Go green smoothies (Detox?)



  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited April 2015
    Ok so if i didn't mention the word detox then i what sort of replies would I get, I'm having 1 for breakfast, I'm not living on them I'm eating totally well throughout the day so surely there is some benefit from drinking just one a day??
    Detox is loaded word here, so yeah you would get a different response. As far benefit, probably nothing extra special. It's food. The body likes food. As long as it fits your with your goal (cutting or bulking) it's just another meal.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    Pretty much the same as protein shakes then, pointless! You can get your protein from food, but thanks for your advice anyway x
    Dead nuts.
  • carlamarie1979
    carlamarie1979 Posts: 24 Member
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    I use the mean green recipe which is spinach, kale, apples, ginger, lemon, cucumber and celery, but not for detox, as i am not sure what i would be detoxing lol, but because they boost the nutrients in my diet, they can be high in calories, and i dont use them as a meal substitute, but i do feel better after having one and not sure if it is related, but they seem to ease a migraine if i catch it early enough.... but that might have nothing to do with the juicing lol!
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Pretty much the same as protein shakes then, pointless! You can get your protein from food, but thanks for your advice anyway x
    I have a very difficult time getting enough protein without going over on carbs and fat, so protein shakes and protein powder are very useful to me. Apart from that kind of thing, yeah.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Pretty much the same as protein shakes then, pointless! You can get your protein from food, but thanks for your advice anyway x

    Pretty much. But if you like them, by all means, drink them!
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    Pretty much the same as protein shakes then, pointless! You can get your protein from food, but thanks for your advice anyway x

    Sometimes I'll have a smoothie if I'm running short on time in the morning and also because I like spinach blended with berries, plain greek yogurt, a little almond milk and a tiny bit of honey.

    Protein shakes do have their place. Personally, I drink my protein when I'm having a difficult time hitting my macros (sometimes I'll toss a scoop or two in with a smoothie in the morning), or after a lifting session.

  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i've started doing green smoothies recently. two cups of spinach, 8 ounce of orange juice, two scoops of vanilla protein powder, a cup of frozen berries, and a banana. i blend the first two ingredients, and then blend each one into it.

    i don't know if it's detoxing my body, but i'm liking the additional servings of veggies and fruits.
  • Justygirl77
    Justygirl77 Posts: 385 Member
    so I've upgraded my smoothies from the lovely strawberry and banana ones and all other fruits to the more detox ones! Do these actually work? I'm just having one for breakfast, spinach banana orange and squirt of lemon juice, wasn't as bad as I thought? Has anyone given these a go? And do you have any other go green recipes?
    Well, I am wondering what your goal is....what are you trying to detox?
    I started with green smoothies (just this morning, it was kale, parsely in pea protein, and I LOVED it), and just generally WAY increasing my non-starchy veggie intake. I was trying to "detox" from sugar and carbohydrates. I was trying to lower my fasting blood sugar, which I did in 3 weeks, by 9 points! It's at 83 this morning. I also have other goals, but blood sugar is a very important measurement.

  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I did a detox/cleanse once. I can't remember what it's called because I seriously want to block out that part of my life from my memory. I'm only bringing it back to mind because I want to save you from the horror that I lived through.

    First of all - you're going to be miserable. Not "I'm going to go sulk in my bed and not talk to anyone, posting selfies to show just how upset I am" miserable. I mean, you're going to wish your dad left his gun closet open miserable.

    It started out alright. I had some fruit and drank some water and tea. After some time, it began to happen...

    I was SO HUNGRY, but I knew I couldn't eat! My skin got pasty white and I started sweating. I resisted the urge to scarf down the delicious chocolate cake my mom made for some celebration. I had to walk around the house in my underpants because I was sweating so much, all of my clothes got soaked through.

    I couldn't concentrate either. My brain was a fog and just darted from one random, useless subject to another. I think I failed a few exams at school because I just couldn't think.

    Then there were the later stages and the washroom.. Oh God, the washroom!

    If you like your rectum, I wouldn't do a cleanse.

    On the last couple of days of the cleanse, my body cleansed itself. It cleansed hard, in the only way it knows how. I think the worst part about it was that it came out of nowhere. I was just sitting on my bed, watching TV, with my knees folded up to my chest and my arms wrapped around them, rocking back and forth, wishing the world would end so I can stop this self torture... Then I could physically feel my stomach rumble and I had to RUN! I swear, I never ran so fast in my life!

    Luckily, I was only wearing my underwear, so I was quick to get on the toilet. I'm glad I was because as soon as my cheeks hit porcelain, I just exploded. I mean, if the Tsunami that hit Japan was coloured brown, I'm sure it came from my *****.

    It just poured and poured and poured out of me. It was like it never ended. I swear I blacked out because the next thing I remember, I was laying down next to the throne. My entire body was in pain. My butt felt like the opening to the River Thames. Then I looked up.

    It was everywhere... On the floor, in the sink, all over the walls.. My poor cat was on the far side of the bathtub and even she needed to have a bath.

    After that day, I will never do a cleanse again. I spent more time cleaning the washroom than I did doing the cleanse...

    I seriously suggest you don't do one either.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    I <3 my smoothies. I usually have one after work. They make a great snack for me that holds me over until dinner. I add greek yogurt for protein. My 2 and 6 year old drink some, too, so they are getting some green stuff in them which is a bonus. And... since I am sipping on a smoothie after work... I am not sipping on a beer... or rum and coke... or cape codder.... or wine... or...
  • SusanKing1981
    SusanKing1981 Posts: 257 Member
    edited April 2015
    I have a kale, banana, apple, grape, pineapple and lime smoothie every day. But I have this because I like it and I can have it on the go and I can't really be bothered eating too much in the morning.