25 with more than 100 lbs to lose.

Hey guys. I started at about 380 earlier this year and currently at 348 :) still got a ways to go but I'm looking for motivation and need to get back in a routine after a horribly lazy summer.


  • kayecaligirl20
    kayecaligirl20 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm 20 with 70 pounds to lose
  • felmark89
    felmark89 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello. We all have to start somewhere right? Least we have decided to do something about it
  • kattyjamesmfp
    kattyjamesmfp Posts: 38 Member
    Hi. Started at 266, now at 255. Mini goal 25 down by December 25. Hoping to be at 200 some day. It seems a long crusade...
  • curbanec
    curbanec Posts: 12 Member
    This is a great place to start and it sounds like you ladies are doing GREAT and are on the right track. I'm 51 and I have lost over 20 lbs. this year.....I love this app. Would love to hear more about your journey. I have a daughter that's 30 that I wish I could inspire to take this journey also.....I worry about her health. What was your motivation to start?
  • felmark89
    felmark89 Posts: 5 Member
    I haven't really thought about a long term goal. Not to much anyway. Just gonna focus on steps and not the staircase kinda thing. I was doing well during the spring and early summer but lost all motivation when it hit the hot months. I recently got back on the scale and I had gained 5 pounds so I was almost at 350. I seriously never want to see that number or more on the scale again. Which was my motivation to do something about it and not just say I was tired and go home to sit on the couch like I have been doing all summer
  • felmark89
    felmark89 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi. Started at 266, now at 255. Mini goal 25 down by December 25. Hoping to be at 200 some day. It seems a long crusade...
    You just have to think small and let the momentum build. It's the only thing that I've found to work for me anyway. I can trick my brain that way. If you think to big it gets overwhelming and I'm 100% more likely to give up on anything I try. If that helps at all?!?
  • jenathp
    jenathp Posts: 92 Member
    I'm 38 and I'd like to get down to about 150. CW 224 so I've got a ways to go too....little steps ladies and we'll get there!! Today I got TONS of motivation from these message boards and got up off my booty and did my workout like I should have. I was totally going to skip it today! I'm glad I didn't. :)
  • casandra_zamarripa
    casandra_zamarripa Posts: 133 Member
    U got this girl!! Never give up!
  • felmark89
    felmark89 Posts: 5 Member
    Seeing that other people can do it and having the accountability for myself is a good motivation
  • xxheatherxx443
    xxheatherxx443 Posts: 1 Member
    Just started on here :) CW 238, want to lose 70lb eventually x