I wanna EAT!

This is probably so dumb but I'll put it out there. Maybe somebody has some idea?

What should I do? I love to eat and I always want to eat. I am drinking so much water, but not 8 cups yet. I am building up gradually to 8 cups but all I can handle so far is 7cups. I am doing 30 minutes of cardio every day and it beats the heck outta me. I end up a sweating, puffing mess! But I do it.

But damn it I love food. And the bad thing is I love food that is not good for me. Like cereal and Ice cream and pop tarts. But I love food that's good for me too like home made chicken noodle soup with corn bread and giant chicken salads and egg salad sandwiches on toast. Or maybe a fruit salad. Greek Yogurt I love it. I love my strawberry protein shakes. I never eat fast food. Well maybe once in a while about twice a year I will eat a sub from Subway and some pizza from neighborhood pizzaria or whatever.

The thing is I love just about ALL FOOD! I love to eat. I think I'm addicted to food. (is there such a thing?)

Is there something I can do so I wont like food anymore?
Thanx for reading and any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


  • lr8812
    lr8812 Posts: 111
    balance ur food out
  • lorib75
    lorib75 Posts: 490 Member
    I'm sorry, I wish I had advice for you, but I am the same way!:flowerforyou:
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    Willpower. I know that's a sh*tty answer, but it's what 90% of us here are using to control our love of food.

    That said, protein, healthy fats, and fiber will help keep you feeling fuller longer, but as far as the mental/emotional side of the cravings, it boils down to working on willpower and telling yourself "no" when you want to eat something you know you shouldn't.

    Good luck in your journey!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Keep a good level of protein, fat, fiber, and water. You'll be a bit fuller and it should reduce the cravings at least somewhat. Plan ahead of time to come up with a reasonable menu. Get into a routine. It will eventually become second nature.
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    When I want to eat I munch on fresh greens ( celery , broccoli ect) No I don't love it but I am learning to like it. I sometimes put pb on t or measure out a tablespoon of salad dressing but have been enjoying it plain lately. It satifies my need to crunch.
  • Before you eat junk tell yourself that being skinny tastes better than a pop tart/ice cream/cereal.
  • cavaaller_85
    cavaaller_85 Posts: 94 Member
    I am the same way, and the only thing I can tell you is that the longer you watch what you put into your body, the less often you'll want the bad stuff! Like just about anyone else, I'll give you this advice: If you're having a major craving that won't go away, let yourself eat some of whatever it is. If you can't live a little, what's the point? However, you don't want to be binge eating all the time. Moderation is key. You'll get there!
  • blv0267
    blv0267 Posts: 100 Member
    My only suggestion would be to continue to LOVE food! But love it in moderation.
  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    you just need to get addicted to something else, like running, swimming, weight lifting... i thought i was addicted to food, but it turns out that i was just bored out of my mind. now i exercise and fill my time with other things like crocheting and reading, and i actually have to remind myself to eat. as for the unhealthy foods... don't allow them in your house. if they're not around, you're way less likely to eat them. who wants to drive 10-15 minutes to the store just for some ice cream?
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    Keep a good level of protein, fat, fiber, and water. You'll be a bit fuller and it should reduce the cravings at least somewhat. Plan ahead of time to come up with a reasonable menu. Get into a routine. It will eventually become second nature.

    Couldn't have said it better.
  • ohsweetcalamity
    ohsweetcalamity Posts: 78 Member
    The best tip I've ever gotten is to identify the flavors you love. Like I love BBQ chicken because it's smokey and spicy. So I find ways to make things taste smokey and spicy without the sugar and other bad stuff in BBQ sauce. If you love icecream because it's chocolatey, switch to a few small pieces of dark chocolate. If you love bacon cheeseburgers, sprinkle bacon salt (yes, this is a thing) over extra lean beef. Make little switches that let you have the tastes you love, and it can help to control cravings. And even if you screw up here and there, don't give up! Good luck!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • vabrewer33
    vabrewer33 Posts: 185
    It is most definately not bad to love food...and its not bad to eat food. The secret is eating this delicious food in moderation. I bet if you ate just a handful of chips instead of the whole bag, you could stay within your calorie range. The occasional poptart will not break the calorie bank. Do not deprive yourself of foods you love because then in a moment of weakness (which we all have) you will eat as much of these foods as you possibly can. Just learn to eat smaller portions and your body (needs, wants, cravings) will diminish. No, it will not be easy or fun but you can do it- I believe in you!!!!
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    wow! yay me and u when it comes to food are exactly alike. I live right next door to a little store. and theres all my favorite junk in their. from ice cream, candy bars, burritos, pizza pockets and hot cheetos. Its no wonder I kinda slowly started to balloon up.. But yea I just started this special k diet: https://www.specialk.com/
    its easy to follow just takes some will power. and yes its def. helping me overcome being an over eater addict. It is really small amounts of food. but I ADD extra snacks or meals in between. keep in mind tho: healthy ones. I guess its all in the matter or HOW BADLY DO YOU WANT UR NEW CHANGE. I want mine BAD! and im a month and 13days into working out 5-6x a wk. with no real weight loss do to toooo many diet cheat days hint * that little store next to me * that I completely over did it but I have kept goin either way. and this plan is GREAT! But u can still have the things u like just dont have too many cheat days. as for me I am tryin my damn near hardest not to have one cheat day this wk. cuz yea I want this :) I have everything I eat and workouts I do in my blog to hopefully motivate others like us as well. I AM AN EATER AND I LOOOVE TO EAT. its just time to buckle down and eat the good stuff for our bodies. U CAN DO IT TOO :) Add me if u like
  • then eat a lot... of salad/fruits. whenever i feel like i want to eat a lot or binge on something i shouldn't i make a HUGE salad. it fills you up and you feel good about eating it.. plus the bigger you make it the longer it takes to eat so you're occupied :) just make sure it's full of veggies and not cheese/croutons/other fatty toppings
  • sailinjen
    sailinjen Posts: 103 Member
    you can totally be addicted to different foods. Such as carbs, but you cut them out long enough and the cravings go away! If you feell like snacking on something unhealthy, try going and jumping rope for a few minutes. You will steer yourself away from the craving....good luck
  • cavaaller_85
    cavaaller_85 Posts: 94 Member
    Good idea, ohsweet!
  • leika79
    leika79 Posts: 114
    i love food too!! i'm a chef ( so theres no getting away!) but i've learnt to cut back on the stuff thats no good for my waist line but still not deprive myself of anything (except pizza.....god i love pizza! but i had to ditch it!) if i want chocolate.....i have chocolate, just in smaller servings(kid size chocolate bars are just about enough to kill that craving!)
    fill up on the good things and you crave less of the bad things thats what i say! :wink:
  • medicrenee
    medicrenee Posts: 58 Member
    Ok, so heres the thing . I love food too. Almost everybody on here probably does. Some more than others. I 'm one of those and self control is extremely difficult. So , what I do is try to make going shopping about learning about foods etc. I shop almost every day. I try lots of different things, in proportion. No one said you can't have those unhealthy foods. You just have to know the exchange for them is more of that huffing and puffing those calories out.

    On days when I go out to eat, or I know I'm eating or want to eat those big calories I ask myself do I have the calories to spare or how hard to I have to work to burn those extra calories of. The exchange more exercise equals more food I can eat or holy moly I don't want that now that I have to work out for another hour before I can have it.
  • Dee1006
    Dee1006 Posts: 37
    I am the same way! There are so many healthy and delicious versions to many of the foods we love. It takes work to find, and prepare, but as you keep doing it it will get easier......so start by finding healthy versions, then take the next step to gradually lessen your portion size, The trick is not to rush progress and stress yorself out. Take each step gradually. :)
  • lys617
    lys617 Posts: 51 Member
    Yes there is such a thing as food addiction. There is something called overeaters anonymous which has local meetings in cities all over the country. My mother has been going to it for years and it has really helped her out. Good luck on your journey and I wish all the best.
  • Evelyn_22
    Evelyn_22 Posts: 70 Member
    Yes you can be addicted to food. Foods high in carbs and sugar are what most people get addicted to. It' the feel good factor. Carbs make you feel good so you crave them. It doesn't help that we consume so many artificial foods, god knows what's actually in those things. There is no way to hate food and you shouldn't. you should enjoy food but you just have to enjoy the right kind. Unhealthy foods are like drugs, you can slowly take your self off them by cutting down a little at a time or you can go cold turkey. I'm the type that has to go cold turkey, I can't just have 1 pop tart or 1/2c ice cream. It's all or nothing with me. So i just try to avoid it all together.

    You'll find after you don't eat something for a while that you don't like it as much. Like i used to love the canned spegetti and meat balls, pop tarts, most ice creams, all little Debbie cakes, hostess. Now I don't like any of that. I just stopped buying it.

    I still like some ice creams but i buy the little containers,(single serving skinny cow) not the pint. My biggest issue is my guy bringing crap into the house. Like chips, crackers and other junk.
  • swulski
    swulski Posts: 16
    When I want to eat, I think about the reason and I decide whether I really hungry. Sometimes we fall into the trap and eat because we are bored or because we are watching tv ect..I also remind myself that I will need to log anything I eat and that usually helps curbing the desire to overeat! Also, eating more protein really helps! Good luck!
  • azwildcatfan94
    azwildcatfan94 Posts: 314 Member
    For me, the key was to get off sugar. It is like an addiction for me. When I eat it, my appetite and desire to eat more goes up. When I don't eat it, it is easier for me to make healthy food choices. Now, when I'm hungry, I eat. But, I eat something healthy.
  • This is great advice! and I want to know where to get bacon salt!!
  • laccy40
    laccy40 Posts: 136
    Log everything you eat on MFP so you can keep track of your calories. If you really want to eat something 'naughty' then enjoy it! But don't lie to yourself about it. Have less calories at your next meal to stay within your daily allowance. Or do some more exercise to give yourself a bigger calorie allowance.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    How much are you eating? I LOVE TO EAT too! Seriously! I'm going to give some general advice:

    There is a definite possibility you're addicted to food, and maybe your cravings are triggered by emotions. A LOT of people have trouble with emotional eating and compulsive eating. You don't need to stop liking food! You do need to develop a healthier relationship with food though if it gets to be a big issue. Try to identify triggers for your cravings and substitute exercise or something else healthy for eating, unless you're truly hungry.

    If you're having trouble eating smaller portions and you're just starting out, just stick with it and your stomach capacity will shrink with time, and it'll get easier. You can also eat a bunch of low calorie foods and feel more full. Try spaghetti squash, salad, etc.

    If you're having trouble because you're ALWAYS hungry, maybe your calories are too low? Are you eating your exercise calories? Odds are you need to eat them, especially if you're really hungry and working out.

    I can't see your food diary so I'll say this just in case. You need to net at least 1200 calories a day, and definitely don't eat less than 1200.

    If you're still having trouble even doing these things, I'd suggest upping your calories and aiming for 1lbs a week loss, or even 1.5 if you're at a 2lb a week goal right now. I was going for a 2lb a week loss for quite a while, and as I lost weight I ended up being able to eat only 1290 calories and got super frustrated, so I made my goal 1.5 pounds a week and I can eat MUCH more freely. I'm still going at a great pace towards my goals, but now I don't feel SO restricted.

    Hope some of this advice will help. :D
  • eodell86
    eodell86 Posts: 4 Member
    That is why this website exists! It's a way to balance your love for food and still lose weight! I also LOVE food. And I am a binge eater and food addict as well (yes that does exist). This website has helped me so much in the past month. It's always better to eat healthier, but I understand that sometimes you rrrrreally want a slice of pizza. I love this website because it taught me how much of a workout I need to do in order to eat that slice of pizza. I do not limit what I eat. I just balance it with exercise. So if you want to continue eating the amounts that you do, you're going to need to do a lot more than 30 mins a day of cardio. Use this website to track EXACTLY what you eat and simply balance it with your cardio. If you want a slice of pizza (usually like 650 calories) you know you need to do at least that much more cardio so that you stay under your calorie limit and still lose weight. I eat pizza, rice, cereal, ice cream, everything. I eat whatever I want. I just eat less of it because I don't like working out as much. I've been doing it for about a month and a half now, and my whole life has changed. Now I don't want to eat as much as I used to. I just get full faster, and I know what portions to serve myself too by measuring out my food. And you should definitely measure out everything you eat so you know how many calories you're eating. It really, and I mean REALLY helps. But if you're not ready, then you're not ready. But I would definitely give it a try!
  • dedarlin
    dedarlin Posts: 41 Member
    i am addicted to sweets! i must have them, and if i dont make them healthfully then i KNOW i will indulge on the stuff that's super bad for me. so, i do my best to make healthful alternatives, protein pancakes with sugar free syrup, frozen fruit/protein shakes (with greek yogurt to make it thick like a shake), cottage cheese/oatmeal cookies (my first cottage cheese experience EVER), chocolate low carb protein bars, etc. swapping out these items has saved me from feeling deprived! of course, there are a ton of icky recipes that i have tried as well, but finding what works is part of the fun :) i love blogilates.com and bodyforlife.com for recipes!
  • SunshineT83
    SunshineT83 Posts: 158 Member
    Use loving food to your advantage. Take it as an opportunity to try new foods/recipes that are fantastic a lower in fat/calories. That's basically what I had to do. I absolutely LOVE food too, it's all I ever think about.. Seriously :embarassed: So what I did was decide to create a challenge for myself. To cook new meals and to bring home more veggies and fruits that I don't regularly work with and create meals that would be filling, nutritious, easy on the pockets, as well as easy on the scale. I made it a point to build my meals around the veggies rather than around a meat or even a starch (pasta, rice, bread, etc) So far I've been getting good results. The food is still amazing and the scale is moving in the right direction. I don't feel deprived, and once Lent is over I will still allow myself one day a week to have my naughty foods. Which for me = just about anything with cheese :laugh:
  • jem33199
    jem33199 Posts: 80 Member
    When I'm drinking water, grazing and eating high quality food, I have fewer cravings. People at work were teasing me today that I eat like a rabbit and often...today I brought grapes, hummus, carrots, celery, multigrain chips, string cheese and I was munching on something every half hour to an hour. It works for me. I don't feel deprived but I'm not eating crappy things that make me crave more crap, y'know?