tinytemple Member


  • Hi, i'm also 22 and I started losing weight at 135lbs (probably was 140 when I wasn't weighing). I'm half celtic, half english so also have the stocky genes! I have some of my own health issues but follow a very clean diet and am happy to supply encouragement and support seeing as we have a lot in common:)
  • Haha love that you took my gravy passion as a scolding... it's not "my" gravy it's just what gravy originated from - technically 'jus'.
  • That is rubbish!! You just make your own like everyone used to before the invention of Bisto!!! The other night I roasted a piece of beef, when it was done I took the beef out of the roasting pan and poured some boiling water into the pan. I put the pan back on the hob, added some salt, pepper, herbs (you can also add…
  • Paleo and Atkins are different because you could do an Atkins style diet eating a lot of processed food and diary. Atkins is really about minimizing carbohydrates in the diet, increasing fat and protein. Paleo is about going back to eating natural foods or foods that were available before the agricultural revolution (with…
  • A tin of mackerel with purple sprouting broccoli and some mixed dark green leaves... possibly a hard boiled egg & some coconut oil as well - fat, protein, fiber and more fat:D
  • Hello!! I'm also on day 5 of going paleo!! I've been primal since last summer, so it's less of a drastic change, but cutting out dairy - out of necessity because I found out i'm intolerant - has been tough! I've also started a ketogenic plan (very low carb, moderate protein & high fat) to try and sort out my sugar…
  • Hi, I had a quick look at your food diary and it looks pretty good and you seem to have a great determined attitude! I few things that occurred to me to break your plateau (without being extreme): - change your macros so that you increase your intake of protein and good fats and decrease carbs, - introduce heavier weights…
  • This might be helpful... http://www.getgrok.com/2013/01/a-comparative-review-28-days-with-the-fitbit-one-jawbone-up-nike-fuelband-and-bodymedia-link/
  • they say that tummy's are sculpted in the gym but revealed in the kitchen.. maybe you need to reassess the types of foods you eat. From a brief look at your diary I would suggest cutting down on some of the processed foods like flavoured yoghurts and wheat. Perhaps read Wheat Belly by William Davis..
  • Hello! I've been primal (cow milk & cheese intolerant but have cow/goat/sheep yoghurt) since last July. I've played around in the past with primal keto and IF - but I have actually just started combining the two. This was kick-started by increased sugar cravings due to stress which led to manic eating of Quest bars on…
  • You need to open your diary so that we can see what you've been eating otherwise it's hard to tell where you are going wrong! Don't despair though, you need to just stick at it for long term success!
  • Interesting.. I'm just going to keep on buying veg as local as i can get it, whether that means it is certified organic or not. Seems to be the most sensible way of buying in Britain as then you are not only supporting local farms and you don't have to worry about foreign regulations.
  • Please can you provide evidence for this statement?
  • Such an inspiration! You look so beautiful and SO much younger! Great work:D
  • I'm afraid I have no idea but am interested in this too! BUMP!
  • Protein - meat, fish, eggs and high fat dairy don't... nuts have a small amount of carbs counteracted by fiber. Green veg & cauliflower etc have such a small amount of carbs and tiny sugar so eat more veg and less fruit!
  • I always think I can "feel" when I'm losing weight.. but it's probably just because i'm eating less so my tummy feels more empty! I always think it's a good sign if you wake up in the morning feeling "lighter" because it means you haven't over eaten the day before! With regard to your comment about your chest feeling…
  • I live in central london, covent garden... makes food shopping ridiculously expensive! Would love to have some London buddies on here!
  • You said yourself that normally you are super motivated but now you have reached your goal all the residual stress and determination has gone and you're body is demanding a break. It is very common for people to reach their goal and then lose control and gain weight. Now that you are armed with this knowledge though you…
  • I think I really need to do this for a while as I go wild when there's too much choice - it is human instinct to eat more when there is more variety available! Also it makes it easier and cheaper as a student just buying and cooking for myself.
  • In England we prefer not to wear our pants in public at all, no matter whether they are designed for yoga or sweating.... I think you should all try on a pair of trousers.
  • Hi - i'm looking to properly start doing a keto diet, i already eat primal foods only (nothing processed, no grains, sugar etc) but I have also stalled for a while. I have been looking into keto diet plans a lot but am still unsure as to exactly how much i should be eating - did you specifically work out your calories,…
  • Coconut oil is AMAZING! This should shed some light: "Although it gets a bad rap in some circles for its high saturated fat content, we know that such fats can offer many health benefits. For example, coconut oil has been found to help normalize blood lipids and protect against damage to the liver by alcohol and other…
  • You may be eating less calories but you are still eating a lot of processed foods which, in my experience, do not help weight loss - someone also noticed your sodium levels are high, this is also due to the processed foods. You should try eating and cooking a lot more natural foods like cuts of meat, fish, eggs with lots…
  • I live in central London:) I'm from Oxfordshire but have lived here for university for the last 3 years. I see that you want to go backpacking - I traveled over South East Asia in my gap year before university and it was the best time of my life! Feel free to add me, I'm happy to motivate and support!
  • 5'0-1" HW: 135 CW: 110 - still got plenty of fat around my hips and thighs (behind view isn't pretty) so trying to lose body fat through high protein & fat diet with CrossFit GW: 105 UGW: 98
  • Cauliflower rice - boil the cauliflower, when soft drain the water a mash it up. Heat a frying pan with a little butter (yes butter is way tastier than oil) then lightly fry the mash up cauliflower. SO YUMMY! I use it to replace things that go well with rice or potato, like cuts of meat, also goes really well with cheese.…
  • Myself!!! By mindlessly eating non-stop this evening & ruining what could have been a great day of structured meals/snacks. RAGE!