Migraine Sufferers (this certainly isn't fun and games)



  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    My migraines seem to be brought on by two things 1) Stress 2) Allergies

    A few years ago I found out that I am very allergic to cow's milk. That was a big surprise for me. I had never put it together before on my own. By cuttting back on the milk I have drastically reduced my migraines.

    Have you been tested for allergies?

    I have the following allergies:
    FATAL allergy to all wasps and vespids. I went through 3 years of immunotherapy, weekly shots in both arms, illness from the shots, and I had thought that the migraines were a buildup of the venom in my system, so I stopped about a year ago. I couldn't make the benefits outweigh the downfalls, when chances are I won't get stung. I became allergic after getting 71 wasp stings in a day, when I was 12, and hadn't been stung since. I carry an epi pen, and will be wearing my bracelet again soon.

    Red food dye in medications

    Sulfa in medications


    down feathers

    minor allergy to dogs

    minor allergy to peanuts (which I've never noticed a reaction to)

    curries (any and all).

    Gravol and demerol (both affect my heart in very bad ways)

    I have reactine in my daily pillbox, but I don't always take it. When I do, however, I've found it works better than any other allergy drug.
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    I have suffered from these horrid migraines since I can remember. Have tried EVERYTHING! The only pill that works for me is maxalt, and for me it is my miracle drug, but so expensive that I have to ration..... Other than that, I had some of the same suggestions as others. Botox was my first, I have heard many good things on this, so who knows, could be the answer for all of us!
    Also, feverfew, but what sucks about this is the best way for feverfew to work is to hold and slowly chew a piece of the leaf in your mouth. It is the most bitter tasting thing I have ever tasted! Cannot keep it in my mouth for more than a few seconds, so have no clue if that works. You can also steep the leaves and flowers to make a tea, so adding sugar takes some of the bitterness out.
    I take magnesium every day, started it about 2 months ago, and now I really think the severity of my migraines have lessened a little....
    I have also heard of acupuncture, Have you ever tried that?

    Haven't tried acupuncture, but HAVE tried IMS- intra-muscular stimulation.

    I did it once.

    My physiotherapist is brilliant. He got me walking in 4" heels, 6 months after I had a disc in my back explode, hit my spinal column, and cause permanent nerve damage in my left leg. The man is brilliant. The way he healed my back, was with IMS.

    Went and saw him for migraine once, for IMS... I ended up curled in the fetal position on his table, bawling harder than I ever have before. That was hospital type pain.

    I will never do that again.
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    Have you visited a naturopath?

    Funny I should come across this thread today as I was just reading last night in a book about naturopathic nutrition that some doctors have had excellent results with megadoses of the B vitamins thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin in resolving migraines. I am not a doctor, but it may be something worth researching, especially since you've exhausted your options with conventional medications and therapies.

    Like some of the other posters, for me it is caffeine, ibuprofen, and ice that relieve... usually brought on by strong lights, chemical/perfume odors, cigarette smoke, sinus or TMJ issues.
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    Have you visited a naturopath?

    Funny I should come across this thread today as I was just reading last night in a book about naturopathic nutrition that some doctors have had excellent results with megadoses of the B vitamins thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin in resolving migraines. I am not a doctor, but it may be something worth researching, especially since you've exhausted your options with conventional medications and therapies.

    Like some of the other posters, for me it is caffeine, ibuprofen, and ice that relieve... usually brought on by strong lights, chemical/perfume odors, cigarette smoke, sinus or TMJ issues.

    I've actually been thinking more and more lately, about naturopaths. I have a cousin in England who is a homeopath, and a talk with her has me curious about what my options really are. I've been mulling over it for a long time.
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    Have you visited a naturopath?

    Funny I should come across this thread today as I was just reading last night in a book about naturopathic nutrition that some doctors have had excellent results with megadoses of the B vitamins thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin in resolving migraines. I am not a doctor, but it may be something worth researching, especially since you've exhausted your options with conventional medications and therapies.

    Like some of the other posters, for me it is caffeine, ibuprofen, and ice that relieve... usually brought on by strong lights, chemical/perfume odors, cigarette smoke, sinus or TMJ issues.

    I've actually been thinking more and more lately, about naturopaths. I have a cousin in England who is a homeopath, and a talk with her has me curious about what my options really are. I've been mulling over it for a long time.

    Give it a shot. At this point, doesn't seem like (as long as you have medical supervision) you have much to lose from trying something different! :flowerforyou:
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member

    Give it a shot. At this point, doesn't seem like (as long as you have medical supervision) you have much to lose from trying something different! :flowerforyou:

    No kidding, eh?

    Will mention that when I see my doc next week. I'd need a referral from him.
  • curbanec
    curbanec Posts: 12 Member
    I totally feel your pain I have been suffering with migraines for about 25 yrs. mine used to be homonal and the preventative meds helped, then i had a hystorectomy and they quit for awhile now they seem to be more & more frequent. I do get relief from the perscription med. Imitrex and I have found that aspertame sweetner is a BIG trigger for me. Good luck in your search for help.
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    I totally feel your pain I have been suffering with migraines for about 25 yrs. mine used to be homonal and the preventative meds helped, then i had a hystorectomy and they quit for awhile now they seem to be more & more frequent. I do get relief from the perscription med. Imitrex and I have found that aspertame sweetner is a BIG trigger for me. Good luck in your search for help.

    I don't consume aspartame, but I've been using splenda lately. I wonder...
  • Jb27
    Jb27 Posts: 71 Member
    I know this is going to sound silly but i grew so frustrated with my migraines that i would try anything, i have many prescriptions for different migraine meds and they would not always work even if i took it at the first sign of a migraine, so when my daycare lady told me to try this Wild Yam cream to help balance my hormones i figured i would give it a try. I have now been taking it for going on 3 months and have been migraine free (had 2 the first week but that was not bad compaired to every day like it was before) I use a small amount in the morning and do the same before bed. It really has worked wonders for me. I get it at my local healthfood store and its called AT Last naturals Wild Yam cream its only $9.00 and really works . Hope this might help , i know that migraines were controlling my life before, i wouldnt want to leave the house because i would be worried i would get one and not be able to drive with my kids.

    ~Jessica :)

    Also a big trigger for me was Splenda I was drinking diet dr pepper and didnt realize that it was in it, but it got me every time :(
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    I know this is going to sound silly but i grew so frustrated with my migraines that i would try anything, i have many prescriptions for different migraine meds and they would not always work even if i took it at the first sign of a migraine, so when my daycare lady told me to try this Wild Yam cream to help balance my hormones i figured i would give it a try. I have now been taking it for going on 3 months and have been migraine free (had 2 the first week but that was not bad compaired to every day like it was before) I use a small amount in the morning and do the same before bed. It really has worked wonders for me. I get it at my local healthfood store and its called AT Last naturals Wild Yam cream its only $9.00 and really works . Hope this might help , i know that migraines were controlling my life before, i wouldnt want to leave the house because i would be worried i would get one and not be able to drive with my kids.

    ~Jessica :)

    Also a big trigger for me was Splenda I was drinking diet dr pepper and didnt realize that it was in it, but it got me every time :(

    I wonder if the wild yam cream would be a good idea since it mimics progesterone and the OP has medical issues regarding hormones. Probably a good idea for many, but in her case it might be a good idea to clear with a doc first.
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    I know this is going to sound silly but i grew so frustrated with my migraines that i would try anything, i have many prescriptions for different migraine meds and they would not always work even if i took it at the first sign of a migraine, so when my daycare lady told me to try this Wild Yam cream to help balance my hormones i figured i would give it a try. I have now been taking it for going on 3 months and have been migraine free (had 2 the first week but that was not bad compaired to every day like it was before) I use a small amount in the morning and do the same before bed. It really has worked wonders for me. I get it at my local healthfood store and its called AT Last naturals Wild Yam cream its only $9.00 and really works . Hope this might help , i know that migraines were controlling my life before, i wouldnt want to leave the house because i would be worried i would get one and not be able to drive with my kids.

    ~Jessica :)

    Also a big trigger for me was Splenda I was drinking diet dr pepper and didnt realize that it was in it, but it got me every time :(

    I wonder if the wild yam cream would be a good idea since it mimics progesterone and the OP has medical issues regarding hormones. Probably a good idea for many, but in her case it might be a good idea to clear with a doc first.

    Thanks, themethod, yes... I can't have grapefruits, or soy, or other natural products that have chemicals similar to hormones...
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    I have suffered with migraines for 5 years, brought on by my hormones going down from peri menepause, Ive tried everyithing, even bio identical hormone replacement, finally went to the dr and was prescribed Imitrex...when I feel it coming on I take the pill and in aout 1 hour the migraine is gone...I always keep them by my bed...its the only thing that works for me :)
  • allroundthesun
    I hate to say this, but sadly, nothing. :( None of the Triptans do a thing for me (I think I've tried six of them), Topamax turned me into a zombie, I can't take Amitriptyline or anything similar for other health reasons and ibuprofen, aceteminophen and Toradol don't even touch them. So Codeine for most of them, Percocet for the particularly miserable ones, which I hate, but it's all that works.
  • ybba12490
    ybba12490 Posts: 252
    Try acupuncture. My mother decided to go try it (the doctor said it would never work) and she was rid of her migraine for the day and it stayed away for weeks :) she still gets them occasionally but not like she used to. She said when they stuck her at certain points it felt like a huge weight was lifted off her head. I can definitely tell it helped her... worth a try!
  • 82song
    82song Posts: 30 Member
    Hi there, I'm new on here :)

    I'm sorry that you guys are having such a hard time. I can completely sympathise with you- I've also been suffering from cluster chronic migraines since I was 8 years old, I am now 29, and the pain is atrocious. I have been under a neurologist who has tried everything amytryptine, injections to the back of the head...allsorts. He actually is one of the few specialists (apparently) in the country that specialises in migraines (Dr Mark Weatherall, Charing Cross Hospital- if you could get referred to him).

    However, you will probably be suprised at my suggestion- 2 soluble aspirins coupled with an anti-sickness tablet (I will get the dosages if anyones interested). I use domperidone. The trick is that the soluble aspirin goes straight to the blood stream, so the effect is much better than tablets. The anti-sickness actually is brilliant-apart from the obvious, it also somehow manages to get rid of the pain in my eye, the dizzeness, all the associated migraine pain. In my experience you have to take the tablets as soon as you feel it coming on.

    I still suffer from the migraines, but it is by far the best thing Ive tried, and its significantly improved my life, and helps me keep them in control. I've also suggested this to two other migraine sufferers and it has also helped them. So its worth a try, as basic as it sounds. I hope that this may help for someone!

    If anyone has blood thinning disorders then its best to consult your GP before using the aspirin.