Sexy in Six! (Closed Group)*****Week 1 Chat



  • Azraazra1108
    Azraazra1108 Posts: 5 Member
    //Moday QOTD: What is your biggest reason for losing weight?

    Yes I definitelly need some confidence boost and I definitely want to be a thin mom and fit into size 6 or 8 (now I'm in 14 and that can be tight also). However, my biggest reason are my daughters. I want to be healthy, energetic, and confident mom because ultimately my daughters will go down a similar path as I do because moms are biggest role models for their children. Until recently my biggest reason was vanity but it seems that it wasn't good enough of a reason for me since feeling fat and always wanting to loose weight and look good didn't motivate me enough to stick with any kind of lifestyle change. However, seeing how my 4 year old daughter is now exhibiting certain low self esteem signs, I can see that I must change myself in order to help her. Where would 4 year olds learn about low self esteem other than from their moms?
  • almille
    almille Posts: 89
    My biggest reason for losing weight is comfort! I am not that heavy, but I've started to notice sluggishness, fatigue, and chafing that I really want to nip in the bud. Second is preventative: I'm at a point now where change won't be overwhelming, and I have a much higher chance of success. Much of my family is obese and diabetic, and I need to start taking care of myself!
  • leamatthew
    leamatthew Posts: 162
    I have a few reasons for wanting to shift the pounds!

    First - i wana be a mummy, i want to be pregnant and have no complcations this time round!
    Second - the perfect low backed wedding dress and to wow people with how far i have come!

    And obviously for health reasons, i wana live till im a very old lady with no health issues please!

  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!)

    For me, I would have to say it's been my energy, motivation, dedication (whatever you want to call it). It affects more than just my weight loss. My house is cleaner (way cleaner). I take time to plan for the next day, everything from the clothes I will wear to the meals and snacks I will have if it's a week day. (I even pack them and log them a day early). Confidence and taking time for myself is a big one too. People have always given me a hard time about the way I walk (it's pretty slow, lol). Today in the hall, a colleague (she's like a mom to me) saw me walking and said, "there's a purposeful walk! love it!" And I've been taking the time to fix my hair and makeup more too. Yesterday a coworker said, "I was like, is that the same girl?" and today one said, "I can't stop staring at you: eyeliner, lip gloss." Of course, the makeup is also because school just started ;). Now if only I could get them to notice the weight loss :laugh: .
  • BrightEyedandHealthy
    Well I'm only 11 days into the process but I've never felt so confident about being able to lose weight before. MFP has helped me realize how many people are out there going through the same thing. I don't feel alone anymore :) Also I feel much more in control over what I eat already. I agree with you on the whole cleanliness thing. My house is super clean because I'm trying to make my life more organized.
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    when i started the journey i had never counted calories before. so when i lost weight, i realized that every single thing i ate had calories and that they add i'd say a big change for me was that i double check everything i eat to make sure i know how many calories is going into my body. i know some days i still look but really don't care (this goes for those sweet cravings). i think it's still good that i at least check that way i don't have any excuses. i knew how many there were and i still chose to indulge. i notice when i grocery shop i check the nutrion labels. before mfp i would go down each isle and say "hhmm that looks good" and dump it in my basket. these days i check twice before i make decisions

  • nikip6454
    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!)

    I am still super new, however, I am happier. I feel so much better about myself now that I am actually trying to be healthy no matter what the scale says (and we will find out what it says on Friday).
  • Soon2BMrsRamos
    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!)

    I have had great success with the amount of inches that I have lost. I also have a waist now instead of just being a big blob!
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    My biggest difference has been my clothes. I don't need to unfasten my jeans or shorts to take them off. I wear my belt tighter. My tank tops feel like I'm more hourglass-y. I had bought black slacks just before I joined MFP. Went to wear them to a job interview and they were falling off.

    I've always had slow self esteem and thus a problem with confidence. I'm not feeling sexy or thin yet, but I'm hoping as my body changes, my mind will too.
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    The reason I want to lose weight is simple. I want to lode weight to have fun. I hate having to mull over what I'm wearing over and over again before going out. Not that when I get skinny thi won't happen but the reson I don't wear something will no longer be because it makes me look fat. Down here at school there are tons of girls who are skinnier. I mean I am 5'5 and 150 so I'm not "that" big, but I'm tired of feeling like the fat friend. I just want to go out with my friends and enjoy myself 100% of the time and never again get that feeling that they are only keeping me around to make them look better. A lof of my friends get together on Saturday to go kick the soccer ball around. I want to go and not be afraid they will get mad if I'm out of shape. I want to go and not be afraid I will huff and puff because I am in shape and can keep up with the rest of them.
    On a side note: My friends would never just keep me around as the fat friend, that is my lack of self esteem.
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!)

    I'm not a newbie to losing weight, but I'm a newbie to MFP (used to use Calorie Count). I think the biggest change I've noticed is in my attitude. I've realized that self-sabotage with McDonald's and massive amounts of M&Ms is not healthy or productive, and it's up to ME to treat myself right. And treating myself well doesn't mean short-term transitional enjoyment, but better long-term patterns that boost my self-esteem instead of dragging it down.

    Hunger is in your stomach, cravings are in your brain. I'm learning how to make the distinction.
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!)

    My biggest change has been my fashion sense to be honest. I wear clothing that flatters my body now rather than hiding it, and I buy pretty clothes that have color and even have some flashyness to them. Basically I guess that means that my self confidence has sky rocketed. :)
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!)

    Since I've started the journey, I've become more conscious of what I eat, and really paid attention to my trigger foods. Best part was not being able to wear my size 16 pants! And even now, my size 14 pants are pretty baggy. I've also lost my double chin, and an inch off my hips which has been the toughest part to lose.

    I've also got more energy and can walk (and sometimes run) for over 3 miles without crashing! Can't wait to lose more!
  • persanta
    persanta Posts: 57 Member
    Well am a "newbie" to this, but in just 2 days I feel more energetic and concious of what I`m eating.

    But the biggest thing is feeling positive that this will change my life .......... for the better x x x
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    biggest thing I've noticed (so far) is when I don't eat! I am actually looking forward to my meals. I used to be such a grazer. A nibble here and a nibble there, and when it came to a main meal, I really wasn't ever, ever ravenous. Now I am! And the knock on effect of that is that I am doing more cooking. Bit worried what will happen when I start back at work though.
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!)

    Well throughout the journey I started off with feeling better - and it was fun to work towards a goal, I looked awkward since my clothes were way too big, so people around me didn't necessarily notice a change, then I went shopping. AND BAM - I went from the fat friend to the one people noticed, I have to say that was fun, a lot of fun. I packed up all my 16-18s and sent them to my sister, and couldn't believe I had bought a size 10 dress! (That was 3 years ago - I went from 212 to 165)

    My healthier lifestyle choices have remained enact in my life, as I have maintained that loss, but now I'm looking to keep going - I want to be confident in a bikini! I noticed fatigue and a down turn in my attitude, and I knew something had to change, so I've added exercise in and my mindset is greatly improved - an added bonus! '

    The best change is probably my relationship with food though, its something I will always have to work on, but instead of eating carelessly I can really ENJOY my meals - which is probably one of my top favorite things of all times.

    Sexy in Six!!!! - We are on our way ladies!!!! :)

    <3 L
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    biggest thing I've noticed (so far) is when I don't eat! I am actually looking forward to my meals. I used to be such a grazer. A nibble here and a nibble there, and when it came to a main meal, I really wasn't ever, ever ravenous. Now I am! And the knock on effect of that is that I am doing more cooking. Bit worried what will happen when I start back at work though.

    Arctic - when you start back to work your biggest friend is your meal plan - if you plan out your meals, and then have some healthy backups if you cannot get around to preparing a full meal - you are more likely to stay on track ;)
  • j99li
    j99li Posts: 421 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!)

    My biggest change would have to be the fact that I now have a waist. Its something that my parents have commented on. Before, i was a bit of a blob and when my fiance put his arm around me, I could sense that there was no definition in my waist.

    Also, I am a lot more conscious about the food i put into my body, especially snacks. Before MFP and this weightloss journey, I would have at least 3 bubble teas a week, and those have a lot of sugar and calories! Now, ever since I started this journey in June, I have only had 1 small tea with no sugar and no tapioca pearls and I couldnt even finish it. I also have cut wayyy back on snacking when Im out shopping or at the movies because I know that I am just putting empty calories into me.
  • almille
    almille Posts: 89
    I haven't lost a whole lot of weight or inches, but I definitely see a difference in tone and shape. Biggest difference though is in my habits; I get restless after work if Dustin and I don't go work out or do something active. I also have a new tool for picking up my mood if I'm slumping- I decide to get up and out and moving instead of reaching for comfort food to wallow in.
  • Magic_Girl
    Magic_Girl Posts: 158
    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!)

    My biggest change is my self-control over what I eat. If someone offered me food I would always accept even if I wasn't hungry. Now I am more self conscious of the food I eat and I have learned to politely decline offers or if I do accept them I make sure I don't over indulge. For example, just last week I went out with my friends for frozen yogurt. I haven't seen them in a long time so I didn't want to say no. It was my first time at a frozen yogurt shop so I went online to check out the flavors before I left and I found all the nutrition info for all the different flavors of frozen yogurt. My friends really loaded up their yogurt (but they are so thin, so it doesn't matter! lol) and I was very mindful to not just go overboard. I ended up getting the coconut flavor with chunks of pineapple and mango for toppings. Only 6 oz. and 153 calories. I was so proud of myself! :)