he's talking about is called glucomannan, its becoming more well known recently, and its a fiber-filled type supplement…
    in LIPOZENE Comment by rachel512 April 2009
  • alright starting weight is 160...hope to be 130 by July 13! Back to the bikini I'm rocking here in this pic. Will post recent pic in a few days. Good luck to everyone!
  • I am down! Thats how much I need to drop! This photo is of me about two years and forty pounds ago! Would love to have my body back and I hope this is the way to do it! I'm in!
  • Good news is that it takes 3,500 extra calories to gain a pound so you are far from that! Dont beat yourself up over it! I say you earned it for being so good this week--sweat it out tomorrow and dont worry about it girl!
  • I just tried this dvd "Barry's Bootcamp" It is unbelievable! It is only 20 minutes but you feel as though you've worked out for hours! Only problem is that I don't have a heart rate moniter and have no idea how many calories I burn in this brief workout. If anyone knows approximately how much they burn I would love to…
  • So I eat pretty clean most of the time, but the one thing holding me back is my complete dependence on artificial sweeteners! I have such a sweettooth that I try to control by consuming this chemical-laden crap. So my question is if anyone knows if I stop consuming sweet n low, etc. will my cravings for sweets subside? I…
  • Hi there, I was trying to figure out how to allocate my calories into percentages--I'm shooting for 40% protein, 30% carbs and 30% fat, but I have absolutely no idea how to figure it out. Maybe its because I'm just awful at math and am clueless, but if someone knows I would definitely appreciate some assistance. My calorie…