lys617 Member


  • Try eating more protein and fat and honestly there are no rules to when you have to eat. If you are hungry eat, your body is telling you it's hungry. Listen to your body.
  • Happy July! I hope these last few weeks are easy on everyone! So excited for all the beautiful babies to come! Take care ladies! :smile:
  • I did Color Me Rad last year and it was totally worth it. SO much fun and messy! Do it, you will have a blast!
  • I suggest the Ergo carrier also. I used it with my first for years and she still will sometimes want to go around in it. (She is 3 next week and pushing 36 pounds) I have loved having it. That being said be careful in the first five to six months because your baby's hips aren't meant to splay out like that yet, so be sure…
  • You sound like me, but I'm due in July. I lost a lot of weight prior to this second pregnancy and I am looking to be as healthy as possible during this one. We can cheer each other on!
  • Hi! I'm due July 25th!
  • I'm pregnant with my second, due in July. Feel free to add me!
  • Try for recipes and ideas. They have some amazing recipes and their recipes in their book are really good.
  • Make sure to get the bulk of your calories from healthy fats, mainly animal. You can easily go over board with nuts, snacks and baked goods and if you are still worried start keeping track on this site, it's a pain to begin with but it gets better and is really helpful in the end. Good luck, feel free to add me and ask any…
  • My husband and I started on the same day and we've lost about the same amount of weight, around 45 lbs. Initially he lost the weight faster, but mine still came off. So, yes, men and women's bodies are different, but also, yes, it can be done. I found with people excuses are easier than actually doing the work. I walk a…
  • Drench them in good healthy fats (like butter, olive oil, or coconut oil). It makes them even more yummy!
    in I'm new! Comment by lys617 May 2012
  • Congratulations!!! I love to see all the results of eating this way. Keep it up! Such an inspiration!
  • Join us!! =)
  • Best grain free waffles ever!! Happy Baking!
  • Peanuts aren't nuts they're legumes, but any other nut would work.
  • Depends on how you do things. You could go off the deep end and just throw everything out and not have it in the house. Maybe then you won't be so tempted. Or you can try and down your portion sizes and mainly stick to fruit, eventually weaning yourself off of it all together. Me, personally, if it's in the house I will…
  • That is the way this lifestyle will spread, by all the brave people that share their amazing personal stories. Congratulations!
  • I'm primal also for over a year, feel free to add me! =)
  • Good luck and having someone there doing it with you makes all the difference in the world. My husband and I started it together a little over a year ago and it has changed our life. Welcome, the people on this forum are awesome and incredibly supportive. Get ready for some amazing changes! =)
    in Hey :) Comment by lys617 March 2012
  • If you like coconut, coconut oil is a good healthy fat. Can you tolerate dairy? Some pastured butter on veggies or with eggs is always yummy, if you can't tolerate diary then look into ghee. And I second the avocados and olive oil, both very good. Hope this helps you out!
  • Yes there is such a thing as food addiction. There is something called overeaters anonymous which has local meetings in cities all over the country. My mother has been going to it for years and it has really helped her out. Good luck on your journey and I wish all the best.
  • let the can sit so the cream and water separate and then scoop the cream into a bowl and whip it. It's just like whipped cream and then you can add some berries, nuts, etc. whatever sounds good to you. The left over water you can drink, yum!
  • Keep with it and I agree, stop weighing yourself every day. You will get obsessed with it. I took a look at your diary. Up your fat intake with good healthy fats, you aren't giving your body carbs as fuel anymore so your body is wanting to burn fat, but your not eating enough of it. By adding good fats you will increase…
  • Coconut oil is the best thing ever!! Keep in mind that you're not supposed to heat it above 350 when cooking with it. (That's about medium on your stove top) Have fun eating that whole tub, I always do! ;)
  • Thanks for the insight! I'm a big fan on the 80/20 rule, gotta keep that in mind. ;)
  • Things can always change, but you are her mother and you know her best. If you think something is wrong you're probably right. Might be her ears? My little one always liked to listen to music and rock in the rocking chair too. I hope she feels better soon!
  • From the info that you gave I would guess that she is probably teething (low grade fever). Try giving her something to chew on, teethers, washcloth, suck on ice or popsicles, if you're nursing that relieves pain too. Hold her too, I mean if I'm in pain I like to be comforted. =)
  • My personal trainer advised me to strength train 2-3 times per week with max two days recovery in between (this is only if you are doing full body workouts). She said after the two days you start to lose what you gained, so you have to keep in up.
  • Welcome to a whole new world! Eating this way has changed my life. I was diagnosed pre-diabetic back in March and changed my lifestyle shortly afterwards. Currently I am 42 pounds lighter and stronger and leaner than I have ever been. Stick with it, Good luck and I wish you all the best! You deserve it! That's what I…
  • garlic roasted brussel sprouts. Hated them before I tried this version, now one of my favorite veggies!!