Sexy in Six Week 2 ***closed group***



  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    I've got the Monday QOTD: So we all know we're all here to lose weight and we all said why we want to lose the weight, but how did you get to the point where you realized you had to do something about it and what made you realize this??

    I went to victorias secret to get a bra fitting. The extremely rude woman who was doing it, measured my band size and then looked me in the eyes and said, "there is no point in me finishing this, there is nothing in this store that will fit you." She then walked out of the change room, and left me there half naked and crying about how fat I was. Never walked into a VS since... and I probably never will.
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: We all have challenging days. What is your favorite trick to get your impulses under control? How do you put down the snacks and get yourself off the couch?

    I have so many great tricks that I have heard from others on here, my problem is execution. Last week this challenge kept me from over eating. Knowing that I was responsible for someone elses success kept me accountable. :D
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: We all have challenging days. What is your favorite trick to get your impulses under control? How do you put down the snacks and get yourself off the couch?

    I am new to this, so at the moment I am learning to spot the challenges and the impulsiveness. At the school where I work, there are always doughnuts and cakes and biscuits and chocolates and homemade cookies 'freely available' in the staffroom. I am steeling myself for the new term because I know that feeling anxious, stressed, up or down, I walk in there and say oh I'll just have a little bit of this, or a bit of that, and as well, I can sneak back for some more later. What I need to do is be able to walk in there with an automatic machine gun and blast it all off the table! (Not that we have guns here, but it's the kind of furious metaphor that says what I feel!). Since I started this, I have popped undesirable, tempting items into my mouth - almost before I realised I had done it - and then the realisation hits and so I am trying to spit what's there in the bin!!! Or, one bite, the rest in the bin. I;ve also figured that I should avoid foods with 'ch ' in them - chocolate and cheese for starters!

    Anyway, thank you everyone for your inspiration - it's so helpful!!! Have a good TuesdaY :):smile::smile:
  • almille
    almille Posts: 89
    Wow, Bachooka I can't believe anyone, much less a saleswoman, would say something like that! There are so many inconsiderate people in the world :(
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    :Happy tuesday everyone my computer and television got fried in the lightning storm last night so I'm posting from my phone. I can't wait to get back online so I can read everyone's reply to this great question of the day for tuesday
    I have several tricks 1 of them is looking at the snack that I know I shouldn't eat and thinking "no thanks I'd rather be thinner"
    Sometimes it's hard to get myself motivated or tour away from the kitchen Sometimes I find it hard to get myself motivated to get busy and distracted from cravings when this happens I log on to my fitness pal and read some blogs revaluate my calories for the day. And even if I've gone off track remember that I can start again right away.
    ' if I regain better internet access I will post more on this topic what a great question thank you so much something we can all benefit from reading!!! Okay off to drink some water :)
  • zaiikaa
    zaiikaa Posts: 112
    Monday QOTD: So we all know we're all here to lose weight and we all said why we want to lose the weight, but how did you get to the point where you realized you had to do something about it and what made you realize this??

    I had realized I'd been eating VERY bad for a long time, and when it started to show up on the scale I knew I needed to make some changes.

    Tuesday QOTD: We all have challenging days. What is your favorite trick to get your impulses under control? How do you put down the snacks and get yourself off the couch?

    -Drink a glass of water
    -Suck on a frozen Hershey's kiss
    -Have what I'm craving, but keep it to the serving size (1/2 cup of ice cream is not very much!)
    -Step on the scale!
  • NicholeAJ
    Tuesday; I look at my before picture to remind myself how far I have come and where I don't want to go back!!!
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    Monday QOTD: So we all know we're all here to lose weight and we all said why we want to lose the weight, but how did you get to the point where you realized you had to do something about it and what made you realize this??
    Even though for the last year or so I have been semi active I realize that as much as I love running if I could drop some pounds I could not only become a healthier person but be a better runner as well. I have a passion for running and it motivates me to do things beyone probably any human could. Outside of running I also realize that I am barely inside of the healthy weight range for my height and age and at times go over. I also tend to be very self concious and I really don't want to be the person who is always negative and insecure!
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: We all have challenging days. What is your favorite trick to get your impulses under control? How do you put down the snacks and get yourself off the couch?
    Wow, this can be almost impossible for me sometimes especially if I'm feeling sad or lonely, etc. I think my best method is probably just to stop for a moment and think about it. I like to think "Now if I eat this, do I have enough calories, am I going to regret it later". Sometimes this works really well for me and if even this doesn't work then the best thing for me to do is get out of the house!! =)
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Tuesday QOTD: We all have challenging days. What is your favorite trick to get your impulses under control? How do you put down the snacks and get yourself off the couch?

    I try to envision my goal and then i immediately envision myself back to 270lbs . . . . which is not a pretty picture. At that point, I can usually get up off the couch and go to they gym. Perception is everything.
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: We all have challenging days. What is your favorite trick to get your impulses under control? How do you put down the snacks and get yourself off the couch?

    I ususally try and log it ahead of time to see what it would be...if I have enough left I'll snack...otherwise if it blows my calorie count I'll try and seek something else that's more healthy. Other times I'll try and have 1/2 serving or something.

    For exercise, I usually don't have an issue when my life isn't as crazy...I just know that I'll feel so much better once it's done!

    PS: Water challenge = PEEING A LOT.
  • sarah61587
    sarah61587 Posts: 56 Member

    I had started losing weight (after gaining WAY more than I wanted to) after I had my daughter, went on birth control and started gaining the weight back. I would have been okay with not losing a lot or it being really slow, but I refused, REFUSED to go back up to 260. I had gotten down to 235 and was back up to 242 2 weeks after going on antidepressants and birth control. I wouldn't go with my husband to meet two new babies in his family because his cousins had given birth 2 weeks and 6 weeks after me and were already back down to their pre-pregnancy weight by 3 months after I gave birth (they were very skinny to begin with). I don't want to keep missing out on things and not go places because I am embarrassed. I want to look as good on the outside as I feel on the inside (at least when I am not thinking about my weight). After getting my birth control switched and joining this site, the pounds melted off the first week. It's slow going now, but any loss is a loss and I am slowly making a life style change!


    When I am having a bad day and want to eat something, I log it first and see if I can. Logging really holds me accountable. I haven't figured out my trick for getting my butt off the couch yet and am not great about getting exercise in, but I am working on it!
  • j99li
    j99li Posts: 421 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: We all have challenging days. What is your favorite trick to get your impulses under control? How do you put down the snacks and get yourself off the couch?

    I have challenging days quite often :( I try to either not give in or keep it in moderation. Also, I look at my calories remaining to see if it will fit. There are lots of days when I crave the asian drink bubble tea. However, when I crave one of those, I think about how much extra I will have to exercise to work off the empty calories in a tapioca pearl. That usually does it for me
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: We all have challenging days. What is your favorite trick to get your impulses under control? How do you put down the snacks and get yourself off the couch?

    It's tough because some days I just don't feel like it. So if I'm really trying to push myself I need to put on some amazing music. That definitely gets me moving.
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: We all have challenging days. What is your favorite trick to get your impulses under control? How do you put down the snacks and get yourself off the couch?

    When I need to control myself, my favourite method is to grab my tummy fat to remind myself and if I can, I catch a music video of the "shakira" types, and then the temptation goes away. The same method works for when I'm on the couch too.
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: We all have challenging days. What is your favorite trick to get your impulses under control? How do you put down the snacks and get yourself off the couch?

    When I need to control myself, my favourite method is to grab my tummy fat to remind myself and if I can, I catch a music video of the "shakira" types, and then the temptation goes away. The same method works for when I'm on the couch too.
  • kaleighmorgan
    Monday QOTD: So we all know we're all here to lose weight and we all said why we want to lose the weight, but how did you get to the point where you realized you had to do something about it and what made you realize this??

    This is easy: after months night after night binges and waking up in the morning feeling awful, fat, and grouchy, I literally found myself standing in my pantry stealing my roommate's food because I had only "healthy" things I could eat. I knew it wasn't okay.

    Tuesday QOTD: We all have challenging days. What is your favorite trick to get your impulses under control? How do you put down the snacks and get yourself off the couch?

    I go into my room. My room is upstairs and the kitchen is downstairs so I can go upstairs, shut the door, and get my impulses in check. :D
  • nikip6454
    Tuesday QOTD: We all have challenging days. What is your favorite trick to get your impulses under control? How do you put down the snacks and get yourself off the couch?

    Good question, I haven't really figured that one out. I've been pretty good at telling myself no to "bad" food and controlling portions but I haven't gotten off the couch the last few day. I have no tricks! I need to steal some from all of you!
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: We all have challenging days. What is your favorite trick to get your impulses under control? How do you put down the snacks and get yourself off the couch?

    I just think of how awesome I am going to look once all the weight is gone when I have unhealthy impulses (like Zaxby's, yum that sounds good).
    I don't really know how I put down the snacks and get off the couch. I plan my day ahead a day or so ahead of time so it's not a do I want to go to the gym, it's on the schedule so I go. When I don't have a definite plan I find that I'm talking myself out of the gym, like tonight :frown: I just have so much pharmacology to study and am so tired:yawn:
    I don't want to go
  • BrightEyedandHealthy
    Tuesdays QOTD:

    If I'm having a bad day and have all kinds of intense cravings then I try to log onto MFP a lot. It keeps me motivated, especially looking at the ticker on my profile!! Also I log the foods I want to eat so I can see the horrible amount of calories in them... Usually puts me off of eating it lol