I have 5 kids, and all are BOYS that eat like men. I'm curious to see the responses here. We have lots of crockpot things: spaghetti, red beans & rice, lentil soup, pot roast with vegetables. We also do stir-frys with rice. Lately we've been trying new recipes from magazines, and letting the older boys (teenagers) do the…
You're welcome to add me. I'm a working mom to 5 boys. There's not a 'secret' (unfortunately!) You just have to make health a priority, and cut yourself some slack when you discover that you aren't perfect.
I use the hula hoop too. It's a fun exercise to do indoors when you live somewhere cold. It's not my main exercise, but one of many things that I do for variety. It's funny how some people feel strongly against an exercise just because they can't do it. Anything you do that gets your blood pumping is good, including…
Welcome back Lisa! You'll be back in the groove in no time.
I love it - it's like a healthy treat for me. It's lower in calories than regular yogurt, but has a lot more protein. I like the thick consistency too. 120 calories left in the food diary and need more protein? Greek yogurt is perfect!
I list it under cardio as 20 minutes of calisthenics - vigorous.
I am envious! I've never done one - even when I was younger and in shape. How did you work up to it?
Wow - thanks. I'll try this!
I set mine for 1/2 pd/week, and I've been happy. You have to set your expectations though and not compare yourself to others. I wanted something I could stick with long-term.
I've been adjusting my diet to be healthier too. Some of my staples now: yogurt baby spinach veggies for stir fry with eggs, or pasta, or rice almond milk (comes in chocolate too) oats for oatmeal almonds extra virgin olive oil tortilla wraps (high fiber multi-grain ones) low cal-high fiber cereal like Kashi go lean low…
I like the Sabra spinach artichoke.
Your progress is fantastic. I think you should keep going. But as others are saying, YOU should be the final judge. Don't do it for anyone else but you.
Wow - way to go! Your face changed so much from the weight loss, you look like a different person! Your eyes and smile are so prominent now.
I use 5 pds, but wish I had 8 pds for the chest flys. I may buy some. For everything else 5 pds is plenty, and in fact I sometimes have to put them down to keep good form.
I'm not suggesting that he play sports if he hates that. I have 5 boys - two play sports and three don't. But as a parent, it's my responsibility to teach them how to be healthy and strong. Those of us on this site know that this doesn't come 'naturally' - it needs to be learned and understood. And so far - knock wood -…
If he's healthy and strong, he just needs to develop the confidence to take up for himself. It's possible that he could develop that from working out or playing a sport so he knows the capabilities of his body. My boys can do push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups and because of that, they know their bodies are strong. None of…
Pants on the ground.. pants on the ground.. feelin' pretty good with the pants on the ground... ;-)
Unbelievable! I had to call my husband to the room so he could see...
I'll do it - I need the extra push! 1. Current weight:137.6 2. Goal weight for 10/31 (my twins b-day!): 135 3. Weekly weight loss goals: w1= 1pd, w2= .6 pd, w3= 1 pd 4. Daily goal: w1= drink 8 cups water, w2= workout every day, w3= no junk food, everything is healthy 5. I'll make sure diary is public - I do log everything
128 for me (I'm 5' 7.5".) I've weighed that before but it's been a long time.
I'm 25 years older than you. The choices you make TODAY determine where you will be when you're my age. Don't let yourself feel like a victim. It sounds like you haven't exactly been raised with good roles models. But you're in control now. Find some. Do it for you. Picture in your mind what you want to be 10 years from…
Truly amazing!!! And I LOVE your dress in the last picture.
Oh my gosh! Don't tell him anything. Don't talk to him again. Reconsider whether you talk with anyone in his family. Change your number and move on. You really are allowing him to hold you back from all the opportunities that life has in store for you.
Only a few - I find something close in the database.
BIG difference!
I can imagine that you feel better - you're a totally different person! Congratulations. Keep it up!
I don't know about cashews, but almonds (and olive oil) have good fat - the kind that helps your cholesterol and prevents heart disease. Still, all fat is calorie-rich so you can't eat too much.
I'm 45, have lost 5, and have 9 more to go. I do find it difficult to lose too - my metabolism isn't what it used to be! Feel free to friend me.
Walk after dinner. Say 'hi' to the neighbors & check out landscaping ideas. Or grab a friend to walk with you. Or use an ipod and only allow yourself to listen to your FAVORITE songs while you're walking.
Unless you're spending time at the table talking on & on about how you really love wings but just can't have them, or if you're pointing out calorie counts on OTHER folks' plate, I think they're both out of line. You might give yourself a 'treat' by ordering the wings one day, but it shouldn't be to appease the feelings of…