Organic Foods: Worth It?

Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
According to an article from WebMD, "The USDA makes no claims that organic foods are safer, healthier, or more nutritious than conventional foods. There is also little research on the health outcomes of people who eat primarily organic diets."

What do you think?

Are higher costs worth the benefits?

Why or why not?


  • chadraeder3
    chadraeder3 Posts: 279 Member
    You might want to watch Penn & Teller's Bull Shhhhh on Organic foods
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I don't want to eat foods grown with pesticides and herbicides. I want produce from certified organic seed grown in a garden where all weeding is done by hand and all bug control is handled by free range Muscovy ducks. I want that produce picked when it's ripe with no attention to shipping and storing time. I want varietals chosen for flavor, not uniformity and shippability. The produce I have described is immeasurably better tasting than commercially grown produce, and healthy as all get out. -- That's why I grow my own. Is it worth it? Effing A it is.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    According to an article from WebMD, "The USDA makes no claims that organic foods are safer, healthier, or more nutritious than conventional foods. There is also little research on the health outcomes of people who eat primarily organic diets."

    What do you think?

    Are higher costs worth the benefits?

    Why or why not?

    they say that to protect themselves from legal problems - has nothing to do with the actual benefit of eating organic

    basically what it comes down to is whether or not you want pesticides on your fruits and veggies, and whether or not you care about hormones and antibiotics in your meat

    if you don't care, don't buy organic.

    if you care, buy organic.

    simple as that.

    organic food is more expensive because it's more expensive and more time consuming to produce.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    You might want to watch Penn & Teller's Bull Shhhhh on Organic foods

  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    From the standpoint of avoiding pesticide residues in food, I pretty much insist on organics for foods that I (a) most often eat raw, and (b) are typically sprayed with a bunch of stuff when raised conventionally. For me that means I always go organic for:
    *spinach and other greens,
    *celery, and
    * carrots
    * apples

    Then there are a few foods that I eat organic less for health reasons but more for reasons of supporting farmers (preferably local ones) who are trying to establish successful business models using methods that are better for the planet than conventional agriculture. For me that means:
    * canned tomatoes
    * frozen fruits and berries (I like the whole foods 365 Organics brand)
    * oatmeal
    * chicken and beef
    * mushrooms
    * eggs
    * cooking greens
    * fresh tomatoes
    * non GMO soy (tofu and edamame mostly)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    According to an article from WebMD, "The USDA makes no claims that organic foods are safer, healthier, or more nutritious than conventional foods. There is also little research on the health outcomes of people who eat primarily organic diets."

    What do you think?

    Are higher costs worth the benefits?

    Why or why not?

    they say that to protect themselves from legal problems - has nothing to do with the actual benefit of eating organic

    basically what it comes down to is whether or not you want pesticides on your fruits and veggies, and whether or not you care about hormones and antibiotics in your meat

    if you don't care, don't buy organic.

    if you care, buy organic.

    simple as that.

    organic food is more expensive because it's more expensive and more time consuming to produce.

    FYI: Organic veggies have just as much if not more pesticides on them
  • jmack27
    jmack27 Posts: 10
    The government clearly wants to keep us sick... The examples of this are endless.

    YES, organic food is worth the $$$!!!! Think of it as your health insurance. You are investing in your future health by avoiding chemicals and GMO's that have been PROVEN to cause cancer and a host of other health problems.

    Please, don't listen to the government's nutrition advice. Do your own research and come up with your own opinions...
  • tanashai
    tanashai Posts: 207 Member
    I prefer organic meat, simply because it tastes better and I like to support the local ranchers. But organic veggies are TOUGH to get up north; they cost twice as much and they are harder to get, so I don't usually bother except at the Farmer's Market. I guess it depends on your ability to get the food and how much you're willing to pay for it. Me, I'll take it when I can get it, but I won't be put off if I can't.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    According to an article from WebMD, "The USDA makes no claims that organic foods are safer, healthier, or more nutritious than conventional foods. There is also little research on the health outcomes of people who eat primarily organic diets."

    What do you think?

    Are higher costs worth the benefits?

    Why or why not?

    they say that to protect themselves from legal problems - has nothing to do with the actual benefit of eating organic

    basically what it comes down to is whether or not you want pesticides on your fruits and veggies, and whether or not you care about hormones and antibiotics in your meat

    if you don't care, don't buy organic.

    if you care, buy organic.

    simple as that.

    organic food is more expensive because it's more expensive and more time consuming to produce.

    FYI: Organic veggies have just as much if not more pesticides on them

    that would be illegal if they come from a certified organic producer. they would probably be sprayed, but with natural repellents instead of synthetic ones.

    "Organic is a labeling term that indicates that the food or other agricultural product has been produced through approved methods that integrate cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. Synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation, and genetic engineering may not be used."
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    FYI: Organic veggies have just as much if not more pesticides on them

    That is totally wrong, as well as misleading. We use certified organic seed. We weed by hand, use ducks and row covers for insect contriol, use no pesticides or herbicides of any kind, and don't allow any spraying from airplanes over our land. Water comes from our own well. Many organic farmers follow the same practices. The person who posted the quoted remark needs some education about this subject before sticking foot in mouth.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    The government clearly wants to keep us sick... The examples of this are endless.

    YES, organic food is worth the $$$!!!! Think of it as your health insurance. You are investing in your future health by avoiding chemicals and GMO's that have been PROVEN to cause cancer and a host of other health problems.

    Please, don't listen to the government's nutrition advice. Do your own research and come up with your own opinions...

    So which chemicals and GMO's have been proven to cause cancer and what were the dosages used to show causation?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    The government clearly wants to keep us sick... The examples of this are endless.

    YES, organic food is worth the $$$!!!! Think of it as your health insurance. You are investing in your future health by avoiding chemicals and GMO's that have been PROVEN to cause cancer and a host of other health problems.

    Please, don't listen to the government's nutrition advice. Do your own research and come up with your own opinions...

    So which chemicals and GMO's have been proven to cause cancer and what were the dosages used to show causation?

    Monsanto refuses to test them. Your point is invalid.
  • tinytemple
    tinytemple Posts: 87 Member
    FYI: Organic veggies have just as much if not more pesticides on them

    Please can you provide evidence for this statement?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    FYI: Organic veggies have just as much if not more pesticides on them

    Please can you provide evidence for this statement?
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    I personally don't buy organic. I couldn't afford to with the prices where I am and with the amount of produce I consume on a daily basis.

    If you can afford it and it's something YOU believe in than buy organic. I wouldn't cut out other things just to free up the money to buy organic though.

    I wash all my fruits and vegetables really well before eating. I realize it won't remove everything but less is better.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    The government clearly wants to keep us sick... The examples of this are endless.

    YES, organic food is worth the $$$!!!! Think of it as your health insurance. You are investing in your future health by avoiding chemicals and GMO's that have been PROVEN to cause cancer and a host of other health problems.

    Please, don't listen to the government's nutrition advice. Do your own research and come up with your own opinions...

    So which chemicals and GMO's have been proven to cause cancer and what were the dosages used to show causation?

    Monsanto refuses to test them. Your point is invalid.

    If they are proven to cause cancer, then there has to be evidence showing so. If not, it is just the usual fear mongering.
  • chadraeder3
    chadraeder3 Posts: 279 Member
    I don't want to eat foods grown with pesticides and herbicides. I want produce from certified organic seed grown in a garden where all weeding is done by hand and all bug control is handled by free range Muscovy ducks. I want that produce picked when it's ripe with no attention to shipping and storing time. I want varietals chosen for flavor, not uniformity and shippability. The produce I have described is immeasurably better tasting than commercially grown produce, and healthy as all get out. -- That's why I grow my own. Is it worth it? Effing A it is.

    Organic foods can use pesticides and fungicides. One pesticide that is permitted is Nicotine Sulfate made from tobacco and is a very deadly poison, a organic fungicide that is organic is a spray made from copper and lime yep copper as in the metal and the lime is not the fruit but from stone.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    The government clearly wants to keep us sick... The examples of this are endless.

    YES, organic food is worth the $$$!!!! Think of it as your health insurance. You are investing in your future health by avoiding chemicals and GMO's that have been PROVEN to cause cancer and a host of other health problems.

    Please, don't listen to the government's nutrition advice. Do your own research and come up with your own opinions...

    Well, my undergraduate degree was in history and political science so I am very familiar with government related matters.

    While I do not trust the government 100%, I have a hard time subscribing to conspiratorial diatribes about how the government wants to keep us sick.

    Like other types of organizations, the government hires professionals. Friends and relatives from our communities work for the government.

    I WILL concede this point and it is a very important one in the context of this discussion; elected officials are highly influenced by special interests and lobbyists. Now your point has some merit; if corporate factory farms invest in lobbying efforts, the benefits of organic *could* be understated.

    Conversely, there is little independent research one way or another, but this is an issue with compelling arguments on both sides.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    You will not be able to convince me that organic grass fed beef does not taste better than regular beef from the store. Organic seal qualification by the USDA: "Synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation, and genetic engineering may not be used. Consumer Information."

    "The National Organic Program regulates all organic crops, livestock, and agricultural products certified to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) organic standards. Organic certification agencies inspect and verify that organic farmers, ranchers, distributors, processors, and traders are complying with the USDA organic regulations. USDA conducts audits and ensures that the more than 90 organic certification agencies operating around the world are properly certifying organic products. In addition, USDA conducts investigations and conducts enforcement activities to ensure all products labeled as organic meet the USDA organic regulations. In order to sell, label, or represent their products as organic, operations must follow all of the specifications set out by the USDA organic regulations."

    This does not mean it's 100% Organic however, as 5% can still have artificials in it, unless labeled as 100% Organic. Now, is the government lying to us, not upholding these regulations, blah blah blah, there's enough tin hat theory without adding to it here.

    Is it worth it? I prefer to think that my food has no icky substances on it carried over from super corporations that genetically engineer my food. I think some meats taste better, I think vegetables and fruits last longer. Do I always buy Organic? No, sometimes it's a matter of convenience, and on occasion money (it is slightly, but not tremendously more costly to buy organic fruits and vegetables, and definitely way more expensive to buy organic meats).
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    The government clearly wants to keep us sick... The examples of this are endless.

    YES, organic food is worth the $$$!!!! Think of it as your health insurance. You are investing in your future health by avoiding chemicals and GMO's that have been PROVEN to cause cancer and a host of other health problems.

    Please, don't listen to the government's nutrition advice. Do your own research and come up with your own opinions...

    So which chemicals and GMO's have been proven to cause cancer and what were the dosages used to show causation?

    Monsanto refuses to test them. Your point is invalid.

    If they are proven to cause cancer, then there has to be evidence showing so. If not, it is just the usual fear mongering.

    fear mongering. lol

    while you're right that the claims about cancer are - at this juncture - unfounded, there's literally NO proof that GMOs are healthy or unhealthy, but the rise in all big diseases raise some pretty big flags. GMO foods are made by a corporation whose only interest is making more money, and THEY feel there is no reason to test their own products. Doesn't that sound like a conflict of interest to you?

    consumers deserve the right to choose whether or not they want to eat GMO foods. If you're willing to trust a mega corporation with your health, then be my guest.

    I don't personally believe in their altruism. You know... because they're a mega-corporation. logic.