Dieting for a month with little to no exercise =( HELP!

I am soooo stuck in a rut when it comes to exercise. I need some serious help and motivation. I HATE working out. There's nothing fun about it to me right now. I am SO outta shape that I get winded after less than 10 seconds of vigorous movement!!!!! uuuugh. so discouraging =( Everytime I start a "routine", it doesnt stick. I get lazy. I find excuses. I want to be fit. I want to ENJOY working out. I want to be HEALTHY! please, anyone have ANY advice, thoughts , stories.. anything that can help me? push me? please and thank you!


  • try jillian michaels dvd there about 20 minutes long
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    If you have a pool at your Y or gym, I suggest water jogging. I love it and I hate hate hate to exercise.

    I just got the Jillian 30DS yesterday. Can't wait to try.

    As they say JUST DO IT! I find I'm good after the first 10 minutes. But that first 10, I am no happy. LOL
  • try to find a dance work out and see if it's fun enough to take your mind off the fact that you're working out
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. I say keep it simple and small. I think I'm going to start with riding a bike around the block. I hate to exercise, so I know walking and running and all that won't work for me. I figured riding a bike can be fun and different. What do you like to do? Swim, bike, do you have stairs in your home? Pretty much any activity is don't have to be sweating a lot and in spandex! You can do this!!! Stay motivated!!
  • bedinky1207
    bedinky1207 Posts: 53 Member
    Baby steps! Set small goals for yourself. Achieving goals helps keep me motivated. I also enjoy doing group workouts. Work out with friends to make it even more fun.
  • brooke4fitness
    brooke4fitness Posts: 39 Member
    Walk after dinner. Say 'hi' to the neighbors & check out landscaping ideas. Or grab a friend to walk with you. Or use an ipod and only allow yourself to listen to your FAVORITE songs while you're walking.
  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
    The first 5 minutes are always the worst....Just keep at it...Eventually, how great you feel afterward will out weigh how much you hate doing it....Good luck... :flowerforyou:
  • Awake_Alive
    Awake_Alive Posts: 261 Member
    Have you tried Zumba? I have heard it's REALLY fun and you don't feel like you're working out, you just feel like you're dancing. I'm going to check it out this week!
  • knjantz
    knjantz Posts: 40 Member
    I am soooo stuck in a rut when it comes to exercise. I need some serious help and motivation. I HATE working out. There's nothing fun about it to me right now. I am SO outta shape that I get winded after less than 10 seconds of vigorous movement!!!!! uuuugh. so discouraging =( Everytime I start a "routine", it doesnt stick. I get lazy. I find excuses. I want to be fit. I want to ENJOY working out. I want to be HEALTHY! please, anyone have ANY advice, thoughts , stories.. anything that can help me? push me? please and thank you!

    I was the SAME EXACT WAY!!!! I started doing Just Dance 2 with the timed cardio - i liked it cuz it was fun felt like a game but i was getting into shape. When i first started p90x i spent most of the first week gasping for air but i pushed through it and after a week i was able to keep up. when i do jillian michaels now i am still sweating and gasping but i just push through - you have to have exercise to be really fit and in shape and push your weight loss. you can do this! just find something that makes you want to do it. Even if it is just walking and listening to music-its relaxing and better than nothing! Good luck!
  • Does anyone workout to Wii fitness plus? It works great, and you will want to get up off the sofa!
  • Justkf
    Justkf Posts: 208 Member
    There's a learning curve and adjustment period for your body to "want" the exercise. Usually after doing something for 2-3 weeks I can stick with it. I hate sweating and I do try to find a cool environment which can be hard sometimes. If you can start something try just walking, at least 30 minutes a day and keep doing it and before you know it you will crave it. I started walking on my lunch hour 3 months ago and now I cannot wait to get the hell out of there to do it! You will too!
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
    Thank you!! I love this site. PPl are soooo envouraging, and I don't get picked on for not loving exercise. hehe. i just love it. U guys r so right. Never really thought about the fact that its the first 5-10 minutes that are the worse. I usually give up before that intial time! Today I will push myself to at least get past those 10 minutes! woo hoo.
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    The first thing you need to do is keep telling yourself and reminding yourself about how much you hate excersising.
    This can be avoided if you instead of struggling through a workout you hate try to find something you might enjoy, what ever that may be. You might not burn as much, but if you choose to do something you like instead you may want to do it more often then just skipping or cheating yourself through a routine you hate.

    And the excuses part. Thats a sign that you simple dont see the point of doing it at all, youre not connected with your goal or aim. Write down ten reasons why you want to be more fit, and try to avoid the simple "i want to look hot".
  • knjantz
    knjantz Posts: 40 Member
    try jillian michaels dvd there about 20 minutes long

    we just started Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and we are seeing a lot of success already from it!
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
    Ugh I HATE sweating too! lol. thank you. im very inspired!
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    i started walking. it was also to help regain movement in my knee after a serious injury but just walking got me motivated. started with a half mile...then a i'm up to four miles! just find something you dont hate and stick to it. if you know u HAVE to do it and u MAKE urself it soon enough becomes fun.
  • redi2
    redi2 Posts: 70 Member
    I have always hated exercising too and never kept to it very long. This summer I started going to the city pool and walking against the lazy river. I could do it!! woohoo and I got a tan at the same time. Now I belong to the YMCA and go to water aerobics.. I love it!! and now that I am getting into shape I have even started walking on the treadmill a couple times a week.. You have to find something you enjoy doing!!
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Write it on your calendar. Tell a bunch of people things like "I'm going to workout at 5:00 on Tuesday. Ask me how it went when I see you Wednesday morning." Set realistic (for YOU) goals, like 20 minutes twice a week or something to start. The biggest thing for me, though, was really to plan it into my day, just like any other appointment for my health and well-being.

    My other thought is that if you're eating the "right" foods and portions, you can lose weight without exercising...but obviously, for overall health, exercise is key.

    Good luck.
  • denitraross
    denitraross Posts: 325 Member
    I too was the same as you - thought of every excuse everyday not to work out...but over the past year I have re-programmed my brain, so now if I don;t work out I feel guilty and it is very hard to take a day off. Here are some hints:

    1. Try all different kinds of excercise - I tried every class at the local y to see what I like and when I found ones I like I stuck with them.
    2. If you use cardio equipment like treadmill, bike, stepper, etc - switch it up daily to keep it less boring
    3. Get a kick *kitten* play list on your mp3 player for working out - nothing better than great music to get you going.
    4. Make it a priority in your day - I personally take my clothes to work with me and go to the gym directly after work - this way I do not procrastinate and make excuses - it's part of my work day.
    5. Try things you would normally never try like zumba, etc - for me it was discovery squash and now I love this sport and does not feel like excercise.
    6. Get a protein powder - you need this boost to get you through your workouts - it makes a world of difference in your energy level....

    As you can see I am a pretty avid about physical excercise - honestly I would not have lost what I did without it (I just plain love food too much), within reason, I can still eat what I want...
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Plan a trip to Europe, and walk all over when you get there. You will be so excited that you won't notice that it is exercise. And once that barrier is broken, just keep it up when you get home. If you can't go to Europe, go to New York City, or any other place that would be exciting, where there is lots to see, and where you are guaranteed to walk to get everywhere.