Diet Tribe - 30 Pounds in 90 Days!



    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    This was a great week for me even with some serious lapses in good judgement when it came to eating, but instead of letting that get me down I just added some extra exercise to help burn those extra calories. This is the first time ever I have lost more than 1 pound in a week. Hurray!!!:smile:

    I do home daycare so when the weather is nice I sneak in extra exercise by putting the kids in a 6 kid stroller and walking to the park that if furthest from my house. It is a great work out pushing a 130 pound stroller with 4 or 5 kids in it. Hope the weather here in MN cooperates so we can get out today.

    Great job everyone
    Starting weight 186
    Goal 156

    04/20/09: 182:happy:
    Final weigh in 07/12/09:
  • csanchez39
    csanchez39 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi Everone!

    I only lost 2 pounds :grumble: I must not be doing something right! But, thats not going to stop me I have to try harder. Its definately encouraging reading that some people lost 4-6 pounds. WOW!

    Starting weight 04/13/09: 180
    90 day goal: 150

    04/20/09: 178lbs (-2)
    Final weigh in 07/12/09:
  • anewday
    anewday Posts: 69 Member
    anewday & sarabear,

    How are ya'll losing 6-7 pounds in a weeks time? I have a hard time losing 1 pound in 2 weeks!!!

    I have no idea!!!:smile:
    But I'm excited, I'm just counting calories and I have never done that before, I exercise when I can.
    Honestly I think it helps that I'm getting my thyroid under control. It was very high and I just recently had to up my meds. So now my efforts are paying off!!!:bigsmile:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I think it would be interesting for others to post how you fix extra movement into your day. It may give ideas and inspiration to others to up their activity level. For example this past Saturday my day was booked solid with running errands and going to events. I had to go to at least 6 stores at various locations to pick up items. I did not have time for a regular exercise session but I got quite a bit of walking in just by parking at the far end of the parking lot. At the mall I parked at the oposite side of the mall from where I needed to be. It gave me some extra movement when I did not have time for an hour of gym time.

    Another favorite is to get up and do push ups or sit up during commericial breaks if I am watching tv.

    What do you do?
  • rachel512
    rachel512 Posts: 38 Member
    Ok down 1.5lbs since last week weigh in day. Not the 2.5 I had hoped but still ok with me! AND I RAN TODAY! Woo Hoo! Havent done that since the 5th grade! Felt great and I hope to keep it up! Good luck diet tribers!
  • tig3rang3l
    tig3rang3l Posts: 270 Member
    Good morning everyone! I'm so happy.... after going up two pounds to 160 last week after Easter, I stepped on the scale this morning and I'm down to 157!!! I feel so good I think I'll go work out!

    Starting weight 04/13/09: 158.0
    90 day goal: 128.0

    04/20/09: 157 (-1)
    Final weigh in 07/12/09:
  • jowily
    jowily Posts: 189 Member
    Well - I had lost 4 pounds - but Denver got a big snowstorm (at least south of it) so I was trapped inside where I did no exercise and did nothing but eat - not a good weekend....but still down for the week.

    Starting - 204
    Goal - 175

    04/13/09: 204 lbs
    04/20/09: 201.4 lbs (-2.6 lbs)
    Final weigh in 07/12/09
  • katrana
    katrana Posts: 66 Member
    Starting weight 04/13/09: 192.5
    90 day goal: 162.5

    04/20/09: 189.5
    Final weigh in 07/12/09:

    Total loss to date: 3 LBS
  • AlisonMCross
    AlisonMCross Posts: 37 Member
    Starting weight 04/13/09: 180
    90 day goal: 150

    04/20/09: 177.4
    Final weigh in 07/12/09:

    Total loss to date: 2.6 LBS
  • Brandiann
    Brandiann Posts: 905 Member
    Oh "WOW" I'm so happy to see everyone doing well! :drinker: You guys are all on the right track, Keep up the great work... before you know it we will be at 90 days with 30lbs gone! :bigsmile:

    ~~> "Be specific in what you want, and use specific words. Empower yourself, and become the person you dream about" <~~
  • cmstief
    cmstief Posts: 59
    Starting weight: 04/13/09: 125
    90 day goal: 115

    04/20/09: 125
    Final weigh in 07/12/09

    Total loss to date: 0

    So this last week was a tough one for me... I've been sick and therefore wasn't able to exercise AT ALL! Frustrating I know! Anyways, hopefully in this next week I will be able to get back on track with my weight loss. It was a gorgeous morning today so I got outside and ran in the soft sand at the beach for 30 minutes so that was definitely nice!
  • ceemeenow
    ceemeenow Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on track to make it. I've lost almost 4 lbs since last week.
  • jawalsh1
    jawalsh1 Posts: 24
    Starting weight 04/13/09: 206.0
    90 day goal: 176.0

    04/20/09: 204.0 (2)
    Final weigh in 07/12/09:

    Total loss to date: 2

    I didn't do as good of a job tracking calories and getting my exercise in as I would have liked. Next week will be better!

    Congratulations to everyone for making it through week 1!
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Very discouraged today. I have been "off track" for quite awhile now, not really gaining weight but not losing either. I embarked on this 90 day challenge as a way to kick start my weight loss back up. This past week has been good. Exercising, eating within my calories, drinking tons of water. Yes, I went over my calories a few days, and yes, Saturday was bad, but nothing was outrageous enough to explain a 4 pound gain on the scale this morning! I started this challenge at 270, hit 268.5 midweek, and this morning tipped the scale at 274. That is physiologically impossible from my journals of the past week.

    I am hoping that Saturday's restaurant food just contained a lot of sodium and that I am retaining water, so I have been chugging water today and plan to recheck my weight tomorrow. I really don't know what the deal is, but something has got to give.
  • tig3rang3l
    tig3rang3l Posts: 270 Member
    I am hoping that Saturday's restaurant food just contained a lot of sodium and that I am retaining water, so I have been chugging water today and plan to recheck my weight tomorrow. I really don't know what the deal is, but something has got to give.

    I'm betting that's it, and in the next few days you'll see yourself drop that weight and then some. Let us know how it goes, don't get discouraged and keep at it! Your work will pay off :flowerforyou:
  • goingforgoal
    goingforgoal Posts: 25 Member
    Well I blew it!!! I was on a roll and by Friday was down 2.2 lbs. Then over the weekend, we had the slumber party, pizza, chocolate chip cookie cake (I made w/homemade icing) along with cinnamon rolls with cream cheese icing and more. I totally discovered this weekend that I eat when there's a lack of sleep and a lot of stress. So, this morning I weighed in and had gained .6 from last Monday. I just kicked myself all day long and topped it off with 2 margaritas tonight at dinner. My hands are swolen from all the salt now and I'm really feeling it. I'm back on track tomorrow and hope that I can manage sleep and stress in a different way this week. That's my goal. Congrats to all those with successful weigh ins for the first week!!!
  • Nadyasmom
    Nadyasmom Posts: 281
    Well, no weight loss, but at least not the gain that I thought I had. I'm on a job (contract basis) and I'm getting lunch everyday at work. It's pretty healthy, but definately not what I would pick for myself if I was home. I can't exactly say no either (long story), so I'm stuck. I try and just eat a little each time. I'm going to try and find time to up my exercise each day (add more cardio and abs). I just want to see this jelly roll from pregancy (and before) disappear finally.
  • Brandiann
    Brandiann Posts: 905 Member
    Well I blew it!!! I was on a roll and by Friday was down 2.2 lbs. Then over the weekend, we had the slumber party, pizza, chocolate chip cookie cake (I made w/homemade icing) along with cinnamon rolls with cream cheese icing and more. I totally discovered this weekend that I eat when there's a lack of sleep and a lot of stress. So, this morning I weighed in and had gained .6 from last Monday. I just kicked myself all day long and topped it off with 2 margaritas tonight at dinner. My hands are swolen from all the salt now and I'm really feeling it. I'm back on track tomorrow and hope that I can manage sleep and stress in a different way this week. That's my goal. Congrats to all those with successful weigh ins for the first week!!!

    Goingforgoal you sound like what happened to me on Saturday... I went to visit my best friend and they have the best pizzeria near her house so we ate pizza and I had 2 sicilian squares :heart: and then a chocolate italian icy. After that we walked around to some stores to get "some" :laugh: exercise in. Later that night I was eyeing the cheesecake she had in her frig and the next thing you know I was eating a big piece :sad: ... after that her husband bad us an alchoholic beverage that was very sweet but very good :wink: . I think I ate almost 2500 calories that NIGHT! :angry: So I didn't beat my self up because I still had Sunday and did cardio for 1 hr and 30 minutes along with 30 minutes of weight training and boy did that help!!! I didn't lose alot but 2.2lbs made me happy.....

    Just note we are going to have those days or weekends that we don't eat as healthy as we should and it's ok, you have to learn portion control... this is a new week, keep focused and you will do just fine! :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: "Any experience can be transformed into something of value. Everything depends on the way you look at things. You cannot have the success without the failures". :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Brandiann
    Brandiann Posts: 905 Member
    Well, no weight loss, but at least not the gain that I thought I had. I'm on a job (contract basis) and I'm getting lunch everyday at work. It's pretty healthy, but definately not what I would pick for myself if I was home. I can't exactly say no either (long story), so I'm stuck. I try and just eat a little each time. I'm going to try and find time to up my exercise each day (add more cardio and abs). I just want to see this jelly roll from pregancy (and before) disappear finally.

    Nadyasmom keep up the good work, that's right atleast there was no gain. Everything takes time but before you know it you will be losing. I have faith in you, you can do it... Today's a new day stay focused, eat well and get your exercise and water in. Have a healthy day! :flowerforyou:
    TANKENEY32 Posts: 105 Member
    im new here may i still join? I have done diet after diet and no luck.. My health is suffering from my weight and i need all the help i can get.. Thanx, Tonya
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