curbanec Member


  • This sounds delicious......will have to put on my meal plan for next week :)
  • AMEN! I am proud of anyone that can be this bold and post your Declaration to are worth every effort....and I would love to be your friend! :smile:
  • how active are you?
  • Oh yes you can. I am 51 and about 1 year ago I decided like you that it was time to take care of me.....I am now over 20lbs. lighter and healthier then I have ever been. I can actually get down on the floor to play with the grandkids or kayak or ride bike or what ever crazy fun they want this ole' grandma to do with…
  • This is a great place to start and it sounds like you ladies are doing GREAT and are on the right track. I'm 51 and I have lost over 20 lbs. this year.....I love this app. Would love to hear more about your journey. I have a daughter that's 30 that I wish I could inspire to take this journey also.....I worry about her…
  • would love to have you add me......any and all accountability helps :)
  • Stick with fresh & frozen fruits and veggies, fish, chicken, lean red meat occasionally as well as lean pork, brown rice, quinoa or similar whole grains snacks, low-fat plain Greek yogurt, raw nuts or natural nut butter, popcorn, cottage cheese, eggs, oatmeal (not instant) I find it easiest to plan your meals for the week…
  • have you ever heard of Michi's ladder? Great job by the are absolutely right clean eating is AWESOME :)
  • right now my favorite snack is cottage cheese with blueberries, or blueberries with almonds
  • I have just recently reached my goal weight (still need to do some toning)and I don't feel weird not needing to lose but I am finding it difficult to stay motivated.
  • HI Ellen......I have been on my recent fitness journey for almost 1 year. My first 6 months I was consistent every day with logging my food and exercise....this is a great app for that. I workout at least 5 times a week on average and I eat a fairly clean diet. I have lost over 20lbs. with these changes, I am 51yrs. old…
  • I totally feel your pain I have been suffering with migraines for about 25 yrs. mine used to be homonal and the preventative meds helped, then i had a hystorectomy and they quit for awhile now they seem to be more & more frequent. I do get relief from the perscription med. Imitrex and I have found that aspertame sweetner…