

  • I went to several sites online that show what a healthy weight is for your age, height, and frame. The lowest for me was 114 and the highest was 127. Granted, I don't think that includes muscle mass but it was just an estimate. Maybe try doing that to get an idea, but as long as you have a healthy BMI that should be your…
  • Welcome back! While you were gone, I joined up and I have loved to support and motivation. So if you need some extra add me!
  • I think that myfitnesspal doesn't calculate calories right. I think about the way I eat and I don't think 1200 is enough(because I like fruit and veggies so I eat a lot, and i dont think that's something to feel guilty about going over calories for), it's not for everyone, so take a step back and rethink what you're…
  • I've been a smoker for about 6 years. I've tried to quit a few times, I made it to two months once then for no reason at all I started again. I want to quit, but I dont. I don't want to be a "smoker", but I love smoking and I wont lie. Everytime I quit its usually cold turkey, and for a stupid reason I know im not going to…
  • Never feel embarassed! Everyone who goes to a gym is there for a reason, and people respect that. You're there for your health and well-being, and that is nothing to feel shy about! Be proud!
  • Measure it in ounces instead, its much easier. Then convert on google.
  • Love it!
  • Lol!
    in Ahoy! Comment by Dee120hb September 2011
  • That was really lame but i love that joke
    in Ahoy! Comment by Dee120hb September 2011
  • What kind of socks to pirates wear? Arrrrrgyle
    in Ahoy! Comment by Dee120hb September 2011
  • I don't know if I could do it. I love cheese, dairy of any kind really, and bread. Maybe I'll try it for a week and see where it takes me.
  • I don't eat like that but I'm really curious about it. How long did it take you to get used to that kind of diet. It's pretty strict, isnt it?
  • What are the paleo guidelines? I've heard of it but I'm not exactly sure what it is..?
  • I'm going through the exact same thing!!!!! And I'm eating really healthy. I don't know if its my food, or what but It's like I need 5 cups of coffee to keep me going. And I walk alot, so I know its not because I'm not exercising, nor is that making me too tired.
  • I tried it and the first day I almost went to the hospital. Threw the bottle out hours later. I think that the best thing you can do for yourself is leave that crap behind. It's only going to hurt you in the end and give you false hope. It's unhealthy and damaging for both mind and body. You can do it without it!
  • To each , their own
  • You may lose weight, but it's not healthy. Not to mention it'll be harder to lose when you hit a plateau.
  • All the time! I'm living back at home with my parents and I'm not working or going to school. So all I do is eat when Im in the house. It's all healthy food (plus chocolate) but I graze and graze..
  • I hate when you wear a fitted shirt and you can see the indent on your back that it makes. Super unflattering. And I know I wear the right size too but that doesnt matter. Yick
  • I'm not sure how accurate it is but when you go to "track exercise" it'll say how much. I'm sure its close enough though!
  • lol thats gross
  • Sweet drinks including alcoholic drinks??? Because they're an instant headache with a side of heartburn for me at the first smell. I get your point, it was just a bit harsh.
  • I love wine, and scotch and "bitter drinks", and I'm not a snob. Do you have any scientific backing or did you just come up with that on your own?