So I've been using MFP since July , been doing pretty good I've had my up's and downs .... ..... However now I'm just FREAKING OUT ! Dec 14 my brothers b-day ... Dec 19 my nephew's B-day , Dec 23 my cousin's B-day , Dec 25 My sister in law b-day , my son's 1st b-day AND CHRISTMAS! What the heck am I going to do????????? Plus I'm getting married March 23 !!! What can i do to help get through all of this ??



  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    Plan out your meals & get some serious workouts in. Enjoy a little but don't overindulge.
  • HealthyJenn0712
    Don't deprive yourself. Workout a little longer each party day and don't overeat at the parties. Don't go to the birthday parties hungry;eat a fiber rich snack to fill you up. Don't let a few days ruin all your hard work. You can do it!!!
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    Remember what your goals are and what will make you happiest in the long run. Allow yourself some treats, but stick close to your target calories and maintain your exercise regime. And breathe.....................
  • zbmb30
    zbmb30 Posts: 178 Member
    Have enough to satisfy the craving. If you try and plan it into your calories, you can plan ahead and know what to have those days for other meals and how much exercise to get in.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Plan out your meals & get some serious workouts in. Enjoy a little but don't overindulge.

    This! Life happens and you have to be able to adjust. I have the similar thing going on November, December and January are filled with b-days along with the holidays. I indulge but I don't overindulge, I work out a little more when I can and just roll with it. There's 9 other months out of the year that aren't as hectic and that's when I really buckle down! Good luck and Congrats on the wedding!
  • moosenbratsmommy
    i fill up on water when i know i might overeat. when i go to parties, i carry my own larger bottle of water and sip on it constantly and when its empty i refill it!

    and i agree with working out harder- up the resistance or incline- add five extra pounds or reps, ten extra minutes (or longer)- or ten extra minutes a day for the month to make up for any cake/candy you plan on having!

    keep moving! unless its a dinner, keep your hips swaying, feet tapping, etc.
  • sbeisel1
    sbeisel1 Posts: 181
    Don't deprive yourself. Workout a little longer each party day and don't overeat at the parties. Don't go to the birthday parties hungry;eat a fiber rich snack to fill you up. Don't let a few days ruin all your hard work. You can do it!!!
    Great advice! i would add some protien to the pre party snack or meal. eat a good breakfast that day too. I made it through 4 weekends of parties on both weekend days without any trouble. just because there are treats there doesnt mean you have to eat them. chew gum or take a big travel mug of tea or two, keep that in your hands and not the snacks. Stay strong and you will be fine. take a platter of veggies, meats and cheeses, its nice to do and it will ensure something you can munch on(in moderation) all in all its your choice, dont use the phrase "no thanks im on a diet" the pressure will start from those who love to sabotage, just say no thank you or take a small portion and eat it slowly or ditch it later when noone is looking. I always take a big 20oz tea and a tray of something I can have.

    good luck
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Do some calorie cycling and eat lighter on the days around the events you are attending.
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    Do some calorie cycling and eat lighter on the days around the events you are attending.
    This always works and get some extra workouts in to give you some extra calories to eat.
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    First of all, you are talking about 4 days, just 4 days. Don't let those 4 stress you so much that they ruin the rest of the year. If you have some idea of the kind of food that will be served then plan for it. Enter it in your diary and see what you'll have to do the rest of the day to fit in those foods. Next get in those workouts like the previous posters suggested. If you are proactive rather than reactive you will enjoy the end of the year SO much more :-).
  • IamBrande
    Remember the 3 D's to this Journey...write it down, post it everywhere!!


    YOU are in control of YOU. Plan ahead... during your life (every december apparently) You will face temptations........Remember that YOUR hard work, is WORTH the courage to resist the urge to over indulge.

    All you can do , is keep those 3 D's close to your mind and your in moderation, drink your water, and Keep on Track.

    You can do it.......... One good choice, followed by another, and on and on and on....
  • Alwaysonadiet54
    Alwaysonadiet54 Posts: 39 Member
    Focus on what you want! I have been to 3 holiday events this week and have breezed thru it. Basically I don't go anywhere hungry and I plan out my meals. I keep the nutrional menu for the restaurant in my purse when dining out. Be the first to order, don't be swayed by others. If it is a house event, bring something that you will enjoy but still staying withing your calorie range. I also try to limit my booze to 1 glass of wine cause if I don't I will get into trouble.
  • AddA2UDE
    AddA2UDE Posts: 382
    Have enough to satisfy the craving. If you try and plan it into your calories, you can plan ahead and know what to have those days for other meals and how much exercise to get in.

    ^^^THIS^^^ - For instance, everyone was eating pumpkin cheesecake this morning. I ate a 1/4 sliver of a piece. It was still good, I still got to eat it and I only used up 100 of my calories for the day. Life is GOOD! :)
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    Keep your goals in mind at all times. Don't completely deprive yourself- it will make it worse. And, the one thing that has recently been helping me... when I have a moment when I want to throw calorie counting out the window and over eat or eat something completely unhealthy and calorie-filled, I take a moment to think of how I am going to feel afterwards. I know I'm going to feel overstuffed, gross and like a failure. And once I make a good decision, I feel much better. Take it one meal at a time. You can do this.
  • sarahjohnson08
    Make a point to eat something before you attend these parties. That way you will be full and satisfied and less likely to eat something you will regret later!
  • bettina140
    bettina140 Posts: 3 Member
    Here's what I have trained myself to do in these situations: just take ONE bite of something "bad", i.e. cake, brownie, whatever and and just take your time and enjoy that ONE bite. That way, you get to taste it, but it won't "hurt" you in terms of calories. If you think about it, that first bite is the one we really enjoy anyway so just make that the focal point.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    My mother died on Christmas three years ago. Appreciate the fact you have family to celebrate with. Don't ruin your time with them by worrying about something as silly as calories.
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member

    On a serious note.... take every event 1 day... 1 event... 1 bite at a time. Don't lump sum it...because if you fail the first day you'll mentally allow yourself to toss in the towel. Maybe make it a personal goal to ONLY have birthday cake on you baby's 1st birthday and enjoy the hell out of that one regular size piece instead of torturing yourself and beating yourself up. After all.. the reality could eat cake every single day if you really wanted cake.... so why make these events revolve around the cake and food that's not good for you.
  • lynnmarie60
    exercise and eat in moderation. Don't deprive yourself though. If you want some cake, just eat half of what you'd usually eat, you'd have your craving plus feel good about not over doing it.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    So I've been using MFP since July , been doing pretty good I've had my up's and downs .... ..... However now I'm just FREAKING OUT ! Dec 14 my brothers b-day ... Dec 19 my nephew's B-day , Dec 23 my cousin's B-day , Dec 25 My sister in law b-day , my son's 1st b-day AND CHRISTMAS! What the heck am I going to do????????? Plus I'm getting married March 23 !!! What can i do to help get through all of this ??



    This is life. You are not on a diet - you are learning to live your life in a calorically responsible way. Exercise a little more - arrange your meals to accomodate for eating with your family.

    And be thankful that you have so much to celebrate.