Breast Feeding

Hello--I am on day one! Does anyone know how to account for breast feeding?


  • hunterzmomma
    in the area where u enter your food type in breastfeeding and a few options will come up
  • KimberlyDawnBohichik
    Type in Nursing Mother and log how many ounces,,,, (under the meal)... GOOD LUCK!
  • caitmcwill
    caitmcwill Posts: 102
    I spoke with a nutritionist last week about breastfeeding and she says it typically burns 350-500 calories a day. This is for feeding about 8 times a day.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I spoke with a nutritionist last week about breastfeeding and she says it typically burns 350-500 calories a day. This is for feeding about 8 times a day.

    Wow, sounds like I should start that!
  • nikip6454
    Thanks, I was trying to find it in the exercise tab. I figured I could mentally add 500 cals to my allowance but I was feeling like a super failure to run over by so much!
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    I always allowed about 400 calories or so. You're not a failure!! you're feeding your gorgeous baby. :)
    You'll know yourself the calories you need if you play around with them you'll find a balance.

    I didn't try losing till I fed for a year though (personal thing), I did find I was hungrier till then and my baby was up every 2 hours till then as well at night so I had a healthy snack during a feed midway through the night. Honestly I couldn't get through the night without it and I'm not a night eater.

    Hope you get on well with feeding - Well done it's tricky at times but I fed for 17 months and my baby weaned herself happily at that point. :)

    Congratulations also on your little one.
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    You are never a failure when feeding your child. It does burn 300-500 cals a day. I put Breastfeeding - Exclusively on my food journal. It subtracts 500 cals from my daily food.

    Also keep in mind that some people will not lose while breastfeeding and some will gain. It all depends on your body. For me, I'm losing right now, but Im thnking as I get smaller then it may stop until I wean my son. And that is ok.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    I wish someone had told me that nearly 2 years ago!! I spent a year puzzling over being starving if I at regular calories! I did lose a bit of weight but not much really and as said waited till my baby was feeding less often and over a year before I started cutting my calories. :) She's 19 months now and I'm about 5lb away from my pre-pregnancy weight so it does happen.

    I agree whole heartedly not to feel bad while feeding it's so important. :) My toddler has such a great bond with me and hasn't been a poorly baby either. Wonderful feeling and something to be proud of. :)
  • MrsTomkins
    MrsTomkins Posts: 64 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Today is my first day on here, and I just had a lil girl, my first, 2 weeks ago.. I am not really ready to start exercising but I am ready to start tracking my diet again like I did before I was pregnant. I have already lost the pregnancy weight, I only gained 24 lbs.. and now I am ready to lose another 20!!

    Just looking to connect with some people in the same stage of life!! the only exercising I am getting right now is breastfeeding and walking around with a crying newborn trying to soothe her :)