Sexy in Six Week 2 ***closed group***



  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Thursday QOTD - Whats the one food that you've found the hardest to give up? and do u on occasion treat yourself to it?

    Bars! Fiber one bars, granola bars, any kind of bar. My husband always has a bunch on hand for during the day (he decompensates when hungry). Unfortunately, I too would get into them, and the calories/sugar/carbs really add up quickly, and they don't satisfy me for very long. Except for this past weekend I've mostly avoided them, and I'm finding that the cravings are really starting to stop.
  • zaiikaa
    zaiikaa Posts: 112
    Thursday QOTD - Whats the one food that you've found the hardest to give up? and do u on occasion treat yourself to it?

    Hardest food to give up is definitely chocolate. I still have it at least once or twice per day. I just have the serving size instead of the whole bar/box.
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    WEDNESDAY What was the hardest change you had to make in order to lose weight?

    Simple. Its been extremely hard to not emotionally eat. Its hard to stop that instinct to just eat and eat

    Thursday QOTD - Whats the one food that you've found the hardest to give up? and do u on occasion treat yourself to it?

    Most foods I still have in moderation....but ive pretty much stopped having chips. My hubby has chips and french onion dip at least 2-3 days a week and its so hard to stay away. But there is nothing good about chips
  • megamoo04
    Thursday QOTD - Whats the one food that you've found the hardest to give up? and do u on occasion treat yourself to it?

    mash potatoes and yes, but it not nearly as much as i would eat
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Thursday QOTD - Whats the one food that you've found the hardest to give up? and do u on occasion treat yourself to it?

    It would have to be chocolate! I now satisfy myself with a dark chocolate square, and that satisfies me. But if I've been a really good girl all week, I could have a bite of milk chocolate. :P
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    The first week I started taking this seriously I went cold turkey on diet soda, chocolate, and fast food. It felt great. Now they've snuck back in, and I need to work on pushing those suckers away again! I think chocolate can stay in small doses, but the rest has gotta go!
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    I would have to say of all things, I miss lemon pie :tongue: I only ever had it on occasion as neither of my boys would eat it, so I might just occasionally get it if hubby and I went out. I no longer do that, however I occasionally buy a mini bakery pie that hubby and I share to get my occasional lemon pie fix lol
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Thursday: Cake and Brownies!!!!! I do treat myself on occassion, IF I am presented with the opportunity to have only ONE, I do not bake them. Hubby brought little debbie brownies in the house for his son, but I decided it wasn't worth the calories so I ate my fiber one bar LOL. I have bought Fiber one brownies....they're not the same! I keep a jar of frosting in the fridge bc I do literally crave cakes and brownies sometimes...not as often as I used to...I will have ONE teaspoon of frosting if that happens and it is 75 calories and it kicks the craving.
  • nikip6454
    Thursday QOTD - Whats the one food that you've found the hardest to give up? and do u on occasion treat yourself to it?

    Other than the fast food breakfast from yesterdays QOTD, I would say candy from the office candy dish. I don't even really like to eat candy but its there and I am bored and I used to eat a ton of it!
  • Thursday QOTD:

    I found it hardest to give up mac and cheese. It's always been my comfort food and probably always will be. I eat it every once in a while, but try not to because it always has like a bajillion calories :(
  • Soon2BMrsRamos
    WEDNESDAY What was the hardest change you had to make in order to lose weight?

    Making the time to go and exercise.

    Thursday QOTD - Whats the one food that you've found the hardest to give up? and do u on occasion treat yourself to it?

    CHIPS! UGH. I love my chips and I don't necessarily 'treat' myself if I want them then I have them. I just make sure to count
    my portions out and try to buy the 100 cal packs instead so the I can have a larger amount for the less calories.
  • kaleighmorgan
    Thursday QOTD - Whats the one food that you've found the hardest to give up? and do u on occasion treat yourself to it?

    Cheese! I'm lactose intolerant so I keep away most of the time, but occasionally I get the itch to order my tomato basil soup and "accidently" forget to say "no parmesan on top, please." As long as I keep the doses small, it doesn't bother me... but Lord knows self-control isn't my strong suit, so I have to REALLY work to keep it to a minimum :-p
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    Thursday QOTD - Whats the one food that you've found the hardest to give up? and do u on occasion treat yourself to it?

    CHEESE! CHEESE ! CHEESE! Impossible to treat myself - I tried to do that: just a little bit, I said, just a sliver... but I ended up eating enough for a whole family of four for a week.... I think I am a serious addict, so i am in fact banning it from the house.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Thursday QOTD - Whats the one food that you've found the hardest to give up? and do u on occasion treat yourself to it?

    Hmmmm, well for the most part, I eat whatever I want. I still eat cheese puffs or brownies, macaroni & cheese, mashed potatoes... But the biggest thing is I measure out 1/4 cup instead of half a plate full! I eat ice cream all the time, but I buy 35 calorie fudge pops (made with splenda) that taste just as good but are healthy enough to budget the calories regularly.
    I'd say kraft mac&cheese is one of the foods that has REALLY been cut out since it's something like 400 calories for a 1/2 cup (can't remember the exact numbers). I've had it maybe twice since I started MFP in June. It used to make a frequent appearance in my kitchen! I've also cut back on butter. I still eat it often, but I might put in 1 tbsp in my veggies instead of 1/2cup! Yes, I have had a love affair with butter ;)
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    Well this week it's been hard giving up coffee. I've been so tired lol but still dunno if I'll keep the 8 glasses next week if I keep gaining weight. Guess we'll see what happens. I do absolutely LOVE the MiO water flavors. Super oober good!
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Thursday QOTD:

    I found it hardest to give up mac and cheese. It's always been my comfort food and probably always will be. I eat it every once in a while, but try not to because it always has like a bajillion calories :(

    Look at the now eat this recipe for mac and cheese and make's to die for!

    I really haven't given up anything... just more portion control or when I can't control myself... a uber hard workout. I figure never eating something that I love is gonna lead to a binge!
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    Thursday QOTD - Whats the one food that you've found the hardest to give up? and do u on occasion treat yourself to it?

    Chinese food. I love it. I haven;t had it in over a month. I am trying hard not to break. I did have the "Lean Cuisine" Chicken Chow Mein, but it just wasn't the same!
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Okay... so just to clarify... are we adding the challenges on to the old ones or are we doing one each week and we are done the rest of the time? Because I thought each challenge was for the week and then finished and a new one next week not adding a new challenge every week...? I just wonder because I was over on my calories one night this week and I don't want to steal a day!
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    I have found it the hardest to give up diet pepsi. I limit myself to only one a day and when I am doing really well, I will only have one a week, but I have never given it up entirely. I use to drink a case of d. pepsi 20 oz bottles a week.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Thursday QOTD - Whats the one food that you've found the hardest to give up? and do u on occasion treat yourself to it?

    CHEESE ENCHILADAS!!! I am a Texas girl, South Texas at that. They say we have the best Mexican food this side of the border here, and I would argue the best Mexican food anywhere. I am dying for some cheese enchiladas. People suggest making them myself, but that is not what I want. I want the stuff I grew up with - extra cheesy enchiladas, a puffy taco with a side of guacamole, rice and REFRIED beans!!! I keep telling myself that soon I am going to get an enchilada plate and just say 'the hell with it' to the calories for the day, but I haven't had the heart to do it yet.