scraver2003 Member


  • Sometimes... Life DOES get in the way. I find the most important part is trying to do better the next day, the next meal, the next snack. The more you work at better habits, the less life will get in the way.
  • My sister has wide feet - she went and got fitted for shoes and they suggested trying men's shoes! They are wider than women's shoes, she got the size that fit her and she loves them!
  • Lots of gym memberships include a "free consultation" with a trainer. They will talk to you about your goals, get you set up with a plan, and show you how to use the equipment properly. Ask about this! It would at least get you started.
  • Lol! I read this too fast and thought it said: "depending on the number of tacos." And I thought... yeah, number of tacos would play a role in weight loss....
  • I think that is a wise choice. I think your first HM should be one you chose as your first and one you train for. If you can do 6.5 miles pushing a stroller, I am confident you could train for a HM pretty quickly... but not in two weeks. Lol! Pushing those strollers should be it's own category of exercise and training.
  • If you want to. Some people work out so they have some extra calories to eat. I exercise because I like to and it makes me feel good. Some people do not exercise at all and still lose weight.
  • I have a wide assortment of Saucony's that I paid between $50 and $100 for per pair (I search amazon, etc. for deals!)
  • SHOOT... How did I miss that it changed to an 8k? Crud. Bye... I gotta go for a run.
  • You are right in that your stomach does not shrink - BUT there is a change in your perception of fullness. Your hunger signals change and you become satiated on less food. It takes a bit to adjust and people think their stomach is shrinking in that time.
  • ^^^ What they said! I am calorie counting to lose weight and to see what an appropriate amount of food for a day is. If it is meal time and I am not hungry - I do NOT eat. If I feel like I am starving to death before a meal, I work in a snack. But I am not allowing myself to eat out of boredom or sadness or even happiness.…
  • If you are energetic and have no problems completing your workouts, then there is no need to up your calories. But like others have suggested - get a scale. I found out the mayo I add to my egg salad sammiches adds 200 calories to my sammich. 200. That is a lot of calories to try to wing it. I did find, though, that I was…
  • glucomannan It's not an appetite suppressant - it's fiber. But it expands in water and therefore fills up your stomach a little. It may help take the edge off. Just remember - it is fiber, so drink plenty of water and start off slowly so you don't have poop problems. Lots of people could use more fiber in their diet. ETA:…
  • The one that you will use is the best. Have you used an elliptical or a treadmill? I would recommend trying some workouts on each to see which you like better. (Some gyms offer a free one week trial that you could use to test out elliptical vs. treadmill.) I love running, so I have a treadmill. The elliptical is like mind…
  • I get it bad around my hairline and jawline... Make sure you are rinsing the soap off really well after you shampoo and/or wash your face, too. I also make sure I at least rinse off after exercising so the sweat doesn't sit on my skin. I did away with the face washes with "stuff" added to it. (Like salicylic acid or…
  • Hi! I am 5'9". Wearing my big heels today... I like being tall! 1) How much do you weigh at the moment? I was 256.6 this morning (*down from about 262-ish) 2) How much would you like to weigh? Anything below 200lbs. would be great. I am thinking maybe 180. I want to have a more athletic physique. 3) How many times a week…
  • Oh! And congrats on your baby!!
  • You had a baby nine days ago and are already thinking about exercise!?! Go you!! Yeah - get the all clear from your Dr. Then you have to gauge what you can do. I had a C-section in May of 2013 and I did a 5k that July, I think (about nine weeks post partum if I remember correctly). But I didn't do it very fast, that is for…
  • YES. The more tired I am, the more I want carbs and sugar. Your body looks for quick energy when you are tired. This is why sleep is so important for weight loss.
  • This book REALLY helped me a lot: Fearless Living by Rhonda Britten So, so, so helpful. It helped me to really change my thinking about a lot of aspects of my…
  • You can't fix this with a physical solution. Your hunger is not physical, it is mental. You need to figure out why you are mentally hungry and fix that problem.
  • The better I eat and the more regular I exercise, I find that my PMS symptoms lessen or go away over time. The last two months have not been too bad for me. Sometimes I try ignoring it. Sometimes I have 100-200 extra calories over my goal. Sometimes... I let it derail me and I fall down the hole and then I spend months…
  • Squats, lunges, burpees, pushups, planks, etc. will all work lower body and mid section.
  • I <3 my smoothies. I usually have one after work. They make a great snack for me that holds me over until dinner. I add greek yogurt for protein. My 2 and 6 year old drink some, too, so they are getting some green stuff in them which is a bonus. And... since I am sipping on a smoothie after work... I am not sipping on a…
  • I keep looking at the Under Armor underwear... though their idea of "one size fits most athletes" doesn't apply to me.
  • This one is good, too:
  • But I NEED to lose ten pounds by tomorrow!!
  • I am hungry a lot, too. I agree with the PP that said to reduce calories slowly. That helps me. And also getting protein and fat with my meals helps. I sip my coffee all morning long to help my appetite in the morning. Then I sip water/flavored water in the afternoon. And I save a bunch of calories for the evening so I can…
  • What everyone else said - muscle repair = water retention. Also, whenever I start something new - I try to wait six weeks before evaluating if I notice a difference. After six weeks, I can usually tell some sort of difference. But it takes time.