

  • Calorie deficit is how you lose weight, and MFP has already given you a goal that doesn't even take exercise into account. So eat back at least some of those exercise calories! I agree with other replies that two hours of cardio is probably extreme, so if you're not enjoying it, allow yourself to tone it down. As for the…
  • Wow, I love these suits! The models look great and I would feel just as confident in something so flattering. GOOD FOR THEM!! I HATE the name, and would be embarrassed to purchase one because of it. I disagree with the OP because women should wear what makes them feel beautiful, and that is very hard to find, especially…
    in "Fatkinis" Comment by jamie11k June 2013
  • http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/mini_mushroom_sausage_quiches.html these are amazingly easy to make ahead, and are a great way to get in low fat protein. You can keep the egg/milk mixture and add WHATEVER YOU WANT to make it interesting. This morning I made a sandwich with one quiche, english muffin, and a slice of…
  • If it feels good and you have the time, keep walking. :) You don't have to always eat back exercise cals, and if you're not hungry, don't. Your body is burning your excess as fuel.
  • I suggest you set your goal (home page) to lose 1-2 lbs per week. Be honest about your lifestyle and amount of exercise, and then follow MFP's calorie suggestion. At over 200lbs, it will be much higher than 1200. Don't fall below 1200, period. You may find yourself tired, hungry, and not losing weight at 1200 cals. When…
  • If you have been under 1200 regularly, you should be getting a big alert from MFP every time you close your day out on the food page. I recommend readjusting your goals (on the my home page) to lose 1-2 pounds a week, so the weight stays off as you lose it. That will bring your daily calories up to at least 1400- and…
  • Setting a goal may help stay on track, example-- "I will walk 15 minutes per day" and get a sticker for the calendar. You'll see it and be proud of yourself for earning the sticker. The comment above is right, food intake is what will get you where you need to be. Plan your meals ahead, keep healthy snacks stocked, drink…
  • It is common to expect weight loss by keeping calories low (1200 minimum, accidental or otherwise). Many MFP members will agree, you need to fuel your body with more calories-especially when working out- to rev up any weight loss. Keep up your hard work and try to schedule exercise into your day/week just like you would a…
  • Bviera took the words right out of my mouth. Small goals are less threatening, and you will build confidence and excitement every time you reach a goal. So try drinking all your water for 14 days straight (in addition to soda/juice/coffee you drink). Log all food and exercise for 14 days straight. (that's how long it takes…
  • YOU ROCK!!
  • Remember how great the first few pounds were? Well you'll get that again if you go do your workout! ;-)
  • Just keep at it! You may need more time working up to the distance, but your body will get there. Maybe spend some time making sure your breathing is steady? I used to huff and puff and wheeze, but this time around I found if I keep it controlled, my body doesn't HATE the running. Doing a half marathon this spring, and if…
  • You can always call and speak to the doctor's office. They get this question all the time! The big thing about exercise is to keep your heart rate at a safe level. If you can talk comfortably and aren't out of breath, you should be good. (But don't take my word for it, go call the doctor's office!) Congrats!!
  • Look up the nutritional info on the Cheddar Bay biscuits before you go- that way, you don't think about picking one up! They can wreck a whole day. Good luck, I hope your friends support your goals and you can relax and have a great time!
  • My friend lost 50lbs in 6 months, and hasn't stopped there. You can do it, just keep moving and keep logging ALL food! It's not a race, but it does get easier once the habits are there and the scale starts moving :)
  • You can adjust the sugar "goal" or just ignore it. Fruit is the right kind of sugar you want in your diet, so keep it up and enjoy every bite. You may want to look into adjusting the other nutrients, like protein, fat, carbs, fiber. Each of us is different and can't count on MFP to know what works best for you and keeps…
  • I like a glob of cottage cheese and if I want more flavor, it only takes a dab of dressing because it already has a nice creamy coating!
  • Yuck is right, it's gross. The reports these days are saying a good old glass of chocolate milk will give you the protein and sugar you need to recover after a workout.
  • You should wear a pedometer to see how many miles a day you're racking up at work!
  • Congrats on finding the thing that works for you! Keep it up!
  • Time to sit down and focus. Plan your meals, and eat what you plan! You don't have to eat the same foods or at the same time as your family. Eat protein throughout the day, get at least 64oz of water. Take the stairs. Take your kids on a walk everyday. Or schedule an hour every day of YOU time and get in your exercise…
  • I know you've already made the decision to try it. I don't know you and I don't know what kind of health you have or what your doctor has agreed to. I do know from experience that it's a bad idea. My roommate of 26 died from heart complications. They were caused by diet pills. To me, the brand name or the type of speed…
  • I'd get away from the chewy granola bars twice a day, they are loaded with sugar! if you can get more protein into your snacks, you'll be on your way. Think string cheese, cottage cheese, almonds (maybe you'd like the flavored kind?), ANY kind of fruit, etc. Good luck!
    in Snacks? Comment by jamie11k August 2010
  • Have you tried yoga? You could take a short break at work and meditate. Start out for 2 minutes each time, focused on something- the chair- and for 2 minutes, don't let any other ideas or thoughts in.. always come back to the chair. Breathe with your tummy, and let the stress melt away. It may seem silly, but the more…
  • I think we all feel a little of this at the beginning. The best way to start something is to just get up and go do it. If you have a lunch break, pick a spot 5 minutes away and walk there and back. Take a 20 min walk after dinner. Don't expect to do it all on the first day, but get started somewhere! You can do it, and the…
  • I LOVE TURBO JAM! I bought it in 2006 and still love it. Maybe I know all the words because I've had it so long, but it's really fun. The basic stance she teaches you keeps you engaged for the whole workout, and it took me a while to get through the whole thing without quitting. The two ladies that do the modified moves…
  • I would wait to buy the jeans, and use them as the reward for reaching the goal- that way you don't spend your money on a pair of jeans you don't end up liking/fitting/LOVING!
  • I would wait to buy the jeans, and use them as the reward for reaching the goal- that way you don't spend your money on a pair of jeans you don't end up liking/fitting/LOVING!
  • They make bras that you buy each cup separately, and clip together. I would try them out in the dressing rooms because they should 'fit' nicely, but I'm not sure if it would be noticable that they are different!