Cannot stop eating!!!

I am 115 my goal weight!!! It's awesome but now I can't stop eating, like I don't know what's wrong with me, I dare not go on the scale after these two days! What can I do? I am normally a super motivated person


  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    You need to get a grip....pronto! Just think of the hard work you've done.
  • brinsy
    brinsy Posts: 226 Member
    I was the same...and I gained practically all the weight back that I lost!! Starting all over again now so don't do it! It's not worth it :(
  • JEMQuilter
    JEMQuilter Posts: 30 Member
    Congratulations--we are so accustomed to rewarding ourselves with food, but it's time to offer yourself a different reward. did you throw away all of your "fat" clothes? as i have been losing, i am getting rid of all of my larger sizes so i can tell myself i can not go back there. find a non-food reward! clothes, movie, massage etc. and try to not think in terms of food rewards anymore. good luck--the hard work begins now.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    how much were you eating to lose?
    try and eat foods that will keep you full, protein and fiber and yummyness like that.
    maybe you are bored? or think bc you have hit your goal you can pig out?
    as long as you can get your meals to be no more than your tdee, which prolly is around like 1800 you should be fine.
    maybe knowing that you hit your goal and can eat more is triggering it? if not try and figure out the trigger for your eating, and get anything bad out of the house
  • tinytemple
    tinytemple Posts: 87 Member
    You said yourself that normally you are super motivated but now you have reached your goal all the residual stress and determination has gone and you're body is demanding a break. It is very common for people to reach their goal and then lose control and gain weight. Now that you are armed with this knowledge though you have to get determined about maintaining... often this can be the hardest part.
    Do a review of all your nutrition/exercise goals and maybe establish another goal to keep yourself from letting go.. perhaps a fitness goal or taking up a new hobby? Either way don't worry, your body needs time to adjust!
  • brinsy
    brinsy Posts: 226 Member
    It's so hard u kinda think to yourself yay I'm happy now I look great feel great...ill just eat this today and start back tomorrow and tomorrow u say the same thing till you're right back at the beginning and annoyed with yourself. It's just not worth the extra goodies!
  • jabberwocky927
    Get out of the house and do something non-food oriented.
    Also, get naked, stand in front of a mirror. Do you really want to put on even 5 or 10 pounds?
    Go get yourself something pretty to reward yourself for all your hard work.
    Clean the house.
    Throw out all the food triggers now. I know it may be expensive, but throw them away and they spray them with windex so you won't be tempted to eat them from the trash can. (Yes, I have been this desperate.)
    If you kept a food journal, re-read it.

    You are making a HUGE difference by posting on here that you are struggling! You are an inspiration and I really am glad you were so honest about your struggles. Take care of yourself and keep posting!!