Sexy in Six Week 2 ***closed group***



  • kaleighmorgan
    I do love me some water :) I just have to remember to log it!! I was telling my team, I usually drink upwards of 10+ glasses a day but I NEVER log any of it...

    Upside to this challenge for all you ladies who DON'T LIKE water:
    1) less dry skin
    2) less chapped lips
    3) less water weight
    4) a fresher, more "glowing" look
    5) less sluggishness

    So be excited! All you have to do is drink a little water and these results just happen all by themselves! :D
  • BrightEyedandHealthy
    I'm definitely down for drinking plenty of water. I've always had no problem drinking it all day. ANYWAY...

    I've got the Monday QOTD: So we all know we're all here to lose weight and we all said why we want to lose the weight, but how did you get to the point where you realized you had to do something about it and what made you realize this??

    For me I was always active and ate what I wanted. During highschool I stopped playing sports and gained a tiny bit of weight then freaked out. I began starving myself and got really skinny and unhealthy and had very low self esteem. I met a guy in highschool that completely turned that around and I was so much more confident and happy and in love. I gained weight like crazy for the next few years. It was a combination of college stress, work stress, and that "love" weight. that made me get to where I am now. I've never lost weight in a healthy way and realized I needed to this year. I started backing out on plans with people because of my body and feel self conscious in front of my new bf and that's just no way to live life. So that's my getting fat story I guess. LOL sorry for asking a question that requires a long answer but interested to hear your stories :)
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    I've got the Monday QOTD: So we all know we're all here to lose weight and we all said why we want to lose the weight, but how did you get to the point where you realized you had to do something about it and what made you realize this??

    Well, after high school, I guess my metabolism slowed and I went from like 125ish to closer to 145. That point in my life, I was in a pretty bad place. I've shared with my MFP friends before, that was the point in time when I was no longer talking to my family, living with an abusive boyfriend, and was suffering with depression so bad that I was suicidal. Anyway, the stress and depression led to an unhealthy relationship with food. I would binge, then not eat for days. It wasn't pretty. After that, things got better. I met my (now) husband and we had a baby. During my pregnancy, I gained a modest amount of weight. Once she was born, I kept gaining. This May, we went on vacation for our annivesary. Not long after we got back, I weighed myself. I was 175. I had never seen the scale so high. A week or so later, I walked a 5K in DC for Susan G Komen. My gf that I walked it with was talking to me about "skinny *****es". Well, she IS one whether she knows it or not! I remember telling her that I *KNOW* what to do, I just needed to care enough to do it. A few days after that talk, I was doing my makeup in my bra and underwear. I happened to look over and see what my body looked like in the mirror. I don't know what clicked, because I had seen myself in the mirror before, but I was disgusted. For some reason, at that moment, I knew I needed to do something. I'd used MFP's app before, so I redownloaded it and this time I checked out the online site. Needless to say, I stuck around for more than just the week I usually last on diets.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I've got the Monday QOTD: So we all know we're all here to lose weight and we all said why we want to lose the weight, but how did you get to the point where you realized you had to do something about it and what made you realize this??

    Great question! :smile: Let's see, I had lost a lot of weight and then I got off my strict diet, had a breakup, and started slowly gaining it back. Then got into a new relationship and gained more. I was dangerously close to my starting weight prior to the first big weight loss and the new jeans I had just bought because my last pair were getting too tight were also getting too tight. It was either do something about the weight, or buy new jeans... again. I knew I didn't want to go full back on that diet again. Even though it worked, it was too hard to keep. I knew I needed something that would give me some willpower and help me control myself. I'm one of those that, without calorie counting, will buy 100 cal snacks and then eat like 5 of them in one sitting *ugh!*. I had done calorie counting before and it had worked. So, I thought of calorie counting. I wanted something that I could use my phone with for days I am on the go, and had a website attached. I happened to open up MFP which was already on my phone, but I had never really used and didn't know it had a website attached, and there it was, something along the lines of 'Log onto our website at'. I did... and I was immediately hooked. The rest is history. I have logged on every day since that day. 80+ days later, and nearly 20lbs lighter, I think I am a lifetime MFPer. (And the 'new jeans' are getting too baggy on me. I haven't tried the size down pair yet, a little afraid too, but I'm guessing that if they don't fit already, they will soon).
  • nikip6454
    I've got the Monday QOTD: So we all know we're all here to lose weight and we all said why we want to lose the weight, but how did you get to the point where you realized you had to do something about it and what made you realize this??

    In high School and college I weighed about 120, anytime I would gain weight I could lose it super fast, my "ceiling" weight (the highest I would allow myself to get before working at losing it) was 130. As I entered my mid-twenties I hung out around 130 and my "ceiling" moved to 140. I never actually hit 140!

    I got married in June 2010 and weighed 125, I wanted to weigh less but I did nothing to get into shape. Then I got pregnant in July/August. I swore I would gain too much. I tried to be healthy but gained 50 lbs. I thought it would come off easily--I heard plenty of stories about losing it all in the hospital and breastfeeding being a miracle diet. Nope not here, I lost 25in a week and nothing since.

    I went back to work in maternity pants and am still in them! My kid is four months old! I had to do something! I wanted to join Weight Watchers. I checked out the site, there were several promotions at the time but I didn't bite. I went back on a couple days later and the promotions were over. I heard about MFP on What to Expect and thought I would use it until WW had another sale. I haven't check WW, I am happy here!

    Wow that is long!
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    WOOOOOOHHHHOOOOOOO GO TEAM PURPLE!!! 2ND PLACE :-) not too far behind!

    Yes - go TEAM PURPLE - and congratulations KristyAnn on such a brilliant loss!
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    QOTD: So we all know we're all here to lose weight and we all said why we want to lose the weight, but how did you get to the point where you realized you had to do something about it and what made you realize this??

    I ended up in hospital with a suspected stroke - and very high bp. It wasn't a stroke. But later my blood tests also showed high cholesterol. My doctor recommended this site and here I am. I never used to weigh myself so I couldn't tell what was a good weight or not. I know when I was a teenager I weighed 140lb, because I remember that being 10 stone. Otherwise I went on dress size. Anyway, the dress sizes crept up, so now - or, thanks to MFP, two weeks ago- I was in the highest mainstream size (22). BEcause I am so tall, people always say I'm fine - meaning it kindly I'm sure. This site has got me believing I could lose lots of weight, so I am fining myself realising I could do MORE about it each day. I am shocked to be over 200 pounds and I am starting to wonder about making a bag to carry the equivalent weight around with me. I am in the middle of a revelation basically!!!!!

    And it's goooooood!
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    QOTD: So we all know we're all here to lose weight and we all said why we want to lose the weight, but how did you get to the point where you realized you had to do something about it and what made you realize this??

    A friend of mine had picked up a book called The Beck Diet Solution. I had been heavy my whole life and relied on the typical "I'm big boned excuse" after all, I lived a VERY active lifestyle, what I did not realize until reading the book, is just how bad my relationship with food was. Over the next 5 months I went from 212 to 175, and finally bought some new clothes~ I stopped actively dieting at this point and over the next year lost another 10 lbs just from the better habits I had acquired from the program. Now I'm ready to pick up again and get under 150 for the first time in my adult life.
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    I've got the Monday QOTD: So we all know we're all here to lose weight and we all said why we want to lose the weight, but how did you get to the point where you realized you had to do something about it and what made you realize this??

    I realized that I had to lose weight and quickly when I couldn't even crouch down or kneel down to tie a patient's shoes or help them put on TEDS hose because my knees were too stressed from my fat a@@. It was embarrassing huffing and puffing in front of your patient who is 90 years old and having them ask you if you're ok. I knew at that moment I had to take control.
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    So we all know we're all here to lose weight and we all said why we want to lose the weight, but how did you get to the point where you realized you had to do something about it and what made you realize this??

    I don't know. I just woke up one morning had a waffle with syrup and butter and realized... i suck and i hate myself and i want to change. Heard about a girl on tv who lost weight using a free weight loss program online (don't know which one). Googled that. Found MFP. Signed up. And the next 34 lbs are now history!
  • almille
    almille Posts: 89
    The scale at the doctor's office lied viciously, but I ignored it. The chart on the back of the door declared me overweight according to my height, but that was crazy! I just had a larger frame than they accounted for. I wasn't fat.

    When I started my Co-op, I had to buy new jeans to wear to work, and I went Good Will shopping with Mom. I discovered had gone up a size, to 16s. Mom offered me her old jeans, which were just a bit too tight on her, but might fit me.

    My mom offered me her old jeans?
    But she's overweight!
    They fit.

    It's funny what it takes to clue you in sometimes...
  • persanta
    persanta Posts: 57 Member
    Realising my dress size was creeping up ............ very slowly but up all the same.

    Now I want to reverse it and have my dress size going down (faster than it went up tho hopefully) ha ha x
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    I've KNOWN that I've had to lose weight for several years, but there were always reasons it was hard to do. Some of them were legitimate (like being pregnant with twins), and some were just excuses.

    But eight months after the boys were born I had to go on BP meds (this wasn't very long ago), and I was reminded that my father had a massive stroke at 42. I knew I wanted to lose weight in order to be a healthier, more active mom, but suddenly it appeared as though my body was TELLING me I had to lose weight.

    I think I was trying to rationalize that it was okay to fail at losing weight because I was nursing/sleep-deprived/busy/etc. but then I realized those were all excuses. If I was strong enough to bring two babies into the world, I was strong enough to discipline myself!
  • megamoo04
    megamoo04 Posts: 269
    Monday QOTD: So we all know we're all here to lose weight and we all said why we want to lose the weight, but how did you get to the point where you realized you had to do something about it and what made you realize this??



    I realized when I had my second knee surgery at the age of 25 that I needed to do something with my weight I have always had a problem with my weight and I never thought that it "effected" me. I didnt stop me from doing the things I wanted to do, but when the Dr. showed me the inside of my knee I was wow omg. So that is what kick started me :)
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    First of all: THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT FORM EVERYONE IN THIS CHALLENGE! I find myself reading up our discussions whenever I get a chance. Sometimes when I’m out and I want to grab that extra plate I think back to MFP buuddies and refuse to give into my cravings. It’s like you’re there with me saying, “no hun, you don’t need it..” That is what my major problem was. I have no discipline with portions! I super healthy, okay, not super healthy. But I do eat a lot better than most of the people around me.

    Anyway, I’m really excited for this week’s challenge!


    I've got the Monday QOTD: So we all know we're all here to lose weight and we all said why we want to lose the weight, but how did you get to the point where you realized you had to do something about it and what made you realize this??

    I realized this when my uncle was at my cousin’s grad party. He had lost a ton of weight and everyone was asking him what he was doing. I didn’t directly ask but I over heard him showing my aunt MFP on his iphone. I decided to check out the website. I was so sick of trying to set up a gym buddy and it always falling through. I needed support. I knew that if I wasn't going to be proactive about my weight, one day I would wake up a hundred pounds overweight and it would be so much harder to be healthy. Its hard, my mother and father are overweight. I read from many people here all the work they have to go through.

    In the end, after checking out this site, I got inspired by the people here. By all the women and men who reached their goals and are on their way to a healthy lifestyle. I figure if a woman/man with a job, a family to care for and a million other things can change her life completely and put her health as priorty, then I can do it too.

    I guess this was the first time I really thought “I can do this.” Hence, my username.

  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    I've got the Monday QOTD: So we all know we're all here to lose weight and we all said why we want to lose the weight, but how did you get to the point where you realized you had to do something about it and what made you realize this??

    Well weight has always been an issue for me but a few months ago i went to buy exercise clothes and had to get a size 20. Nope. No thank you. Time to lose weight.

    Also since I met my husband 3 years ago Ive been telling him I was going to get down to a healthy weight. I talk about losing weight all the time and I wanted to show my husband that I really could.
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member

    In the end, after checking out this site, I got inspired by the people here. By all the women and men who reached their goals and are on their way to a healthy lifestyle. I figure if a woman/man with a job, a family to care for and a million other things can change her life completely and put her health as priorty, then I can do it too.

    So true! I used to spend time on two other "calorie counting/logging/diet sites" and they were never as supportive and inclusive as this one. I love that people post before/after/in progress pictures here, which is really motivational. It's one thing to hear "I'm 5'4" and 120 but I really want to be 100 (pout)" and then another to see someone say "I'm a busy person but I've found the time and motivation to lose 50lbs over the past year."
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    So we all know we're all here to lose weight and we all said why we want to lose the weight, but how did you get to the point where you realized you had to do something about it and what made you realize this??

    I started hating going anywhere that required walking bc I couldn't go far....mostly bc of fibromyalgia pain, but that is getting better with exercise now. And I was on a water pill for BP and realized I didn't want to be my mother on 100 different pills. My cholesterol was borderline and the dr said I could lower it myself with diet and we would test again at a later time before putting me on medication. The kicker was the accident I was in last year. I had a hematoma that started leaking vascular fluid and they told me to lose weight, so I did. The more I saw I could do this, the more determined I got. And I have lowered both my BP and cholesterol to normal limits WITHOUT the use of medications, and I am strengthening my muscles that were damaged in the accident. THIS is even more motivating that the initial reasons...the fact that I CAN and AM doing it.
  • leamatthew
    leamatthew Posts: 162
    Monday QOTD: So we all know we're all here to lose weight and we all said why we want to lose the weight, but how did you get to the point where you realized you had to do something about it and what made you realize this??

    The fact that i want babys and a picture of myself i seen at a wedding, f**k me i was discusted with myself, never seen anythign so repulsive in my life and i new i would never ever look like that again!
  • Magic_Girl
    Magic_Girl Posts: 158
    Monday QOTD: So we all know we're all here to lose weight and we all said why we want to lose the weight, but how did you get to the point where you realized you had to do something about it and what made you realize this??

    I was a 15 year old freshman in high school and I thought I looked "average" because that's what all my friends described me as. They didn't want to admit I was the "fat friend" :grumble: Anyway, I saw a picture of myself and I didn't like what I saw. I found out how much I weighed at the doctor's office and I was 170lbs, I was considered obese for my height. :noway: I changed the way I ate and I did some exercise on the treadmill and slowly I lost 30 pounds in 3 years. No one noticed I lost weight until my senior year of high school. That's when I met my love, Santiago, :love: who said he liked me the way I was...blah blah blah...that I didn't have to watch what I ate all the time..blah blah blah...and so I gained 10 pounds (or "love weight" like ab2720 called it). :heart: This year I finally lost the "love" weight I gained (thanks to MFP) and I am where I was 2 years ago at 140. I'm still considered overweight, but I'm not too far from the healthy range (just about 4 more pounds). The last time I remember being under 140 was when I was in 5th or 6th grade. I LOVE MFP because I have never found a more motivational and supportive place before!!! I'm not the type of person to just walk up to someone in the gym and automatically be best friends with them (like my boyfriend does). At MFP we have an unlimited amount of support, which is really really cool and it is sooo easy to keep track of what I eat!!! :bigsmile: