Help! Desperately muddled girl!

So I tend to think of myself as a bit of a nutrition buff purely due to the amount of time I spend reading articles etc but I have now got myself so muddled that I don't know how to move on! My eating has been seriously irregular the last few weeks and as a result I have put on a few pounds.

First, a bit of context about me:

5 feet and a bit short
111-113 lbs
22 years old
I do crossfit on average 3 times per week
Primal diet (I don't eat grains, cows milk intolerant but can eat cow/goat/sheep yoghurt & natural whey protein, no starches will have a bit of sweet potato rarely. Two weeks ago I gave up coffee again, reintroduced it for a month but drank excessively again and increased stress levels) - my diary is open.
I have a history of disorded eating & still struggle with binging - last year I was hospitalised due to severe starve-binge-purge cycle. Now I just see a cognitive behavioral therapist once a week but haven't had nutritionist support in a year. For me cutting out sugar and having a primal diet has really helped and I have made great progress!

I have university exams at the end of this month but at the moment I am so distracted by my irregular eating and indecisiveness that I can't focus at all and struggle to maintain me weight!
My aim is to get through this month without putting on weight and losing a pound or two of body fat would of course be really nice as I really can't stand my body at the moment (although I know a lot of this is psychological, need to stop worrying about the scale but still want to feel better in my clothes)
I really just need help deciding on a plan/way of eating for this month that I can stick to...

There are 3 categories with options that I keep swaying in between:

1. CALORIES: Eating at my BMR (1322 kcals, normally what I plan to eat and then eat more when exercised)
OR eating at TDEE -20% (2049 -20% = 1639 kcals apparently, I have never intentionally eaten that high before without having done exercise before hand, if i have binged highest intake for the day is usually about 2000).

2. CARBS: Upping my carbs (fruit, sweet potatoes, yoghurt) to help fuel my brain for studying with exams (highest carbs i've been having recently are 70g which is really high for me)
OR going back to a ketogenic diet which reduces my cravings as eating something sweet just makes me want more which leads to binges which sidetrack me from studying.

3. TIMING: Eating regular meals and snacks throughout the day (would keep me fueled by increase pre-occupation with food & planning etc)
OR intermittent fasting so that I am not distracted by food and only eat during a specific time frame.

I hope that all made sense, sorry for the long post! I REALLY would be SO grateful with any advice at all!
