mhill40 Member


  • Hello! I'm doing pretty well with my eating. I try my best not to overdue things if I splurge. I would like to make sure I increase my cardio and water this week!
  • 72 oz. today!
  • Breakfast Honey nut cheerios Lunch Corner Bakery Trio Toasted kale sald,DC chicken salad, pasta salad Snack Chewy chocolate chip granola bar Dinner Steamed shrimp and veggies/ half a slice of pizza ( I couldn't resist):happy: Worked out the a.m. cardio for 20 mins then some strength training and plank for my core.
  • Hello! My weekend was OK we had lots of family over and I cheated a little! I will do better this week, only 17 more days til my cruise I want to be down at least 5 more lbs. I have work to put in! I think I can, I think I can, no wait I know I can with GOD's help nothing is impossible. Have a great Monday!
  • HA! Funny you should mention the water I'm behind right now I've only drank 33.80 oz but I will check back in later with my end result. I'm headed to the gym after work to do the Turbo kick class for 1 hour.
  • Hello! I'm hanging in there I've lost 6 pounds and I will try my best to keep it going to reach my goal and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Whew it's work! But rewarding at the same time. Have a great day!
  • Hello, Checking In! The holiday weekend wasn't terrible, but so far so good today, I won't get to workout today but I'm eating well and drinking my H2O!
  • I went to the gym, 30 mins on elliptical, strength training. Great workout!
  • Yesterday I drank 90oz of water and walked for 40 mins.
  • I did ok today, I was a little over my RECOMMENDED calorie intake which s/be 1250 I was around 1430 and no exercise today, :( but I will do better tomorrow with God's help! Breakfast Quaker High fiber oatmeal, apple slices 1/2 cup dry honey nut cheerios,tbsp sugar in the oatmeal Lunch Smart Ones meal and veggies Snacks…
  • Ready, set, go!
  • Hi Debbie, Feel free to add me as well, I'm in the same boat with you. Let's start over together and help keep each other motivated! I had great success about 3 years ago and and kept the weight off until last year. I admit it's been a struggle to get started again. I was eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted and had…
  • I absolutely LOVE ZUMBA!!! My husband can't understand why I've been going since Aug 2010. We have a gym membership and I still go faithfully to Zumba at least twice a week! The gym has nothing on my Zumba class, it's fun, and exciting! I didn't know I could still move like that.. LOL!!!!!
  • WOW! great job!!! You look great and like a totally different person (I don't mean that in a negative way either) :) Awesome & Inspiring!
  • I'm all in!!! great motivation!!! THANKS!! :smile: