

  • I am in! I have started it in the past but never finished it!
  • I'm sorry if I am repeating. I agree with eating lighter on th non-event days and adding exercise somewhere to cover the extra calories. Another thing that helps me is bring a dish (or dishes) to pass that is in line with my cravings and is still healthy. For example, I love cheesy potatoes, if I make them, I can adjust…
  • I used to love the elliptical but I don't have a gym membership anymore! My exercise includes...stationary bike, stair climber thing, walks with child and dog, 30 Day Shred and Just Dance. I have been trying to be more active at work as well. Its funny how lazy I can be there but when I want I can go the whole day with…
  • Monday’s QoTD: Name your top pantry staples that you've added to your repertoire since starting your journey and how you most often use them. Please be specific. Eggs-hardboiled, scrambled (the microwave works great for a quick scrambled egg) Greek Yogurt-Love it with any fruit Cucumbers-I fell in love with cucumbers…
  • Thursday QOTD - Whats the one food that you've found the hardest to give up? and do u on occasion treat yourself to it? Other than the fast food breakfast from yesterdays QOTD, I would say candy from the office candy dish. I don't even really like to eat candy but its there and I am bored and I used to eat a ton of it!
  • Wednesday QOTD: What was the hardest change you had to make in order to lose weight? It sounds so gross to even say it...I had to give up breakfast sandwiches from McDonalds and the gas station. I eat pretty well all day long but I drive by at least 3 MacDons and several PDQs every morning and I was stopping a couple times…
  • Tuesday QOTD: We all have challenging days. What is your favorite trick to get your impulses under control? How do you put down the snacks and get yourself off the couch? Good question, I haven't really figured that one out. I've been pretty good at telling myself no to "bad" food and controlling portions but I haven't…
  • I've got the Monday QOTD: So we all know we're all here to lose weight and we all said why we want to lose the weight, but how did you get to the point where you realized you had to do something about it and what made you realize this?? In high School and college I weighed about 120, anytime I would gain weight I could…
  • The DVD also has an option to do the workout with music only, no Jillian! I had her memorized by the end of day two. During the second set of static lunges she says "only a couple more" but really its like eight more and I get mad each and every time!
  • Yep, I am pretty much doing this (except my kid is 4 months and I don't lose weight easily). MFP has me at 1200 cals then I add nursing mother in as food and get 500 more. I eat anytime I am hungry and I am having a hard time actually filling those 1700 when I am making decent food choices. My supply has not suffered at…
  • Me too! I have discovered JM 30 Day Shred--so far level 1 only, I tried level 2 but my form was bad so I wasn't really getting anything out of it. Once I'm stronger and less chubby, I'll have better form!
  • Wednesday QOTD What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number? My goal weight is 120. When I got pregnant I was 125, so my original goal was 125 but secretly it was 120. I didn't want to say the 120 goal out loud (or type it, whatever) because I didn't want to fail! Now its out there! In my late teens/early…
  • Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!) I am still super new, however, I am happier. I feel so much…
  • wow when I started my reply it was the first one-sorry about repeating things!
  • You can add it as if it were food in your diary-it will add -500 calories. My calorie goal is 1200, I log what I eat, say 1500 total calories, then I add in "Breastfeeding" or "Nursing Mother", MFP puts negative 500 calories in the calorie column and I am now at 1000 calories for the day. I have also heard 300…
  • My turn! I am Niki, I am 28. I got married in June 2010 and instantly started "trying" to get pregnant--it worked! My daughter was born in April 2011 and has been my world since. I am still trying to figure out how to get things done with a little one around, she's rather time consuming, my house needs some TLC and my…
  • Moday QOTD: What is your biggest reason for losing weight? I want to wear my clothes again! I am still wearing some maternity clothing or just some of my bigger/stretchier/etc clothing. It sucks. I am an interior designer, its really hard to convince people that I know what I am talking about when it looks like I can't…
  • Hi Iam on Team 1 Green team but my user name is actually nikip6454! Sorry I may have signed up with no p as it is my username for just about everything else that way!
  • Hi I am Niki! I am the mother of a beautiful 3 month old girl that gained a bit (50 lbs!) during pregnancy and I am just starting to work it off! I am new to MFP and challenges I think both will be great motivators for me! I need to lose weight for health, to get back into my clothes and because I am an interior designer…
  • I say go And to be honest I applaud over weight people that are in fitness/health related courses and gyms and any other place that shows they are being healthy. I judge (okay I don't judge but I do notice) when super over weight people are eating huge ice cream cones/McDonalds/huge bags of Cheetos. I would never give a…
  • In the post directly above that I defended her goal and said that it was my goal as well. It is possible to be 5'7" and a flabby 120 so yes a toned 130 is healthier and more attractive (as a general statement nothing to do with OP)--I was agreeing with another poster.
  • I find that junk food and processed foods are the most expensive. I only have a 3 month old so I don't have kids to feed but I am on a budget regardless. Ideas... Costco-I love it! I buy cans of black beans, stewed tomatoes, boxed pasta, cereal, well just about anything that stores well and that I can throw together for a…
  • I also agree that toned at 130 is better than flabby at 120.
  • I'm 5'7"ish, 28 years old and my current weight is 149. My goal is also 120. I tend to hoover between 125-130 by not doing a whole lot and used to be able to maintain 120 with moderate effort in the gym. I was 125 when I got pregnant and gained 50 lbs! EEK! My little one is now 3 months and it is time for this momma to get…
  • False or True either way I still found it funny since my husband works for Coke! He manages the drivers and DOT and OSHA regulations so I know for a fact the HAZMAT statement is totally false but a lot of the others sound possible. Water is the best choice and many people forget that. Also, vinegar is a great cleaner and…
  • I try to make enough for dinner so I can have leftovers for lunch too! I have a full kitchen at work so I can make anything I want so I am probably not much help! But some things I like to make and eat during my 30-45 minute lunch... Bagel with avocado, turkey and tomato Chicken Breast sauteed in sun dried tomato vinegar…
  • Wow, I really enjoyed it! I didn't have my hand weights so I'm sure it will be tougher tomorrow!
  • Thanks, I was trying to find it in the exercise tab. I figured I could mentally add 500 cals to my allowance but I was feeling like a super failure to run over by so much!