

  • nikip6454
    I'm sorry if I am repeating.

    I agree with eating lighter on th non-event days and adding exercise somewhere to cover the extra calories.

    Another thing that helps me is bring a dish (or dishes) to pass that is in line with my cravings and is still healthy. For example, I love cheesy potatoes, if I make them, I can adjust for lighter sour cream, milk, etc. If my mom makes them, it's full fat everything and twice the butter for 'taste'! Or I bring snacks to pass-fruit or veggie tray, hummus, etc.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I would be more stressed about the expense involved in all of these birthdays around Christmas. :laugh:

    1. Exercise, giving yourself that calorie "buffer", and then enjoy your time at the respective celebrations.

    2. If you indulge a little more on a day, it's not a big deal. It will not "derail" you. See here for an example of this:

    3. Do not weigh yourself more frequently than once a week. If you are stressed, and weigh yourself daily or every two days, the normal weight fluctuations will only make your stress worse.

    4. Remember that this is doable.

    5. Enjoy your time with family. Remember that life is short, and that you are fortunate to be able to share these celebrations, when so many folks do not have the opportunity to do so.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Xanex?? :laugh:

    Seriously you absolutely HAVE to go to every one of these birthdays (like the cousin or sister-in-law for example?), or can you make an excuse, send a gift, and skip a couple of them? Be sure to get in some good workouts those days, and remember, you don't have to eat cake at all of them (fitting into your wedding dress is an excuse everyone will understand)!
    Hang in there!
  • bridebabe
    Cutting calories at celebrations sucks! So I don't do it-- lol. I just bump the exercise-- I try to stay on the treadmill for an extra mile, or I try to go for a walk after I eat, which makes me feel better anyway. I also find that at parties, alcohol kills me with calories. So I just try to sip instead of slam (which is better for a lot of reasons!), and I try to rotate a water in every drink or two. You can get throught it!

    I'm getting married this summer, so I feel your pain! March is really soon, but you can totally do it. You will look awesome.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I can understand freaking out. We've all been there. You just gotta breathe and do the best you can. You are not going to fail your diet/new lifestyle of healthy eating in one day, or even a few days. It just doesn't happen like that.

    Already some good advice here. Exercise as much as you can to offset an increase in calories. Stay 200-300 calories under goal on non-event days so you have a "cushion" at the events. Plan things out. Allow yourself some treats, log them, do your best to stick to your calorie/macro goals. If you go over by a little, don't go crazy.

    Make two important commitments:

    1. Log everything
    2. No compulsive choices

    #2 is hard, but you can plan. If you know you are going to an event with a lot of delicious food, have a healthy snack before arriving, drink lots of water, and try not to get obsessive (easier said than done, I know).

    For me, the most important thing is watching the compulsivity. If you want to eat a piece of cake, then decide you want to eat it, plan to log the calories and ENJOY it. Act with intention. Don't find yourself looking down at a plate of crumbs wondering "how did that happen?"
  • leoS8190
    leoS8190 Posts: 36 Member
    I have found that if I take a bite of something, and realize how good it is, [sugar cookies the other night] I want more. If I didnt have one, I wouldve been fine. They were right infront of my face. I now realize that if I do eat something I either need ALOT of self control which I dont have right now. Just think, the more calories you eat, the more you have to workout. Thats what I do, I dont like working out, so I try to eat good. I am new to MFP and It is really helping! I have it on my computer, phone, and my kindle! It puts things into perspective thats for sure! good luck!! you can do it! and think about your wedding! How good you want to look in your dress!! :)
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    Is this all you have going on in your life right now to stress out about? I am jealous.
  • seph_house
    seph_house Posts: 101 Member
    lots of good advice up there so i will just add my experience...

    i'm at the point near my goals where the weight is more difficult to move in only fractions of lbs a week. I have found that the two blow out events i've had recently (work christmas party and a friend's weekend long house party) have actually helped, the next day i will have gained a couple of pounds but that disappears over a few days (water weight i assume) and a week later it's all gone plus another lb or just under. eating more, even the not so good party food helps me break mini-plateaus :)))

    also, although i enjoy the food/drink while i'm eating it, i very quickly feel full and the next day i can fell sluggish and horrible. This too goes away quickly (usually with application of enough sleep) but it helps me keep my will power up to keep on the straight and narrow the rest of the time.

    it's not the parties that made us gain the weight, even when there are four in a month :) it's the chocolate in desk drawer and the packet of biscuits that i keep on going back to once they are open or the large pile of pasta at dinner.
  • jbpretty
    jbpretty Posts: 221 Member
    Okay, that's 14 weeks away and you have 17 pounds to go...YOU GOT THIS! You just need to stick to your game plan. Keep your eye on the prize and remember EXACTLY why you're doing this. Remind yourself before you put that food in your mouth what you want more. I agree, deprivation will get us no where, but what do you want more? One treat won't put you over, but eating like it doesn't matter will. This is our life, and in life there will always be temptation so let's deal with it. (I will be practicing what I preach-LOL). Don't quit, don't give up, you can totally do this! Exercise will definitely help so let's not forget about that.

    We got this. I have about the same to lose so I'm gonna need a kick in the butt too this month and I'm counting on you. ;) Jamie
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    For both Thanksgiving and my family's Christmas celebration I knew the menu ahead of time and entered it into MFP with approximate amounts so I knew how much I could have without going over on calories. Then I kept my portions to what I agreed on and it really worked! You might try something like that.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    You've been given some great advice.

    I'll just add that while right now it seems as if this is a freakishly hard time, the reality is that like most of us you're going to have to control your eating for the rest of your life, and there will always be challenges.

    So if you can follow whichever of this advice fits with your situation and find a strategy that works for you now, you'll be saving yourself literally years of angst at celebration times. :smile:
  • LooseWheel
    LooseWheel Posts: 211 Member
    Sweetie, if it helps to know, this time of year the average weight gain is only half a kilo! Nothing for someone moving as much as you ok. You will be fine in between these events. Stay focused, you are doing really well so far.