The Next Big Push!

Here I am again! On Monday 2nd November I shall reach my half a century and I've decided enough is enough. After I've snaffled my slice of birthday cake I am starting my life as a 50 year old by concentrating on ME and my health. Ten years ago I weighed 16.8 - I am now just over 3 stones lighter but want to shift another 2 stones and get comfortably into the low '11s'. I CAN do this! Oh yes, I can!!!


  • curbanec
    curbanec Posts: 12 Member
    Oh yes you can. I am 51 and about 1 year ago I decided like you that it was time to take care of me.....I am now over 20lbs. lighter and healthier then I have ever been. I can actually get down on the floor to play with the grandkids or kayak or ride bike or what ever crazy fun they want this ole' grandma to do with's great....look forward to hearing more about your journey! :smiley:
  • DeniseJane65
    DeniseJane65 Posts: 4 Member
    That's great encouragement! Thank you!! I am a grannie, too - 2 granddaughters - and it can be hard work keeping up with them sometimes. And I keep reading all this stuff about weight loss being difficult after the menopause but I'm determined to prove that idea wrong! I'm not on the scrapheap yet. Thank you for the positive message!
  • jodyvajko
    jodyvajko Posts: 3 Member
    Just turned 60, and happy to be a support!