Newbie Question

I joined MFP awhile back but it's my 1st time in the forum.
I'm a 48 yr old female, 5'8 and down to 239 so far. I have my calorie count set at 1,200 a day.
My question is, do I need to meet that 1,200 a day before or after I exercise? Like yesterday, I got it to 1,200 exactly, then added my evening walk which dropped my calories back down to a little over a1000 calories. Will that send my body into starvation mode? I want to do this right so I don't slow my already creeping metabolism down to nothing.
Thanks for any help or advice.



  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I do not eat my calories back, but you will soon see that is a huge debate here on MFP. Some do some don't. Too me it does not make sense to eat them back. I stick with my daily calorie budget regardless of exercise.
    Hope that helps.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    just eat the cals MFP tells you to (1200 plus eat back what you burn) that is how you lose your weekly goal amount of weight.
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I try and make sure my NET cals are at least 1200cals at the end of the day.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Told you!
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    You won't go into starvation mode if you have eaten 1,200 calories. Some people eat back their cals; personally, I eat them sometimes, other times not. As long as you eat the minimum i.e. 1,200, you'll be fine!
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    Hi Michelle and welcome to the forum! You may want to do a "search" (option is in the header above) on eating back exercise calories to read up on the debate.

    One theory that is worth drawing to your attention is that eating back those exercise calories when you're starting out (if you have over 50 lbs to lose) is less important than when you're closer to your goal. This only works with moderate exercise, if you're burning 1,000 plus / day you should eat back a good portion of those calories.

    good luck and happy eating
  • jamie11k
    I suggest you set your goal (home page) to lose 1-2 lbs per week. Be honest about your lifestyle and amount of exercise, and then follow MFP's calorie suggestion. At over 200lbs, it will be much higher than 1200. Don't fall below 1200, period. You may find yourself tired, hungry, and not losing weight at 1200 cals. When you exercise you can choose to eat back the calories or not, but experience and testimonials on here have had great results when eating exercise calories.

    Good luck!
  • TriedEverything
    TriedEverything Posts: 175 Member
    I've also noticed that opinions seem to differ greatly on this matter :indifferent: I'm no expert, but I get the impression that MFP expects us to eat our exercise calories - cos if you don't, you will be told you are not eating enough, when you finish logging your food at the end of the day!

    I usually eat mine - and my advice would be try doing that, but if you find you are not losing enough, then you can always change. If you can get away with eating a bit more & losing weight, then why not?! :laugh:
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Love the glasses Jamie!:bigsmile:
  • spiritwolf13
    spiritwolf13 Posts: 67 Member
    hello not to sure on this the best way i can explain food is like fuel for our bodies the more you exercise the more you need to fuel your body with good nutrious food other wise your body will go into starvation mode and you may either plateau or worse gain
    I think you count them so another words if you are on 1200 calorie plan and you burn 200 thru exercise that day you go back up to 1200 this is my firsat week and that is how I have been doing it will let you know if I loose. good luck
  • drsison
    drsison Posts: 3 Member
    I found if I eat my calories back, I didn't lose the weight or I would lose it slower. I think it depends on you and how you want to do it. When I did work out I would do it in the morning, then eat after, you should eat right after your work out. Exercise when you can and eat when you want. You will get a lot of different opinions on this. From my experience, I ate my daily intake and lost the weight, with no work out, about a 1pd to 1 1/2 pds a week. After losing 10pds I started working out and stayed at negative 15-18pds for a long time, while I was eating may calories back. So I stopped eating my calories back and started dropping pounds, then my son was born and now I have little time to do anything, I have recently gain a few pounds back, but thats on me not because of MFP. MFP works just stick to it and you will reach your goal.. Good luck ...
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    You won't go into starvation mode if you have eaten 1,200 calories. Some people eat back their cals; personally, I eat them sometimes, other times not. As long as you eat the minimum i.e. 1,200, you'll be fine!

    not necessary fine for her. Some people may even need more than 1200 and could go into starvation mode at 1400 Net (over a period of time) If you workout and burn 1000 and only eat 1200 that is like eating 200 and not working out. 200 cal net would definitely get you in starvation territory over a few days, even if you total intake was 2000.

    Net is what matters not your total intake.
  • Knvsmom
    Thank you everyone for your input and advice. I believe I may have my calorie count set too low for my height and activity level.
    I plugged my numbers into a diet calculator that shows caloric intake for zigzagging and it was way off!
    I actually think with my calories set at 1200 BEFORE exercise, I have put my body into starvation mode or I've hit a plateau.
    Although I'm not wild about the numbers this calculator gave me either, I may give it a shot.
    Extreme Fat Loss
    Day 1&2- 1920
    The Regular Fat Loss numbers were just scary! That still seems like a lot more calories than I need when I have over 100lbs to lose yet. However I believe the calorie count I have now is just set too low to realistically take the weight off without slowing my metabolism down. I will try this and see if I can start getting the scale to move again. Thanks everyone and good luck with your weight loss goals. :flowerforyou: