Weight Watchers vs Clean Eating

I'm interested in everyone's thoughts on the Weight Watchers approach versus clean eating. I sometimes feel like I'm setting myself up for failure when attempting to eat clean. The Weight Watchers approach feels more normal to me, but clean eating seems to be the thing! Thank you, Happy Friday! :)


  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    I'm interested in everyone's thoughts on the Weight Watchers approach versus clean eating. I sometimes feel like I'm setting myself up for failure when attempting to eat clean. The Weight Watchers approach feels more normal to me, but clean eating seems to be the thing! Thank you, Happy Friday! :)

    I always wash my crumpets before I eat them :)

    Don't do "clean eating" if it fits your macros or points in your case then eat it. Just focus on proper nutrition and have room for treats (dirty cakes!)
  • toomanycats75
    I don't think it has to be an all or nothing thing. You can make substantial changes to what you normally eat while still allowing yourself the freedom to be human and have a treat now and then.
  • Bindathomas
    I think weight watchers has more results than clean eating.This is my personal opinion. :)
  • Antoine112
    Antoine112 Posts: 49 Member
    Yeah... I had chocolate cake for lunch! I feel no guilt..will try to stick to my allotted calories for the day! No worries.
  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    Are they mutually exclusive?
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Clean is the new gluten free which was the new low carb replacing the low fat diets. Eat what you want as long as you stay in your calorie budget.
  • chandy2809
    chandy2809 Posts: 42 Member
    I did slimming world and lost two stone, was put on steroids and put half a stone on again :-( now eating paleo/clean living and lost 6 lbs in three weeks! I love it! but do what you feel is best for you! :-)
  • lyndausvi
    lyndausvi Posts: 156 Member
    I don't know what the WW approach is, but I would think eating fruits and veggies are encouraged? No?

    I've been eating more fruits, veggies, lean meats and another "natural" food because I think they are healthier for ME. I do not consider it eating clean (never heard of clean eating till I came here anyway). That also does not mean I'm not eating pasta, boxed cookies, fast food or other "processed" foods.

    Unless there are some health issues, I don't like categorizing foods being "clean" and "dirty". I eat what I want and right now it's more fruits and veggies than "processed" foods (maybe 80/20? IDK, I don't think of it in those terms). I'm losing weight and feel better. That is all that matters for ME.
  • BrwnEyz79
    BrwnEyz79 Posts: 8
    I lost about 60 pounds with WW Momentum Program 4 years ago. They do encourage you to eat a lot of fresh veggies and fruit. Its eating whatever you want within reason. I quit after I lost most of my weight, tried to go back but I don't like their new program. The free fruit and veggies thing threw me off.

    For me clean eating would be really hard. I understand the idea of getting rid of processed food... but I could never keep it up. In the end whatever you will stick with long term is what is going to work.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    what is it about WW that would not be "clean"?
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Can you not eat clean while doing WW?

    I have to be honest, I am not keen on WW, mainly because I simply don't understand how fruit and veg can be 'free', and the fact that everyone I've ever known that's been on it lives on their ready meals, which are sodium packed, nutritionally void, tasteless, tiny little things. I understand that's obviously personal choice, but WW are very good at thrusting their products in your face and making you believe they are the way forward.

    Personally, I think you should just stick to a calorie allowance, keep an eye on your macros and not worry about the rest, but ultimately, it's whatever works for you.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm interested in everyone's thoughts on the Weight Watchers approach versus clean eating. I sometimes feel like I'm setting myself up for failure when attempting to eat clean. The Weight Watchers approach feels more normal to me, but clean eating seems to be the thing! Thank you, Happy Friday! :)
    They are not mutually exclusive. Weight Watchers is calorie counting. You can eat whatever you want.
  • EweG
    EweG Posts: 4 Member
    Eating clean is just eating healthy and doing whats right for your body, and as a result, the average person that lives in a society filled with processed foods, sodas, Starbucks and McDonalds, will loose weight, because all of that stuff isn't good for your body at all. To be healthy and age well, you have to feed it the right fuel.
  • beccamh
    beccamh Posts: 85 Member
    If "clean eating" is something you want to try, doing it while also counting points should help with portion control at first. Since most fruits/veggies are 0pts on WW I would think this would encourage more of those and less of other clean foods that are naturally higher in calories. Once you get the hang of what a day's worth of food looks like you might not need to count points anymore.
  • Teardrop81
    Teardrop81 Posts: 132 Member
    I began weight watchers in September 2012 and lost 15 lbs. I could lose weight if I met my points, but it didn't work for me to develop a healthy lifestyle. It was just weight loss. WW didn't have a lot of community users who were inspirational because they were already in shape. Most were just overweight trying to lose weight without exercise. I got interested in MFP again in May and decided I would do both for awhile to see which one worked better for me. After beginning MFP, I quickly realized that I was consuming far too many processed foods and my sodium was through the roof. With WW it didn't matter how much processed or fast food I consumed as long as I stayed within my points. Its sort of similar with MFP as far as staying in calories, but MFP tracks not just fat, carbs, protein, and fiber but also other things that promote better health IMO like sugar and sodium. I can stay within my calorie limit while eating fast food and microwave meals, but I will KILL my macros. So in June I "cleaned" up my intake some, incorporating less microwave dinners and progresso soup to include more home-cooked foods with more natural-state ingredients. I started eating a lot more fruit. My exercise has skyrocketed because I lost the "I wanna lose weight" mentality that I had on WW to a "I wanna get healthy" mentality with MFP. As a result, I am in better shape than I have been in my adult life. In sum, WW helped me lose a few pounds, but I'm much happier with my new lifestyle on MFP! :smile:
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Since you get to choose the foods that comprise your diet in WW, I don't see why these would necessarily be seen as 2 separate things. No matter what you choose to eat, you need to watch your calorie intake. If your calorie intake goal is lower, you'll feel more full eating more whole foods instead of processed stuff, but it is still your choice.
  • babybl00310
    babybl00310 Posts: 75 Member
    I follow Weight Watchers and on the most part would say my diet is pretty 'clean' (I hate that term) as I cook mostly from scratch but I allow myself little treats every day whether it be a packet of lower calorie crisps or a small chocolate bar or as it's hot today, an ice lolly. I love Weight Watchers- iot gives you a tight enough leash not to go mad but still gives you leeway to enjoy what you are eating. I am looking at this as a lifestyle change and not a diet though.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I pick neither!
  • eharn02
    eharn02 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks everyone!! :smooched: