beccamh Member


  • Baked chicken tenders- YUM. Rachel Ray has a good recipe that kids can help with I think it's called chicken toes.
  • I am going to try this too. Next bench press is Saturday will let you know how it goes! :)
  • I'm also at 135lbs and just finished my w/o #4! At the end of my set yesterday I held the bar for as long as I could (only 7 seconds) and then I waited a few minutes and did one more DL and held it again (~10 seconds). You could also try hanging from a pullup bar for as long as you can after every workout. (I read both of…
  • I am doing a similar program. I think it was smart to take a day off when you were just too tired.. this happens to me every so often and it helps keep me sane. :)
  • I am going to try this next time.. I always feel like I am going to fall off sideways! haha
  • We put a little mayo (1/2 Tbsp per 4oz) and seasoning (cajun is our fave) on the top and bake in the oven. Comes out SO GOOD and not dry or fishy at all. Adds about 50cals/serving but totally worth it IMO since DH usually won't eat fish unless it's deep fried. :)
  • Checking in! Forgot to post a few workouts but did.. 5,5,5,4,4 Squats at 125lbs (going to stay here another week) 5,5,5,5,5 Bench at 75lbs .. the weight seems light, but I feel kind of wobbly.. like if I increased it to a weight that was challenging (maybe 90lbs?) I might topple right off the bench. I'm going to increase…
  • Hello all :) My name is Becca, I am 23 y/o just started a fulltime desk job and have been going crazy with energy when I get off work. I enjoy running, biking and swimming and did my first Triathelon in August. I am looking to maintain my muscle while losing fat (currently eating about 1600 cals/day which is TDEE-400 for…
  • I did weight watchers, lost 20lbs, stopped and slowly gained it back over 3 years. Now I'm diong MFP and I'm losing again. I have calculated my "points" for a few random days just for fun and I am usually around 36pts ("old' WW points, not points plus I never used that). When I was on WW I would eat around 26, so I know I…
  • I know you said you aren't much of a cook but neither is my husband and when I got sick of making chicken every weekend he taught himself a simple version. This is literally what he does.. 1. Put oil in pan over medium heat (about 1-2Tbsp but he never measures) 2. Take a pack of boneless skinless raw chicken breasts and…
  • I have a nutribullet ($100) and it works well. We use it every morning for smoothies with kale, fzn berries and water. Best part is if you rinse it right away you rarely have to "wash it". A vitamix ($400) is better but more expensive.
  • I need to have something before I run. I have half a piece of fruit (pear/banana/apple), a spoonful of raw honey and a big glass of water. When I get back I'll finish the fruit and drink coffee while I'm making breakfast.
  • Hey friend! I am not an expert but I am also getting into lifting. What kind of strength gains have you seen?
  • Why do you want to start running in the morning? It seems like you have a really good routine going in the evening.
  • Combination of all three.. I set my carb/fat/protein goals first and use that as a guide when I'm planning out my day. I also try and choose whole foods whenever possible, my goal is at least 10 servings fruits/veggies per day. Once all that's in.. I fill out any remaining calories with things I want/crave :) Everyone just…
  • I know its frustrating this happened to me for WEEKS when I started working out... It's probably water retention. Mine went away and then some. Make sure you're drinking enough water, and just keep doing what your doing.
  • Everyday my husband and I split a smoothie made with: 2 cups kale (we buy this fresh, wash it, tear it up and then freeze so it's ready to go) 1 cup frozen fruit (we are lazy/cheap and buy huge bulk bags of frozen blueberries/strawberries/mangos/cherries) 2 oz of orange juice water to thin out It's simple and it tastes…
    in Smoothies Comment by beccamh July 2013
  • If "clean eating" is something you want to try, doing it while also counting points should help with portion control at first. Since most fruits/veggies are 0pts on WW I would think this would encourage more of those and less of other clean foods that are naturally higher in calories. Once you get the hang of what a day's…
  • I LOVE BLUE CHEESE! So I totally understand that no swap will fully live up to the awesomeness. I usually find a way to fit in my fave dressings because a salad is so low on it's own. Also I find most "light" or "fat free" dressings are gross. I do have some healthier options on hand though.. Here's some in my fridge now:…
  • Feel free to add me!! Always looking for motivational friends :)
  • Feel free to add me! Always looking for friends with similar stats to keep each other motivated :)
  • Try the "couch-to-5k" program. It's a plan that works up to running a 5k, just google it!
  • I don't know about increasing weight loss but I LOVE green tea.. I have every night with a little honey. It's warm and helps me not snack on pop/chips/ice cream etc. I have a mint green tea that is my favorite :)
  • We make "pizzas" all the time that are around 300 cals. We use square pita breads as the "dough". The ones at our local Kroger are made by Paramount. They are very soft and thick and have 150 calories for an 8 inch square. With an ounce of mozzarella (80 cals), a few tablespoons of sauce (20 cals) plus your choice of…
  • I would start lifting weights now. You won't gain any significant muscle mass because you're eating at such a deficit , but it will help start speeding up your metabolism. Once you are on 'maintenance' focus on lifting that way any "gains" you have will be in lean muscle mass and not fat! Great job so far- keep it up :)
  • What made you decide on the 20 grams of fat a day? I try and eat a balanced 40%-30%-30% carbs, fat, protein diet and at 1500 cals that's 50 grams of fat a day. I think that fat from nuts, seeds and veggies will help fill you up and it good for you :)
  • 5' 6'' - 152 lbs 36-29-38 My goal weight is 135 lbs, curious to what my measurements will be @ goal weight!
  • ^^ Me too! Someone gave me a homemade chocolate assortment.. oreos, truffles, carmels.. seriously trying to give it all away- haha.
  • It's possible you are adding muscle and losing fat, which would keep your weight about the same. Take measurements!